All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1288

At the bottom of the cabin, which was dark, wet and smelly, a group of ferocious sailors with various weapons were enclosing palosa, the governor of Archie city state, in a corner.

Interestingly, they only blocked the only exit, and did not try to get closer any more.

The reason is very simple. All the guys who try to get close are invariably put to the ground by some mysterious force and fall into a wonderful state of coma or deep sleep.

Although it is certain that no one died, no one is willing to risk their lives.

Just as both sides stared, the king of offshore finally squeezed out from behind the crowd through the dark narrow passage.

When he saw the familiar face of the other party, the whole person was almost speechless with surprise. After several minutes, he laughed and sighed: "it\'s incredible that the noble palosa, the supreme ruler of Archie City, secretly boarded my ship. Can any of you tell me that this is a dream?"

"No! You\'re not dreaming! I\'m dreaming! A very, very terrible nightmare!" replied the governor gnashing his teeth.

Obviously, he still can\'t believe that his invisible magic will be broken by an idiot who wants to steal wine and drink. As a result, he looks like he is now.

According to the original plan, he should arrive quietly at the pirate gathering place with mixed fish and dragons, and then change his identity. If a pirate ship, with the opportunity of going out for looting, takes the ship to another port city loyal to the "King".

In this way, he can join hands with the other party to investigate the strange things that have happened in the city of Archie recently.

In particular, the ubiquitous snooping and surveillance makes palosa feel extremely insecure, like living in a place full of enemies rather than his own nest.

Unfortunately, the plan never changes fast. No matter how precise the calculation is in advance, a small accident is often enough to make everything come to naught.

"Ah! It\'s really a nightmare for you, and I sympathize with it. But the problem is, this is not your excuse and reason to sneak on the ship. Now, please tell me, what should I do with you?" the king of the sea grinned and smiled like a shark.

As early as in the city of Archie, he heard that the governor had lost his memory for a whole year for unknown reasons, so that he was in chaos for a long time and could not make any important decisions. Even his rights were usurped by the sexy and beautiful lady, and he became a true puppet.

At present, the real situation may even be worse than the rumor. Otherwise, how could the dignified governor leave his towering power and escape alone.

"What do you want?" parossa narrowed her eyes and tried carefully.

You should know that his location is an endless sea, not his luxurious residence located by precise magic. It is impossible to leave directly by patting his ass with the help of transmission magic.

If it is transmitted here, it has a more than 50% chance that it will be transmitted directly to cities, wilderness, forests, or underground caves, lakes and the depths of the seabed.

The king of coastal waters, who has long been dealing with vicious people, undoubtedly noticed the governor\'s dilemma in his eyes and made a meaningful proposal: "I\'m a simple person, so I usually just speak my heart straight. In fact, I don\'t care who you are or who you are loyal to. I only care if you can bring benefits to me. Just right, there\'s something that needs someone to deal with here. How about, are you interested?"

"Is this the price I have to pay?" parossa didn\'t reply immediately, but tried to confirm something.

"Yes! No one can casually board my ship without paying a price! Even you are no exception! You may think you have powerful magic power, but I can guarantee that if you choose to do it, my men and I will directly scuttle the ship when we find that things are bad. According to the current distance from the ship to the land, I swear even you It\'s impossible to fly back if you can fly. "The king of offshore undoubtedly knows what the other party is thinking, and his tone is full of warning.

As an owl who has been fighting at sea since he was a child, he knows more about the terrible of the caster than anyone, but he also knows the weakness of the caster.

These guys who grew up with elite education often have the habit of looking above the top and think that there is nothing worth learning in the world except profound magic knowledge.

As a result, few casters will deliberately learn to swim. Once they fall into the water, they will not perform as well as children around the age of ten.

When parossa heard this, her pupils suddenly contracted, and her face changed again and again in less than ten seconds.

After a while, he managed to hold back his anger and nodded, "yes! I agree with your terms! What do you need me to do for you?"

"It\'s very simple! Kill some people for me. I need to make them die a little more miserably." the corner of the mouth of the successful offshore King tilted slightly, showing undisguised pride.

Because he didn\'t realize that what he was going to do would completely annoy many strong people he couldn\'t touch before, and attract the attention of the thirteen kings.

"No problem! But I have a condition! After this is done, you need to send a ship to send me to the designated port." parossa took the opportunity to put forward an exchange condition.

"Hehe, it\'s a piece of cake. So, in order to celebrate the happy cooperation between us, should we have a drink?" said the king of offshore turned and opened the cork of a bottle of wine by hand, pretending to be elegant and filling two old rotten wooden cups.

"Thank you! I hope this matter had better not be delayed too long."

"Trust me! It\'s a joy! You can regain your freedom in half a month or so at most."


With the sound of clinking glasses, the two raised their heads and drank it at once.

Governor parossa, in particular, held his breath and swallowed his throat like medicine.

He dared to swear that he had never drunk such a bad drink in his life, and even had an impulse to vomit.

There was no doubt that the governor was fully aware of the courage of the king of offshore, so the two quickly reached a cooperation.

Although this cooperation has been decided from the beginning, it will end in turning over.