All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1297

In a dense virgin forest covered with snow, more than a dozen heavily armed mercenaries are dispersing, carefully looking for the already blurred footprints on the ground.

Since they learned that there were darentes here, they took great pains to come from far away to get the high slave price that no one can refuse.

You should know that the price of a darente slave, whether male, female or adult children, is more than ten times or even dozens of times higher than that of other slaves.

The reason is simple!

First, they were once invincible invaders and superior dominators.

Therefore, from the dark side of their character, every Aboriginal yearns for an opportunity to trample on them, beat, scold and humiliate them, so as to make up for the mental and physical damage they have suffered.

Secondly, the darentes are born with a powerful spell casting talent that most races can\'t catch up with.

Therefore, no matter how much the aborigines hate and hate the darentes, they are very eager to obtain the power they have.

The simplest way is to use the male or female among them to combine with the local people, give birth to mixed offspring, and continue to mix blood from generation to generation until there is no trace of darente in the appearance.

Since darente people have long modified the genes of the ethnic group through magic, and even constantly integrate the powerful genes of other races, they can breed offspring with most life, even non human creatures, and rarely produce the phenomenon of reproductive isolation.

Finally, and most importantly, almost all gladiators earnestly hope to obtain a darente, and on an important day, let them have a frontal fight with the most famous gladiators, please the audience with their blood and death, and please the rulers with power and power.

There is no doubt that this is a team with considerable tracking experience.

When one of the men wearing a leather hat found a relatively new footprint, he immediately waved his right hand wildly and summoned nearby companions.

About two or three minutes later, six men and women nearby quickly approached. One of them looked quite young and asked impatiently, "what did you find?"

"Here! A row of relatively new footprints. If nothing unexpected, they should have left them half an hour ago. After all, they need to hunt and go out to pick up greasy firewood. In addition, they can\'t leave the hiding place too far. There are not many places to choose. According to my experience, the cave on the hillside in front is probably their nest." The man in the leather hat gave the answer confidently.

"Great! What are you waiting for? Hurry up. You know, the price of darente slaves has tripled recently. If we can catch about ten, we can retire with money and no longer have to do the business of knife edge licking blood." another old man grinned with excitement and expectation.

"Just a few of us? Not waiting for the others?"

"Don\'t wait! The darentes are a group of very alert guys. If they find anything unusual, they will run away immediately."

"Agree! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Do it! Anyway, they are just a group of homeless dogs! We have enough!"


Finally, under the principle that the minority obeyed the majority, the seven people quietly approached the cave on the hillside with the mood of getting rich overnight.

As soon as the first man approached the cave, he immediately felt the dimension of the surrounding environment rise slightly, leaned out half his head and looked inside. Sure enough, he found that there was a faint light in the dark cave.


And it\'s still making a fire!

He immediately made a precise judgment in his mind and turned around to make a few gestures to his teammates.

The latter understood and unloaded their heavy backpacks one after another. They only took their weapons with them and began to touch along the cave. Only one person was left to guard the cave to prevent people from coming in or prey from escaping.

The cave was very deep, and a group of people probably walked more than ten meters forward, and a silver light suddenly came out of the darkness out of thin air.

Next second

"Ah ah!!! No! No! No! No! Help! Help me!"

With a creepy scream, a female member of the team was abducted by silver light.

Before they knew what had happened, the woman\'s body was thrown back from a distance and slammed to the ground. The pungent smell of blood could be smelled even several meters away.

With the help of the weak light, every member of the team can clearly see that this living companion a few seconds ago is now naked, his limbs are sawn alive by some sawtooth weapon, his chest is planed, and his organs and internal organs are scattered everywhere.

The most terrible thing is that on her forehead, she was engraved with two small words - fear!

"Should... Damn! What the hell is that?" the young man shivered and cursed in a low voice.

Not only him, but also the rest of the team took a breath.

"I don\'t know! But I know another thing, that is, we should retreat. Now! Now!" the leading man shouted and ran to the door without looking back.

As an experienced veteran, he knows very well that with the terrible speed just shown by the silver light, even if all people add up, they can\'t beat each other.

The only chance to live right now is to run. Scattered and running, there are always one or two lucky people who can escape. Live and take the news back.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

But unfortunately, when the strange laughter sounded, the man who rushed in front also reached the cave, and was blocked by the silver light and shadow.




With the sound of collision with the stone under his feet, the silver light finally slowly revealed its true face, a darente warrior covered with magic armor.

It is not the "lost dog" expected by these adventurers, nor the members of the last expedition army who are unarmed and can only survive in constant flight, but the magic armor soldiers who can easily kill hundreds of elite soldiers.

"Oh - my God!"

When the man realized what kind of mistake he had made, he sat down on the ground with a plop and completely lost the intention and courage to resist or escape.

Because he had seen darente magic armor warriors and understood how powerful each other was.

For a moment, the once forgotten fear came to the head of this adventure team again