All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1282

Businessmen are always the most special group in the world without principles, etiquette, integrity and even moral bottom line.

In their eyes, everything, including life, has a clear or vague price.

As long as someone can afford it, they never mind selling their country, nation and their kind, and they will try to influence political, economic, ideological and other fields as soon as they have the opportunity to turn everyone around into a tool to make and earn profits.

The so-called "socially responsible businessmen" have never existed from beginning to end.

These people are either to create a good personal and corporate image, so as to win the favor of more potential customers, increase the market share of their products, and then achieve the purpose of making profits;

Either it is restricted by social rules and laws and has to show a "benevolent" appearance, but it is still eager to get rid of the shackles and buy rights through money, so as to make itself a special individual standing at the top of the pyramid.

Through the power of magic, the boy read the thoughts of dozens of valuable businessmen in just one morning and knew what they were thinking.

Among them, three or four bold bastards even tried to play the trick of "covering the white wolf with empty hands".




In order to get more gem shares, they do not hesitate to raise the bottom of their competitors and describe those who are usually called "friends" in the most vicious language.

Unfortunately, these actions have no meaning for the boy.

He doesn\'t care what the businessmen are dirty in private, nor does he care who the gemstones will eventually flow to. He just wants to pass on the news of the treasure with the help of each other\'s hands and mouths.

By noon, one third of the artificial gemstones had been replaced with precious metals, or mortgages such as manors, slaves and real estate.

Looking at these things piled up in the hall enough to make the outside world crazy, the boy couldn\'t help laughing and shaking his head: "this is wealth?"

"To some extent, yes. At least you can buy anything with them before the collapse of the existing order in the world." the leader of the shapeshifter came out of the corner of the living room, his eyes shining with irony.

There is no doubt that these are nothing at all for conquering the whole world.

"Hehe, you\'re right. Before the collapse of the existing order, these things regarded as wealth can also provide us with a lot of convenience. By the way, hasn\'t the governor woke up? Was I too heavy last night?" the boy asked with interest while playing with the mountains of precious metal coins.

After all, time has passed for a long time. Normally, an old man over 60 years old should wake up.

"Ah! He has awakened. He is accompanied by the beautiful lady and remembers what happened last night. You know, the effect of forgetting potion always varies from person to person. Some people only forget what happened a few minutes ago at most, but others forget what happened a few hours ago." when the leader of the shaper said this, There was an undisguised gloating in his tone.

"You mean... He forgot everything in recent days?"

"No! No, that\'s even worse! He forgot what he had done and experienced during the year."


"Honey, look at these furniture, servants and your beloved pets. Can\'t you remember what you started from?"

The governor\'s wife, disguised as a shapeshifter, asked with concern, pointing to more than a dozen servants standing in front of the bed, including the housekeeper.

Although he was almost certain that the forgetting potion had a limiting effect of one in a million chance on this guy.

no way out!

It is almost impossible to erase a very complex thing like memory with 100% accuracy.

Therefore, even the highly developed magic civilization can only reduce the error within a certain range.

But unfortunately, no matter how narrow it is, error is error, and it will happen one day.

"Damn it! My head hurts! Housekeeper Mans, I remember! But I really can\'t remember these servants." parossa covered her head with a painful expression on her face.

"Oh, well, it seems that you really don\'t remember everything that happened in the last year. These servants, as well as those furniture and pets, were bought by you a few months or even six months ago. Only Mans is the housekeeper who has been with us for many years." the deformer gently comforted the governor who is still affected by the old medicine.

Not surprisingly, his memory will fall into chaos in the next few days. He will not return to normal bit by bit until the effect of the medicine completely disappears, and the lost part will never be found back.

At the thought of this, the corners of the deformer\'s mouth tilted slightly, flashed a trace of imperceptible playfulness, turned and ordered the housekeeper kneeling on the ground: "you go down first. You\'d better not disturb my husband in recent days. He needs a quiet rest now, okay?"

"Yes! Please rest assured that I will never let anyone near the bedroom, let alone disturb adults, except for delivering meals." said Mans, bending down and bowing deeply.

As the manager of this huge mansion, he knew very well that if anything happened to his master parossa, he would have to obey the lady\'s orders.

In any case, legally, the wife is the first heir to the husband\'s property, and then it is the children\'s turn.

Moreover, palosa has not given birth to any son or daughter so far.

Seeing the housekeeper and his servants disappear into the corridor outside the bedroom, the deformer immediately took off his previous concern, directly threw the confused governor aside, and began to look at the magic items emitting energy fluctuations in the bedroom.

He didn\'t notice that parossa\'s eyes, somehow, always stared at the wrist guard on her arm, and frowned from time to time, as if thinking about something.

I don\'t know how long it took, maybe dozens of minutes, maybe a few hours

In a word, when the deformer left the bedroom and wanted to discuss the next plan with several other people, parossa burst out two pure lights in her pupils and murmured in a voice that only she could hear: "true knowledge wrist guard? Why should I take out the true knowledge wrist guard? The purpose of this magic item is to track those monsters who are good at hiding themselves through blood."