All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1298

"Humble inferior creatures! Tell me, what were you talking about? Capturing and enslaving the noble darentes?"

The soldiers wrapped up in the shining light blue light magic armor are slowly approaching while mocking with the language of the world.

You don\'t have to ask. The other party\'s behavior and attitude just now have completely annoyed him, and his eyes are full of anger.

"I... I think this is a misunderstanding! Please give us some time to explain." the leading man quickly retreated and tried to use words to resolve the crisis.

Unfortunately, darente soldiers didn\'t want to hear any explanation at all. They rushed up at a lightning speed, waved the sharp weapon embedded on the outside of the arm guard, and stabbed it right through in an instant.


Viscous blood gushed out along the wound and dyed the ground red under your feet in just a few seconds.

Although the man struggled desperately to get rid of the sharp weapon piercing the abdomen, the more he struggled, the greater the amount of bleeding.

After a while, the resistance became weaker and weaker, until the pupils slowly expanded and lost their last look.

There is no doubt that the man in the middle died of severe pain caused by excessive blood loss and visceral tear.

In order to make the target enjoy more torture before death, the ruthless darente soldiers deliberately missed the fatal position such as the heart.

When he had finished all this, he suddenly threw the body over his head and waved his right arm at a speed almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

In less than a second or two, when the man\'s body fell to the ground, it was almost the same as the ferocious and terrible woman\'s body just now.

"No! No! No! Don\'t come here! Don\'t come here!!!!"

"Go away! Devil! Stay away from us!"

"Ah ah!!!!"

The remaining survivors were obviously scared out of their senses. Some began to scream like crazy, some turned around and ran towards the cave, regardless of whether it was a dead end or not, and others pulled out their weapons and rushed up, trying to use death to free themselves from the fear from the depths of their soul.

As philosophers often mention, what is terrible is not what makes you fear, but fear itself.

To some extent, fear is a psychological hint imposed by a person on himself. It is often triggered by some specific things, and then gets the result through a series of associations and imagination.

Obviously, what these survivors fear is not the darente warrior, let alone his desperate magic armor, but the legends spread among the people about the invaders\' bloodthirsty, cruel, cold and ruthless.

As for the next part, it is naturally a one-sided massacre.

As the weak side who lost calm and resistance will, several survivors finally failed to escape the hunting of darente soldiers. Without exception, they were blocked in the depths of the cave and executed one by one. The cry of sadness and despair lasted for seven or eight minutes before they became quiet again.

Looking at the mutilated corpses on the ground, as well as the scattered intestines and other internal organs, the darente soldier gently wiped the residual blood on the armor, then opened his face armor, took a deep breath of the blood smelling air, sneered and muttered to himself: "Ah! Great! This is the wonderful taste of revenge. The shame of the collapse of the last expedition will be washed away by us. No one can despise and insult the darentes. The humble aborigines of the world must pay a price for their actions."

"That\'s right! They have to pay the price of bleeding! Well done, my friend. I didn\'t expect that you\'d get rid of all this rubbish in less than a while."

With a low voice, another darente warrior also wearing magic armor came out of the darkness.

It can be seen that he also experienced a battle not long ago, and a small amount of splashing blood remains on the surface of his armor.

"Hum! These guys are just a group of cannon fodder who worked hard for the reward. There is no honor to kill them. What really cares me is what the 13 traitors used to destroy tens of thousands of elite soldiers protected by the magic border. Don\'t forget that they are almost the same as you and me in terms of combat effectiveness."

With that, the darente who lifted his face armor bent down and began to look for something valuable on the body.

Of course, this valuable means not the booty, but the other party may carry valuable information.

Later darentes stood still and responded meaningfully: "Isn\'t that why your Excellency the Supreme Commander didn\'t give orders rashly to launch an all-round attack on the seemingly powerless world? He was waiting for those guys hidden behind the scenes to jump out by themselves. I have to say that he was more like a pure darente than you and me, including calmness, reason, cunning, intelligence, cruelty, etc A series of excellent qualities. "

"I never deny this! In particular, he personally initiated this action to awaken fear and announced to the world that we are back through naked revenge. It can not only remind the people at the bottom who are about to lose their awe of the fear of being dominated, but also force those who hide in the dark to continue to hide. In addition, I seem to find that It\'s a very interesting thing. "

The darente squatting on the ground looking for the body suddenly stood up and waved a note soaked in blood.

"What does it say?"

"Well... It seems to be a reward. I\'m not familiar with the words of the world, so I can only read a small part. It roughly means that a slave merchant named KLAS wants to buy a group of darente slaves at a high price, so as to perform an unprecedented bloody fight on the birthday of a powerful man."

"Oh? Where?"

"Pasha! It\'s a city about half a month away from here. How about going together and giving them a big surprise?"

"Just the two of us?"

"No, of course not! We need to contact some companions performing tasks around. Almost ten soldiers and two spell casters are enough."

"I see. You want to use a killing feast to awaken the indigenous people in this area\'s fear of the expeditionary army."

"Ha ha, you guessed right. Think about it. How can hunting these low-level cannon fodder be more effective than killing a city? If the Supreme Commander doesn\'t allow you to use those strengthened infectious Curses for the time being, I would be very happy to send them all to death."
