All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1291

With the rapid spread and outbreak of the curse, in less than a week, 90% of the residents of the whole Archie city-state showed all kinds of painful symptoms. Even some guys with weak soul power have begun to die in large areas.


The corpses with the stench of decay are now like garbage and are discarded everywhere in the streets.

The hot and humid climate is enough for the bacteria and microorganisms in the body to multiply rapidly after death. Usually, it takes only a few hours, and the body will begin to decompose.

What\'s more terrible is that a large number of festering bodies will lead to the plague, which will make the city that was already in panic extremely desperate.

Because there are not enough people to carry the bodies, most residents are either cursed or ghosts, or infected with the plague, lying in bed waiting for death.

Only those powerful nobles and rich businessmen found this strange situation early and took all their property with them to escape the city of death as soon as possible.

They don\'t know that in fact, this meaningless escape behavior, in addition to the scope and speed of the spread of the curse, can\'t have even a little effect, and can\'t save their own lives.

Those who have been irradiated by the red light actually have the shadow of a curse in their soul.

But some people\'s souls are strong enough, so the incubation period is a little longer, while some people\'s souls are relatively fragile, so the incubation period is a little shorter.

But in any case, the curse will eventually break out and infect everyone who has come into contact with it, whether animals or plants.

Standing on the balcony of the luxury villa, the boy stared at the disaster directed by himself with incomparably indifferent eyes, and asked without looking back: "how is it? Have you noticed any changes recently?"

"No, No. the city is very quiet. From beginning to end, no one is hiding in the dark." a caster wrapped himself in a silver gray robe carefully responded.

If you pay attention to the fork on the side of the robe, you will find that he is not the native of the world at all, but a typical darente male.

"So... We\'re not making enough noise, so those guys haven\'t realized the power of the infectious curse?"

When he said these words, the boy pursed his mouth and showed a very cruel smile.

Like all sudden disasters, in fact, at the beginning, it was not uncontrollable, but the authorities did not realize the seriousness of the problem, always subconsciously ignored it, and even tried to cover it up by blocking information.

As for the deaths of civilians near the site of the incident, they don\'t care.

Unfortunately, this stupid behavior is often not the result they expect, but makes the controllable disaster really uncontrollable.

Darente male sneered and nodded: "Yes, your excellency, the supreme commander. Those traitors do not know the power of the infectious curse at all. Naturally, they do not know what impact it will have on the whole world when it is completely spread. Of course, in this world, the magic system is relatively high, so they do not rule out that they have ways to break the curse. But anyway, a large number of people die It\'s a foregone conclusion. According to the latest information, the curse has taken root in 15 towns and will soon radiate half the continent like a net. By that time, it\'s too late to do anything. "

"What\'s more, we can also use the negative energy generated by curse and a large number of deaths to summon a large-scale dead cannon fodder and use them to fight a war of attrition, which will further weaken the war potential of the world\'s indigenous people. At that time, we can use those chess pieces to spread some rumors and pretend to give some benefits to the civilians who don\'t have enough to eat and clothes, and the enemy will be killed Lose their foundation and living soil. "The boy talked about the ideal development direction of the situation with great interest.

In particular, civilians who do not even know a word have not been regarded as a threat from beginning to end.

In his eyes, civilians are not so much fresh intelligent lives as tools.

No independent thought!

Not enough knowledge!

There is no strong power!

As long as you can master the law, you can easily control them, even enslave them without paying any price, and they will turn around and say thank you.

"Ah! I see! You want to destroy their civilization! Destroy their faith! Destroy their inheritance! Once they are separated from the past history, the intelligent life in the world will degenerate rapidly. In a few generations, they will forget what brilliant magical civilization they have created in the past, proud history and culture, and how to make beautiful ones Architecture and complex tools eventually return to the original tribal structure. In this way, we can easily control their thoughts and even become the God who controls their life and death. "

The darente caster was obviously full of desire to study the subject, and his eyes burst with excitement and expectation.

"That\'s right! Most importantly, if it succeeds in the end, it will be a classic war example that can be copied. At that time, every participant will have the opportunity to enter the higher school of magic for further study, and maybe he can become a glorious mentor, can\'t he?" the boy hinted deeply.

"You\'re right! This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! I dare believe that in this era, there are people who are as keen on studying the true meaning of death magic as you." the man quickly bent down and bowed deeply, with a trace of humility in his tone.

Higher school of magic!

The place where the entire darente civilization imparts the knowledge of the highest god\'s magic is also the cradle of cultivating the top ruling class.

Almost every old guy with decision-making power came out of this school.

With the interpersonal relationships they have known and accumulated in school, they can easily pull up a large number of supporters and shout for themselves.

Therefore, all darente people with a little ambition will take entering the higher school of magic as the most important stage of their life, and are willing to give everything for it.

Feeling the beating heart in each other\'s chest, the boy couldn\'t help but close his mouth and said with a smile, "well, that\'s all for the compliment. Whether you can get this opportunity depends on your next performance. You know that the power of infectious curse is not strong enough, and I need to see a more destructive upgraded version within a month."

"Please rest assured, I swear I will come up with an upgrade plan to your satisfaction..."