All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1308

"No! It caught me!"

"Don\'t move! Don\'t move! The twisted monster created by the curse theoretically can\'t distinguish between the living and the dead. The more you struggle, the more aggressive it will be."

"But it\'s trying to invade my soul!"

"Damn it! I said don\'t move! You\'ll attract the rest of the monsters!"

"It\'s easy for you to say! If I don\'t resist, I will be assimilated in a few minutes at most."


In just a few words of quarrel, the black unknown substance quickly spread to the whole body, and a very depressed and low voice came from the air.


With the roar of the wind or some other monster, a distorted and sick face appeared in the sky above.

It is so huge that it wraps the whole city in it, emitting pain, despair and uncertainty.

"Oh - no! We\'re found! Come on! Repel the monster! Move now!"

The woman was obviously aware of how bad the current situation was. She immediately released huge life energy and launched an attack on the black unknown substance.

In the blink of an eye, the green energy expelled the black material. At the same time, the huge face shrouded in the sky also involuntarily showed a look of pain.

There is no doubt that this life energy can not really cause any harm, but it still makes it feel uncomfortable.

As a special existence without subjective consciousness, the root of curse obviously does not have the ability to think, and will only follow instinct. When attacked, it will naturally mobilize corresponding forces to fight back.

When the target broke free in less than a second, those monsters in the center of the city with a terrible smell finally rushed out.

A giant piled up by countless bodies like a hill!

A huge spirit filled with all kinds of negative emotions!

There are two gray air masses that appear and disappear from time to time and have no shape at all!

Especially the last two air masses, although not as terrible as the first two, the thirteen kings did not change their faces, and some even showed frightened eyes.

"So... What is that thing?" the man with a piercing chill asked in a slightly trembling voice.

"Don\'t ask me! I don\'t know! But I can tell you, it\'s best not to be touched by it, otherwise you will be in big trouble." the mysterious man with oil paint on his face issued a warning with a dignified expression.

Because around these two gray air masses, all magic energy is distorted to form a layer of annular isolation belt.

This means that magic and weapons in the ordinary sense can\'t really cause any damage.

After all, for a gaseous life, no matter how sharp a sword you wield, it will be passed directly, rather than causing heavy damage and bleeding like cutting flesh and blood.

Similarly, the magic constructed by energy will be greatly weakened or even completely dissipated in the face of annular isolation belts.

It is conceivable that if these two air masses wrap a person in them, the person will lose his strength and become a fish meat to be slaughtered.


Unprecedented tension!

When several twisted monsters approached step by step, and the fierce battle was about to break out, the surrounding air suddenly became distorted.

Followed by the next second

A portal suddenly opened out of thin air and a small figure came out of it.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I\'m glad you can come to the stage I built myself." the boy slowly came out of the darkness, smiled and leaned slightly.

I don\'t know why, the root of the curse and those twisted monsters seem to completely ignore him. Even if the two sides are less than two or three meters apart, there is still no sign of turning the attack target.

"Who are you?"

The beautiful woman who uses life energy narrows her eyes, full of examination and vigilance.

Needless to ask, she didn\'t realize that the little guy standing in front of her was actually the supreme commander of the expedition, an executioner who personally ordered to destroy the lives of the whole world.

"Who am I? Ha ha! You haven\'t even figured out who your enemy is now? It\'s strange! Why did you defeat the last expeditionary army and dare to be exposed in my sight?" the boy laughed and said tentatively.

"Are you an intruder? No! No! You\'re not a darente at all!" the woman was sure at first, followed by shaking her head.

She obviously fell into confusion and confusion, unable to confirm each other\'s identity.

"That\'s right! I\'m not a darente, but I\'m the supreme commander of an expeditionary army. I planned the doomsday scene in front of you. As for the purpose, it\'s natural to force you out of your hiding place."

When he said this, the boy\'s pupils glittered with strange brilliance, just like patrolling the prey falling into the trap.

There is no doubt that he enjoys playing with the enemy\'s sensitive nerves before the final decisive battle begins.

"Are you crazy? What\'s good for you to destroy the world? Didn\'t you come to conquer it?" the man with bright oil on his face stood up and sternly questioned.

The boy stretched out a finger and shook it gently: "no! No! No! You seem to have misunderstood something.

Indeed, our goal is to conquer one world after another, but don\'t forget that conquest is only a means, not the ultimate goal.

Our ultimate goal is to plunder resources from all over the world and provide for the brilliant magical civilization on the mother planet.

Therefore, resources are the most important, and life is only an accessory of resources.

When we confirm that the rebellious consciousness of life in a world is too strong, it will create countless troubles for future rule. Naturally, we can choose to completely destroy it once and for all.

Well, I have finished answering your questions. Now you should answer one of my questions.

Tell me, how did you defeat an expeditionary army last time?

Who gave you courage and courage? "

The voice just fell!

The thirteen "kings" present showed strange expressions on their faces, and several even kept exchanging eyes.

After a full minute, the guy with piercing cold all over suddenly crushed the shield like a mirror in his hand and shouted, "freeze!"



Countless pieces of ice wrapped the boy up from top to bottom at a speed that could not be tracked by the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, he and all around him were covered with white solid ice, which was strong enough to resist the frontal bombardment of powerful magic.