All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1283

Memory never exists alone.

It is composed of countless scenes, characters, dialogues, and a large number of subjective consciousness and psychological activities.

Especially those with careful logical thinking can often infer what will happen in the past and even in the future through some details, or even one or two important items.

Obviously, parossa is such a person with careful logical thinking and a powerful caster.

He knew the purpose of the wristband very well, and even quickly speculated that he had suddenly taken out the magic equipment to deal with some dangerous enemies or dangerous monsters.

However, under the influence of medicine, his thinking is not very clear, and he often forgets what he thought a few minutes ago.

In desperation, he had to take out a pen and paper and record all his thoughts and conjectures in a note.

Every time the record was completed, he would hide behind the wall invisible to the naked eye when the governor\'s wife was not in the bedroom.

At the same time, with the help of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the deformers quickly penetrated the upper echelons of the Archie city-state, and even used some natural abilities to turn some young people into puppets controlled and influenced by their own consciousness.

With the expansion of the intelligence network, the boy quickly found many interesting things from the miscellaneous information.

For example, the thirteen self proclaimed "kings" did not actually establish an effective political system through various means like the real rulers. Instead, they followed the enfeoffment system with an obvious primitive tribal flavor, allowing those loyal followers to radiate the surrounding villages and towns centered on important cities and transportation hubs.

In the past 12 years, they have hardly appeared in the public\'s sight. Some people even suspect that they have died or left the world.

But as long as you carefully check parossa\'s whereabouts, you will find that every once in a while, the world will suddenly evaporate.

No one knows where he went. The only thing he knows is that after returning, the governor will make some big moves, including wantonly searching for resources and exploring some magical fortresses and fortresses left by the darente expeditionary army.

Needless to ask, behind all these enigmatic behaviors, in fact, it is the "King" who manipulates them in the dark.

"It\'s amazing! In just 12 years, they have quietly controlled everything in the world. Combined with the time of their betrayal, does anyone predict the coming of the storm in advance?" the boy touched his chin and said to himself.

To know what has happened, you won\'t lie!

From these chaotic information centers, he saw a terrible plot carefully planned and then suddenly launched in full swing.

As a victim, the expeditionary force was kept in the dark from beginning to end, and did not even have time to make a symbolic resistance.

If the thirteen traitors were so powerful, why did they choose to cooperate with the darentes?

If there is a guy behind them who predicts the arrival of the energy storm, there will be some games to play.


At the same time, in the tropical rain forest at the other end of the world, a figure with a biting chill all over is sitting on a chair made of vines and flowers.

He is no one else, just the guy who was called "King" by parossa not long ago.

But unfortunately, because his body kept releasing the white cold around, the vines and flowers froze in less than a second, forming a cold and cruel beauty.

In contrast, the beautiful women sitting opposite him are full of strong vitality. They can make the seeds take root and sprout and let the seedlings just break through the ground grow and thrive.

The two men looked at each other for ten minutes. The man with white frost finally took the lead and said, "the invaders are back!"

"Oh? So fast!" the woman raised her chin and expressed surprise.

"Yes! But I\'m not sure if it\'s just a test, or if another expedition has arrived in our world. Honey, the bell of war has rung, and we don\'t have much time left." the man grinned with a cold smile.

"So you mean..."

"I mean, it\'s time to wake up those sleeping guys. You should know that we can\'t copy the last surprise attack this time. Moreover, this new expeditionary commander is more intelligent than we thought. His deformers are infiltrating the area under our control, trying to find the reason for the collapse of the first expeditionary force."

Before the other party finished speaking, the man rudely interrupted him, and then directly indicated his intention.

But the woman obviously didn\'t think so. She frowned and questioned, "isn\'t it too early to wake up now? The trauma they suffered hasn\'t fully recovered. I know you\'re a little anxious, but the problem is that you and I can\'t handle this. We must ask the opinions of two other guardians."

"The idea of saving them? Naive! With the conservative character of those two old guys, they won\'t take any risks. They will say that it\'s best to wait and see before confirming that the expeditionary army has arrived in our world." the man mercilessly mocked his allies.

Because he had a very strong hunch in his heart that the darente expedition had arrived and was hiding in an insignificant corner, silently collecting intelligence and information.

Once the enemy knows the truth, he will immediately launch a tsunami like attack until he destroys the last trace of resistance in the world.

Most importantly, this time there will be no mercy, cooperation, and compassion, but only cruel and ruthless conquest and killing.

"Well, maybe you are right. But in any case, the agreement must be abided by. Now, let\'s talk to the other two guardians. After all, our destiny is closely linked, and they must understand your concerns."

With the last word blurted out, the woman opened her white right hand and sprinkled a ball of pink powder into the air.

Next second

Everything within tens of meters disappeared out of thin air!

you \'re right!

Just disappear out of thin air!

No matter the trees, flowers and plants, the birds singing on the branches and the animals crawling in the grass, they were transported away under the action of some powerful magic power, only the next piece of bare soil.