All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1290

Three days passed in a flash.

When the bell that symbolizes the arrival of midnight echoed over the whole city, dazzling red lights suddenly appeared in every corner of the city, and shrouded every corner of the streets and alleys with great speed.

For a moment, the animals who were very sensitive to the danger woke up one after another, either began to scream like crazy, or ran wildly outside the city in groups.

In just a few seconds, a large number of scavengers with frightening green light from their eyes rushed into the street, knocked down the guards patrolling the street, chewed them into a bone frame, and even didn\'t have time to scream before they died.

With the pungent smell of blood spreading, Archie city-state finally turned into a purgatory.

Normally, such a strange situation can never be unaware of even one person.

But interestingly, until all the animals ran away and all the terrible red lights on the streets disappeared, the city was still in a dead silence, and no one woke up to find it all from the beginning to the end.

When the golden sun rose slowly from the sea level early the next morning, countless violent coughs broke the peace in an instant.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

"Damn it! I... I coughed up blood!"

"Me too!"

"Are you sick? Doctor! Go and call a doctor!"

"I\'m so cold! How could it be so cold!"


For a moment, all the people who just woke up from their sleep fell into panic.

It\'s not that they are too timid, but that the disease comes too suddenly and rapidly. In less than two hours, almost one-third of the population in the city began to suffer from all kinds of discomfort, and the more serious ones have entered the state of life-threatening.

However, as the culprit who manipulated the impending outbreak of the death curse, the boy remained calm, sitting on the balcony on the second floor of the luxury villa, eating a rich breakfast and watching the spread of chaos and panic.

About half an hour later, when the food on the table was full, he said to the leader of the shapeshifter standing aside patiently after listening to his orders, "you can leave with your men!"

"Leave?" the shapeshifter leader raised his head and his eyes showed an incredible look.

The boy nodded gently: "That\'s right! This city is over! It will become a signal, a signal to all the traitors that we have arrived. At the same time, it is also a sign that we will no longer abide by the previous stupid and ridiculous rules of engagement, and take the complete destruction of all the creatures on this planet as the ultimate goal of conquest. You should understand that a country without enough population A civilization that supports is not worthy of being called a civilization unless they have solved the mystery of creating life and can copy thousands of similar species in a short time without taking decades or even hundreds of years. "

"What about our mission?" asked the shapeshifter leader carefully.

"Of course, it\'s to go to other cities and continue to implement the formulated infiltration plan. If it\'s just a city and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people around it can\'t arouse the vigilance of those kings, I don\'t mind coming a few more times. In addition, select more potential seeds, and they will play an unexpected role in the future." The boy smiled and said the most cruel and cold-blooded words.

As a child, he grew up under the influence of darente civilization. From beginning to end, he did not regard the indigenous peoples of the conquered world as his own kind, but regarded each other as something that can be disposed of at will like poultry and livestock.

In fact, when he read about the conquest history of darente civilization, he always couldn\'t help asking a question.

What makes these executioners who were originally keen to destroy most of the life on a planet finally choose to lay down their butcher\'s knife and give up the cheap and effective killing means of infectious curse.

Is it necessary to enslave indigenous peoples and use them as a supplement to cheap labor?

Or did they invent more destructive strategic magic with the progress of magic technology?

The answer is obviously not.

If labor is needed, darentes can use cheap puppets that do not need to eat, drink or rest in large quantities, and their work efficiency and obedience are much higher than those aborigines who are full of hatred at the bottom of their hearts.

As for the continuous progress of magic technology, it is more reflected in other aspects.

It\'s like that darente people completely gave up exploring the mystery of death overnight, which naturally includes vicious curse.

You know, this thing is different from plague and disease. The latter acts on the body, so once the cause is found, it can be easily eradicated.

But the former acts on the soul and can even draw strength from the dying life, making itself more and more powerful.

When all the people in a whole city die, the root power of the curse will become so great that powerful casters must pay a price to solve it.

In the eyes of boys, this is the cheapest, most practical and most perfect strategic magic.

Anyway, the purpose of conquering a world is not to rule, but to plunder resources and preserve so many lives. At that time, we have to fight for endless resistance and harassment. It\'s much easier to die.

"I see! I\'ll arrange everything." then the leader of the shapeshifter touched his chest with one hand and bowed deeply.

Needless to ask, he was completely convinced by the boy with a dark smell all over his body.





And the attitude of taking thousands of lives and deaths seriously!

These are undoubtedly the necessary qualities of a top commander of the expeditionary army.

He has no doubt that this conquest will be an unprecedented brilliant victory, and even break the record of the least self loss and the fastest conquest in hundreds of years.

Of course, it is unclear whether the high-level will have an opinion on reactivating the infectious curse.

After all, there is no legal provision from the beginning to the end. The expeditionary army is not allowed to use infectious curse in the process of conquering a world, but it is not recommended to use it easily. Therefore, in the long run, most commanders will abide by this established hidden rule.

Unfortunately, this time, the boy obviously did not intend to emulate his "predecessors".

On the contrary, he wants to strengthen the power of this highly contagious curse through a large number of infections and killings, so as to make its latency shorter and the fatal rate higher when it breaks out. It\'s best to shorten the process from infection to death to six or seven days