All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1289

Seahawk is a general term for Raptors with extremely fast flight speed and very ferocious character.

But in this world, their wisdom is much higher than that of other birds, and has become the only way of remote communication except magic.

As the ruler of the sea, the king of offshore has a large number of special talents specialized in raising and training sea eagles.

Therefore, even on board, he can give orders to pirate captains loyal to him anytime and anywhere, and understand important events around the world through the intelligence network.

But now, these sea eagles are carrying important information, going deep into the inland, a field they are not familiar with, and sending letters to the designated place.


"Chief! What does the king of the sea write to you?"

A bandit in shabby lock armour sat in front of the campfire, squatting in fresh and delicious broth and stretching his neck curiously.

But before he saw anything, he was pushed aside by the middle-aged man who was also sitting next to the campfire, sneered and replied, "this guy is really expanding. He actually put his hand on the shore. However, the exciting information he sent is quite good. If we can get it, we will find it for the rest of our life."

"What do you mean? This bastard wants to swallow us?" another robber suddenly stood up with a dangerous light in his eyes.

The bandit leader nodded his head gently: "That\'s right! This is a letter. Let\'s have a look. Although I admit that the information he provided is really valuable, the problem is that the proportion is too high. We are not fools. We work hard and risk our lives to rob a fully armed caravan, and even give him half for nothing. The most important thing is that this is land, our territory, regardless of his bloodthirsty Cruel sharks or tsunamis that can set off huge waves will die when they get ashore. "

"So... Do you mean?" the bandit who was cooking soup had a sinister smile on his face.

"I mean, let\'s do the business, but he can\'t expect to get a penny. If he can, come to us on land. What do you think?"

"Ha ha ha! Agree! Let that fool with fishy smell eat shit!"

"Well, should we study the specific action plan? After all, robbing such a caravan is not easy."

"Let the news out first. We need to gather more people. It\'s not enough at the moment."


Just when countless bandit gangs with information began to act quickly, the boy had successfully mixed into the upper class of Archie city-state with the help of the silent infiltration of deformers. He held a banquet almost every night to provide every guest with the most abundant food, wine, young and beautiful maids and handsome and strong male servants.





Here we can almost see the ugliest side of the intelligent life that has abandoned all ethics and bottom lines.

In order to enjoy the ultimate sensory stimulation, they will spit out the food in their stomach after they are full, while they can continue to eat and drink. At the same time, they will also take special magic potions, so that they can have enough physical strength to engage in primitive mating activities, and even listen to each other\'s screams and wails before they die by killing slaves.

Appreciating the group of guys who laughed loudly in front of them bathed in blood, the boy couldn\'t help sneering and muttering, "enjoy it! Indulge it! It won\'t be long before your doomsday will come."

"Your Excellency, everything you want is ready. When will it start?" a deformer hiding in the crowd asked carefully.

He could not believe it in his dream that the supreme commander of the expedition army, who looked far from being an adult, made the nobles of the whole Archie city-state take off their false masks and become a group of real demons in less than such a short time.

No one knows whether this is the release of each other\'s racial nature or the sudden outbreak of long-term repressed negative emotions.

But one thing they can confirm is that there is an extremely dark and evil soul in your young body.

"Oh? Ready? All?" the boy raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The deformer nodded without thinking: "yes! On the premise of no rest in the shift, the whole system has been completely built. As long as you nod, the city will instantly turn into a purgatory and spread to the surrounding areas at a speed that is difficult to be confident."

"Very good!" the boy looked satisfied when he heard the news. "Go and tell the relevant person in charge to start immediately in three days. I want to see how long the 13 traitors can bear it, and whether they are really cruel to watch more than 90% of the species on this planet go extinct and become a dead land forever. Anyway, what we want is only resources, not the so-called life."

"As you wish!"

The deformer subconsciously licked his lips, and the whole person trembled slightly with excitement.

How many years!

Since the space ring began to operate to ensure the stability of most of the conquered world, the expeditionary army has changed from genocide and genocide to utilization and slavery.

Even some rebels have forgotten that the darentes first conquered the world by exterminating more than 90% of life on a planet.

But now, this extremely cruel and bloody scene will be staged again, and the object is precisely the traitors who have successfully wiped out an expeditionary army.

Just thinking about it is exciting.

Soon, as the command was quickly transmitted, the darente caster hidden in the Archie city-state began to be eager to try. He planned to start the magic array as soon as the time came, so that all the people in the whole city could be infected with a vicious and highly infectious curse.

At that time, the busy port will become a death place in less than a month, and the curse will quickly spread to other cities with businessmen from south to north.

When someone finds out, half the world will tremble in a nightmare.

you \'re right!

This is the magical version of biochemical weapons, which can be manipulated to make a simple blood curse to achieve the goal of exterminating most life on a planet.

Neither intelligent life nor ordinary animals and plants can escape.

Of course, between the powerful magical civilization bred by this planet, the boy doesn\'t think that the plan to conquer the world can be completed by curse alone.

On the contrary, this thing is just a beginning to test the guys behind the scenes