All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1286

"Cannon fodder?" the boy smiled and shook his head. "No, I think you seem to have misunderstood something. My expectation of him is not just a cannon fodder to attract attention. On the contrary, he will be a very useful chess piece and even play a role far beyond your expectation."

"Unexpected effect?"

The shapeshifter leader obviously didn\'t quite understand what the expedition commander meant, and subconsciously frowned.

In his eyes, the guy known as the "king of coastal waters" can only be regarded as a relatively large Pirate Group. He is engaged in a series of contraband businesses, including looting, smuggling, arms trafficking, armor and so on. It is simply not enough to fight against a powerful land regime.

Despite its maritime hegemony, all ships sailing in offshore areas need to pay certain taxes in order to ensure that their ships can reach their destination safely, even the warships of some port city states are no exception.

But in this world, the era of sea power is far from coming. At best, it is only an extension of land hegemony.

Except for a few businessmen who made their fortune by sea trade and transportation, no one cares what happens at sea.

Compared with the ethereal sea, people are more concerned about the output of the land, such as food, and poultry and livestock that can provide sufficient meat.

In addition, there are no powerful casters or users of other supernatural forces in the hands of the king of offshore. He completely depends on the inheritance from unknown parents and has inherent super brute force. He can crush the hardest skull with his bare hands.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, this kind of brute force is very deterrent, but for the darente expedition army with highly developed magic technology, it can easily find a legion soldier wearing magic armor.


In particular, the power limited by innate factors such as muscles, blood and cells can not be compared with the power brought by knowledge, no matter whether it is mysterious magic or excellence technology.

Therefore, in essence, the power of the offshore king is not enough to be compared with the 13 "kings" who control Pang land, let alone competition and even confrontation.

Looking at the doubt in his eyes, the boy took a sip of the refreshing drink and casually explained: "That\'s right! First of all, I want to correct the inherent thought of you, or the whole expeditionary army, that is, we will be enemies of the whole world. In fact, we don\'t need to be enemies of the world. What we need to deal with is only those stubborn resisters who hinder us from achieving our set goals."

"I don\'t understand. What\'s the difference? Isn\'t it natural that we, as invaders, are hostile and excluded by the whole world?" the leader of the shapeshifter questioned.

"Of course there is a difference!

Think about it with your head. Who are those guys who resist the most?

Are they poor civilians who live at the bottom of society and can\'t guarantee three meals a day?


These poor people just want to live and continue their existence in the most humble and painful way.

So they are not our enemies, but may be our potential allies.

Sometimes just a few pieces of bread and a bowl of clean water can buy them off.

In contrast, it is those "superior people" who hold power, wealth and status who resist.

As like as two peas, they know that once we conquer the whole world, they will fall from the superior clouds and become the same as those who are most despised by themselves.

We do not need to be the enemy of the whole world, but we need to divide the world into two, win over what can be bought and eliminate what must be eliminated.

The king of offshore is an attempt!

If I succeed, I will give orders to contact more such guys and make them unconsciously move towards the opposite of "King" through deception and temptation.

In this way, the resistance of the world will be divided, weakened, or even transformed into an advantage. "

The boy didn\'t try to hide anything. He spoke out his inner plan.

I don\'t know why, unlike most other darente expeditionary commanders who believe in the supremacy of power, he seems to prefer some strategies rather than relying too much on the advantages brought by higher civilization.

Of course, in addition, there is another reason not to say, that is to find the whereabouts of their twin brothers.

After all, since Oren told the truth about his life experience, he has always wanted to find out who he is and where he comes from.

You should know that although there are many intelligent lives that call themselves "human beings" in the world that darente people have discovered, some of them are more or less similar to boys, but their internal structures are quite different. Some have two hearts, and the density of muscle tissue and bone is very different. It can even be judged from genes that they are definitely not the same species.

"I see..." the transfiguration leader showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

Just as he was about to say something, another deformer suddenly rushed in from the outside and shouted out of breath, "no... no! Governor parossa! Suddenly disappeared out of thin air!"

"What?! disappear!" the leader of the transfiguration defecated angrily, grabbed each other\'s neck and asked fiercely, "what\'s the matter? Isn\'t he watched all the time?"

"We have been sending people to watch! But he obviously found this and quietly created an illusion. When our people found out, he had disappeared." the former explained with trembling.

Obviously, he is afraid of his superiors and possible punishment.

"Damn it! Find him! Find him right away! At all costs!" the leader of the shaper roared angrily.

But before the shapeshifter who fell to the ground began to execute the order, the boy stopped and said, "don\'t look for it. He must have noticed your existence, so he found a place to hide and observe secretly. It\'s incredible that one can find the penetration we are making into the city after losing his memory for a whole year."

"Impossible! Our deformation and camouflage are perfect! There can never be a flaw!"

"Perfection? Hehe, believe me, there is no so-called perfection in this world. No matter how much you imitate, there will still be more or less flaws. What really makes me wonder is, what makes him judge that his residence has been infiltrated and is no longer safe?"