All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1306

As the thirteen "kings" were awakened from their sleep one by one, the casters in the darente expedition accurately captured the abnormal energy fluctuations, one by one.

Finally, a male darente, the leader responsible for coordinating and commanding the caster group, appeared in the central tower of the magic fortress.

Without saying any nonsense, he directly showed a land plan supported by an illusion and sneered: "Dear commander, I think we have caught the enemy\'s tail."

"Oh? Where will they go next?"

The boy raised his head and stared at the huge map. His eyes were fixed on one of the points. It seemed that he had already had the answer in his heart.

"Of course it\'s here! It\'s putting the world into the core of the final countdown curse of death! They must save those remaining lives at all costs and ensure that the whole planet will not die." the caster leader raised his slender finger and gently clicked on the illusion.

This point is no other place. It is the first cursed port city - Archie city-state.

However, under the influence of the root of the terror curse, a large number of distorted monsters have been born in the Archie city-state.

Among them, the most powerful, even the expeditionary army, should deal with it carefully, otherwise they will suffer heavy losses.

"Hehe, where did the dream begin? It sounds really exciting, doesn\'t it?" the boy grinned with a meaningful smile.

The caster leader nodded with interest: "there\'s no way! We can endure the death of the world and then exploit and plunder resources, but they can\'t. They must ensure that the planet is full of vitality, otherwise what\'s the point even if we win?"

"Yes! Before reaching a certain level, no intelligent life can survive independently. They need to communicate and learn from each other in different ways of thinking, otherwise they will slowly enter a dead end and can\'t see the road to a higher place. Forget it, now it\'s meaningless to say this. Tell me what\'s the best response you have developed?"

The boy didn\'t know why and immediately turned the topic to the upcoming showdown.

He was undoubtedly very clear that the root of the curse was actually a signal to provoke a decisive battle, forcing his opponent to come to the front desk.

So not only did he know it was a showdown, but so did his opponent.

Therefore, in this battle, both sides will actually play their cards and try their best to destroy each other. There is no luck at all.

"It\'s very simple! Since we know the enemy\'s location, the best plan we give is a super long-range magic attack. Earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, summoning meteorite, in short, all the large-scale catastrophic magic that can be used can be used now. I believe that in this harsh environment, no matter what the other party does, he can\'t concentrate. The most important thing is, according to me As we all know, with more and more people dying from the curse, the root cause of the curse has become so powerful that it is frightening. Even in the face of it, the enemy may have to do his best. "The caster leader did not hide his schadenfreude at all and expressed it clearly on his face.

Although at the beginning, he firmly opposed the use of infectious curse, believing that it would destroy many valuable resources and make the whole world boring.

But when the bell of the decisive battle was about to ring, he immediately changed his attitude.

After all, just the data obtained from observation, the power of the 13 "kings" has obviously exceeded the records in the database.

You don\'t have to ask. I\'m afraid the other party has digested and absorbed all the benefits from the last expedition. Once the fight is over, it must be a hard battle. Any suspicious way to weaken the opponent has become a good way at the moment.

"You mean... We\'re only responsible for interfering and waiting for them to be killed by the root of the curse?" the boy\'s expression suddenly became a little strange.

"That\'s right! Isn\'t it your code of conduct to solve problems in the easiest way?" the caster leader responded naturally.

Unfortunately, the boy shook his head and said negatively: "No! I think you misunderstood something. Indeed, I like to solve problems in a relaxed way, but that doesn\'t mean I don\'t like facing challenges, especially facing a group of guys with interesting cards. Please use your brain to think about why they can destroy the last expedition army? And why do you think we won\'t retaliate back in a short time? It\'s reliable Li? Obviously not! My guess is that some of them predicted the future, at least a fragment of the future. "

"Predict the future?! do you really believe that magic can predict the future?" the male darente caster opened his eyes and the whole person fell into a dull state.

You know, in the complex and changeable magic system, although there are spells that claim to be able to predict the future, the real situation is not as omniscient as people think.

Most of the time, the effect of predictive spells is only to give positive or negative answers within the scope of priority questions.

For example, if a person divines his future, he can ask whether his life will be in danger in an adventure a few months later, and then ask whether the danger comes from the outside or from the inside.

In this way, he knows whether he needs to guard against foreign enemies or his teammates.

As for who needs to be on guard, it is impossible to get a definite answer.

In a word, prophecy is not so much a prediction of the future as an analysis by using one\'s own wisdom through certain clues, and finally come to a judgment relatively close to the truth.

Interestingly, a real prophet has never been born on the highly developed magic civilization of mocha, so darentes do not pay much attention to language magic. Only a few people will be interested in the illusory fate and invest a lot of time and energy in research.

"If you haven\'t seen it, it doesn\'t mean it doesn\'t exist. I\'m not sure whether there is a real prophet among the enemies, but I can\'t help believing all kinds of facts. Well, go down and prepare. This time, we have to do more than just interfere, but go all out to eliminate the last enemy and ensure that the world will never again There is resistance. "

With that, the boy waved and signaled that the male darentes could leave.

"As you wish. I\'ll put the casters into combat readiness and give the enemy the heaviest blow at any time."

The latter bent down and bowed deeply, then turned and disappeared outside the gate.