All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1299

Undoubtedly, as a mature and highly developed magical civilization, darentes have a strong sense of racial and cultural identity and inherent arrogance.

Therefore, when they find that their people are captured, enslaved, or even killed for fun by those who regard them as "low life", they will immediately become furious, and then they will try their best to retaliate ten times, 100 times and 1000 times.

As for the method of revenge, it is very simple, that is, the simple "tooth for tooth, eye for eye".

In less than a month, the boys have received more than 1000 retaliatory mass killings since the team began to take action.

Thousands of villages and towns completely disappeared in this process, and some densely populated big cities failed to escape. Either half of the residents were killed or injured, almost all the urban areas were destroyed, or the whole city turned into ruins overnight.

Relying on the magic and technological advantages brought by civilization, they can easily kill the indigenous people of the world like crushing bedbugs. Even if they are intercepted by fully armed soldiers, they can fight a blood path and retreat.

With the help of the caster, any form of pursuit will have little effect.

For a while, people can be heard everywhere talking about the Revenge of the invaders and the dead, or the rise of the invaders again.

No one knows at all that these recent killings are not the rise again, let alone the Revenge of the dead, but another expeditionary army arrived and actively planned to conquer the world again.

"Interesting! Do you know what I see from these reports?" asked the boy sitting in the hall of the central spire of the magic fortress, holding up his black slate.

The deformer leader standing aside shook his head gently: "I don\'t know."

"Hehe, I feel panic and fear from these reports. Those who once destroyed the last expeditionary army are afraid, even afraid of our power. It is obvious that they did not destroy the last expeditionary army with their real strength, but used some kind of conspiracy we don\'t know yet. This means that in terms of absolute power, we are dominant The boy turned up his mouth and showed a meaningful smile.

"What are you going to do next? Tear off the camouflage and launch an all-round attack, or continue to act according to the original plan?" the leader of the deformer carefully tried.

"The full-scale attack is not urgent for the time being! Let\'s double the scattered teams first! In addition, inform the guy that it\'s time to spread two improved infectious curses. I want to see that more than 30% of the life of this planet will be extinct and more than half of the land will be reduced to death within three months." The boy gave an extremely cruel order without mercy.

Although the leader of the shapeshifter had expected this day for a long time, when he heard the order, he still shivered and quickly bent down and bowed deeply: "understand! Your will is our order."

You know, there are hundreds of millions of creatures, not only intelligent life, but also all animals and plants.

Most importantly, this process is irreversible. Once it turns into a place of death, the whole planet will die completely, and there will be no real life except the dead.

"Fear! Fear of the unknown! Fear of the death of the team! No wonder darente civilization will slowly alienate this cheap, destructive and full curse weapon. It is not that they do not understand the advantages of this weapon, but that they are unwilling to let only the dead in every world they conquer. How stupid, ridiculous and dangerous it is to pursue a better future and a happy life Superficial behavior. It seems that even if darentes have the ability to kill gods, they are still just a group of mortals, unable to escape from mortal ignorance and shortsightedness. "

Looking at the back of the leader of the deformer, the boy held his chin and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear.

I don\'t know what to start with. As before, he was full of respect for the powerful magical civilization that brought him up. On the contrary, he noticed the extremely fragile side behind the illusion of prosperity.


At the same time, members of the Supreme Council of darente civilization are sitting together on the planet of mocha in the remote corner of the Red Star Cloud belt of the material universe, holding the most important emergency meeting in recent years.

"You guys, I think you should all know very well what will be discussed in this meeting. Yes, we have just been careful from another world that has not been reconnected, and another boy appeared 12 years ago." a person in charge of the meeting said with a serious face.

"Found it? Where is it?"

Another guy with a faint red light all over suddenly stood up, his tone was full of excitement and excitement.

"Don\'t worry! Please keep quiet and listen to me."

The president of the Council raised his hand to signal the other party to be calm, followed by raising his fingers, creating a dynamic illusion out of thin air.

The little figure in the illusion was no one else, but Luke, who was walking alone in the endless desert.

"As we all know, twelve years ago, the unprecedented energy storm destroyed one of our greatest inventions and two mysterious babies. One of them, needless to ask, is the little guy who has shown unspeakable talent for terror over the years and is leading an expedition to recover one of the world."

"Of course we know who he is! Know more about what he has done over the years! Please pick the point!" a female darente in the corner urged impatiently.

The host of the meeting obviously didn\'t care about each other\'s rudeness, smiled and nodded: "of course! What I want to say is, do you remember the two dark blue crystals that appeared with the two children? Through 12 years of research, we have successfully removed a drop of blue liquid from one of the crystals."

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused and created another dynamic illusion again.

But this time, the illusion shows not a person, but a frozen building.

In this building, both people and other things remain in an absolutely static state.

Even space is solidified into a distorted form, completely isolated from everything around it.

"This... This is...!!!"

"Oh - incredible! How on earth did this happen? Some kind of magic? Or something else?"

"No! No! It\'s not magic at all! Don\'t tell me, this is the result of that drop of dark blue liquid taken from the crystal?"


For a moment, the originally quiet meeting site suddenly became boiling.