All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1287

The sudden disappearance of the governor undoubtedly cast a shadow over the smooth infiltration.

Although, to some extent, the disappearance of parossa directly contributed to the decline of the rights of Archie city-state, the governor\'s wife, who could only be used as decoration, got rid of the image of "slut" in ordinary people\'s inherent cognition for the first time and began to participate in the political game as the supreme ruler.

Even with the aristocrats controlled by the deformers, the whole city, including the army, has become a puppet of the darente expedition.

But the boy knew very well that palosa was the real valuable target compared with a port city with a population of less than 100000.

Only through this guy can he find the trace of the thirteen "kings" and the real enemy of the expeditionary army.

As for the city states, countries and armies in the open, they were nothing in the eyes of the expeditionary army, or even qualified to be cannon fodder.

With strategic super magic, darente casters can destroy millions or tens of millions of people at one time, create disastrous earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and lightning storms, and even more terrifying, tear the continental plate, cause extremely violent crustal movement, permanently change the ecological environment of a planet, and force countless species to perish.

But similarly, these casters themselves are extremely vulnerable, especially when maintaining the focused guidance state of casting, any attack from the outside will lead to terrible consequences.

This is why every expeditionary army is equipped with a large number of soldiers like high-level cannon fodder.

In addition to maintaining the rule, the most important role of soldiers is to protect the safety of spell casters in key battles and repel every destroyer who tries to destroy magic rituals.

While the whole Archie city-state was secretly searching for the whereabouts of the governor, parossa had quietly boarded an insignificant sailboat, left the heavily guarded wharf and headed for the endless sea.

Because he left in a hurry, he had no idea who the owner of the ship was and where the destination was.


"The great king of the sea, are you sure we want to join hands with those annoying robbers and bandits?"

On the ship deck, an old man with a face full of vicissitudes carefully asked.

"Why not? Don\'t you think this is an opportunity?"

The strong man who had had a good talk with the boy in the villa pursed his mouth and asked in a rather playful tone.

While talking, he did not forget to take out a small bottle emitting dazzling white electric light from his arms, and his eyes were full of obsession.

"But I don\'t understand. What\'s good for us? The land has never been our traditional hunting ground, but the sea is. If those bandits don\'t pay us their due bonus after the robbery is successful, won\'t we be busy in vain?" the old man frowned and gave his own opinion.

Just like all life in its twilight years, the older it is, the more conservative its character tends to be, and sometimes it can even be said to be stubborn.

They are unwilling to accept new things and change the existing living environment and way of doing things.

Even if it is clearly beneficial to itself, it will express its opposition without thinking.

Moreover, the scope of this operation and the number of targets are unprecedented for the whole pirate organization. If not, it will attract the attention of the "King".

"Hum! You can rest assured about this. No one can owe me money, and no one dares to owe me money, otherwise I don\'t mind letting them taste the anger like a tsunami." the king of offshore clenched his fist fiercely, and his eyes showed strong confidence.

After all, he is in his prime and has endless ambitions and desires. He doesn\'t want to nest on a closed island all his life and rule tens of thousands of "subjects" composed of ferocious pirates.

On the contrary, he longed to land one day and expand his power and reputation to every city.

The boy saw through this and threw out the bait in his hand.

Perhaps just as a saying goes, because of ignorance, we are fearless.

Sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing. It will make a person have an inherent understanding of the future and dare not easily break the original framework for fear of failure and frustration.

But those who don\'t know anything dare to gamble on their future and even their life.

Although 99% of them ended in tragic failure, in the end, a small group of lucky people can reverse their fate and create miracles.

Needless to ask, the king of offshore thinks he is one of these lucky people.

Seeing that persuasion was useless, the old man sighed helplessly: "Alas, well, you are the king of the sea, and your will is our order. Wait a minute, I\'ll send someone to send out the mobile route of the caravan. I hope nothing will go wrong."

"Don\'t wait for a while. Send it right away. Remember, tell all partners in the letter that I want to draw 50% profit this time."

"Fifty percent? You\'re crazy! Those bandits won\'t agree! They may decide not to give a penny and publicly laugh at your stupidity."

"Isn\'t that just right? If anyone dares to laugh at me, I\'ll send them to another world. Old Carter, you\'ve been with me for ten years. In the past ten years, we\'ve been floating on the sea and experienced countless battles and storms together. It\'s time to return to the land and fulfill our original wish."

"What... What?!"

"Yes! Your ears heard right! I said it was time!"

Just when the old man called Carter was in a state of shock and stupidity, there was a sudden noise in the cabin, followed by a sailor who suddenly rushed out of the entrance to the lower level and shouted at the top of his voice, "great king of the offshore! We have found a stowaway!"

"Stowaways?" the king of offshore raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes! Stowaways! This guy is a bit powerful! We are not his opponents! Several crew members have been put to the ground by his magic, and life and death are unknown." the sailor quickly nodded and explained.

"A caster? Smuggling? Things seem to have become a little interesting. What do you think?" the king of offshore turned and looked at the old man around him.

The latter thought for a moment and immediately suggested: "I think no matter who he is, it\'s best to talk to him face-to-face. After all, the caster is a scarce resource wherever he is. They hold the mysterious power. It would be better if they can be used by us. As for his identity and why he wants to sneak into China, it doesn\'t matter to us."

"Ha ha! You\'re right! Let\'s go and meet this interesting guy."