All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1300

"Stop! In this sacred place, everyone here must keep calm.

Your guess is right. The scene I present at present is a drop of dark blue liquid raised from the mysterious crystal at that moment.

As for the result, you can see that just one drop will completely "freeze" everything within a few kilometers.

Of course, the word freezing can not accurately describe the situation in this area.

Because in this region, everything we can recognize, including time, space, energy and material, has fallen into absolute stagnation. Even the weapons used to kill gods can not cause even a little damage.

So I have reason to believe that the two babies did not appear due to some coincidence, as initially guessed.

On the contrary!

Their appearance is likely to be arranged!

I believe Oren has the most say in this. "

Having said that, the host of the meeting turned his attention to darente\'s high-ranking tutor standing nearby.

When the latter heard his name, he immediately stepped forward two steps and bowed deeply to the old guys sitting in the chair: "it\'s my pleasure!"

"As the caregiver of the boy, now you can tell all the unusual things he has shown over the years. Be sure to remember that your words will determine the future of the whole civilization." the host of the meeting warned seriously.

"I understand!"

Oren nodded seriously.

"In short, he showed unusual intelligence and precocity from a very young age.

It may be difficult to understand the difference between him and his gifted peers, but just imagine that under normal circumstances, the infant\'s way of thinking, which should be like white paper, should be affected by the knowledge he is exposed to, the surrounding environment and the teaching of adults?

But he is different!

His way of thinking seems to have been fixed since he was born!

No matter how I try to influence, correct or even induce, he can unswervingly study and think in his own way, and even create many concepts that I can\'t understand.

I strongly doubt that he and his race have an innate talent to pass on the experience and knowledge accumulated by the previous generation to future generations through blood... "


A darente who was as old as a corpse suddenly interrupted Oren\'s words and questioned in a slightly dignified voice: "do you mean that we have been doing useless work all these years? The child knows from the beginning to the end that he is different from us, let alone choose to integrate into our civilization?"


Oren gave a positive answer without thinking.

As the person closest to the boy, he can clearly feel that the more he grows with age, the greater the dark side in each other\'s heart, and even the darentes who are keen to conquer the world are more cold and ruthless.

Obviously, this is by no means the inner world that a boy should show. There must be some unknown force having a great impact.

"It seems that our original plan failed, didn\'t it?" the old man like a corpse pursed his mouth, his tone full of irony.

"No! We can\'t say defeat yet! At least he hasn\'t betrayed us yet, but led an expedition to conquer the world again. Besides, don\'t we have a backup plan? The power of blood is the most important. As long as his blood can integrate into us, we will find out what happened to him sooner or later. Patience is a precious thing It\'s not a good habit to rush to a conclusion, "another old man retorted.

In fact, the darentes have always been divided into two tit for tat factions in dealing with the boy who suddenly appeared twelve years ago.

One school believes that children should be sent directly to the laboratory for in-depth research while they do not have the ability to resist. It is best to find out where the incredible talent of terror magic comes from by cloning or mixed blood.

Another school thinks that it is necessary to be extra cautious to treat a unique and precious intelligent life in this way. It is best to fully integrate it, so there is Oren\'s nominal mentor.

"Ha! Didn\'t you hear what Oren just said? That child has some inheritance power, and he won\'t be affected by the outside world. Think about it in another position. If you find that you are different from everyone around you, and there is a huge gap in your way of thinking, will you still feel that you are one of them? No, you won\'t, You either think you are an alien, and then gradually feel alienated and strange. Admit it, your original good idea failed, and at the same time, you created a monster, a monster who learned the most cutting-edge technology and knowledge of the whole civilization. "The mummified old man mercilessly tore off the last layer of fig leaf.

Just when another old man wanted to say something, the presiding officer of the parliament finally couldn\'t help but stop loudly: "That\'s enough! What we\'re talking about now is not how to deal with the boy! It\'s the crystal he carries and the dark blue liquid sealed on the forehead of the crystal. First of all, we can be sure that this thing is the most powerful and indestructible thing we know so far, and we can\'t even determine whether it is matter or energy."


In the corner was a silent shadow, suddenly leaning forward, revealing a vague face.

"So we must try our best to find out its secret! This is a huge and magnificent project, which can not be done by one or two people or one or two research institutions. We must concentrate the strength of the whole civilization! In addition, as for another boy, I think it is necessary to repair the channel as soon as possible and bring him back from that primitive, backward and foolish world."

"Repair the transmission channel? It\'s not an easy thing. So far, only a dozen casters have mastered the magic ceremony."

"Order those remaining hands to act! Anyway, we can\'t let another boy have an accident. I have a hunch that we can find some details from him that we ignored before."

"In that case, send the order. At the same time, I suggest that everyone should do their best to study the dark blue liquid in the crystal. If it is really a weapon created by a higher civilization, we must find a way to crack it before the enemy arrives."



