All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1284

"How, have you found the secret room hidden in the bedroom?" the leader of the shapeshifter looked at his men disguised as the governor\'s wife.

You know, several days have passed since palosa was filled with forgetting medicine. Even the high-level of the whole Archie city-state has fallen and become a plaything in their hands, but they still haven\'t found the crucial place.

The transfiguration who kept the enchanting appearance of the governor\'s wife sighed helplessly: "I\'m very sorry. I really tried my best. You should know very well that the governor and his wife had a bad relationship. At best, they can only use each other. How can they easily tell the most important secrets in their hearts? He even ignored me these days and kept talking about all kinds of strange words."

"Oh? What words are they? Have you made records?" the leader asked with great interest.

"Write it down! It seems that it is an ancient language in the world and is on the verge of being lost. The specific meaning still needs to be translated by scholars. After all, language and characters are completely different in almost every world, and we can only rely on local scholars." the shaper explained helplessly.

To tell the truth, if parossa hadn\'t remained clear headed and logical, he would even suspect that this guy\'s brain was permanently damaged by the drug.

"All right! In short, as soon as possible! You should understand that the commander of our loyal expedition army this time is different from any previous one. For him, it doesn\'t matter whether the conquest plan succeeds or fails. As long as he can go back alive, he will not be punished. But if we fail, we will be removed from the expedition army forever. Tell me, what do you think Do you want to go to those third rate garrisons to deal with low-level intelligent life in the form of primitive society all day? "

While saying these words, the leader suddenly stepped forward, emitting a strong sense of oppression all over his body.

"When... Of course! Please rest assured that I will never miss." the deformer quickly lowered his head to show his most respectful and humble side.

As a group with strict hierarchy and supreme strength, the vast majority of ordinary deformers absolutely dare not easily disobey the will of their superiors. As long as there are even a little signs of resistance, they will be regarded as challenging the leader\'s position, and then there will be an endless struggle.

"Very good! Remember! If you miss, you don\'t have to exist."

With the last word blurted out, the leader disappeared into the shadow of the corner.


At the same time, in the high-end residential area at the other end of the prosperous port city, the boy was lying in an old and artistic villa, enjoying the careful service of the beautiful maid, and asked without looking back: "how about investigating where the merchants transported the precious stones?"

"Yes! This is their route and destination. Please have a look."

A middle-aged man who looked a little small and obscene hurried forward and respectfully spread a piece of paper folded several times on the table.

Needless to ask, he is the most famous and powerful intelligence dealer in Archie city state.

Only he can track so many caravans and ships at the same time.

The boy picked up the simple map filled with solid lines and dotted lines of different colors, glanced at it, and immediately nodded with satisfaction: "well done! I didn\'t expect you to be able to handle this kind of thing. It seems that I underestimated you before."

"It\'s a great honor for me to get your praise! But I have a little question. Why do you want to track these ships and caravans? Do you intend to grab all the valuable gemstones on the way?" the middle-aged man said cautiously.

"Robbery? No, no, No. look at this villa and the wealth I have. Do you think I will take risks for money?"

The boy deliberately pretended to open his arms and showed off this luxury house, which is almost one of the best in the city.

To some extent, he does have such capital.

Even after the original owner of the villa heard the offer, he couldn\'t help shouting on the spot, and then signed the contract without saying a word.

With the terrible wealth brought by the sale of gemstones, he has already become the richest man in the city and can get rid of the second place for hundreds of blocks.

"Hehe, that\'s what I said. I\'m very sorry, I took the liberty." the middle-aged man was obviously relieved.

Because in his heart, he didn\'t think that the young man who had completed the gorgeous identity transformation would be willing to risk being wanted and return to the life of licking blood at the edge of the knife in the past again.

In fact, the original motive of most vicious guys is just to get rid of poverty, hunger and oppression.

So when they get all this, they will immediately say goodbye to their past identity, and even don\'t want to mention the painful past to their closest friends.

"Well, take your pay and leave. Remember to control your mouth. I don\'t want to hear any gossip."

Then the boy threw a small gray cloth bag at him.

The wretched middle-aged man quickly picked it up and opened it. As a result, he found that it was full of ten gemstones flashing blue light.

Without any hesitation, he immediately bent down, bowed deeply, and said in a ecstatic tone: "thank you for your generosity! If there is such a business next time, please be sure to contact me. It is our honor to serve you."

"Next time?" the boy smiled meaningfully. "I\'m afraid there won\'t be another time."

"Who\'s right about the future. But I swear, if you need any information, it\'s right to buy it from us."

The middle-aged man didn\'t seem to realize the meaning of the previous sentence. He shrugged his shoulders indifferently, then hid the gem bag close to his body, turned and walked towards the gate.

At the moment when his front foot had just crossed the gate, a dark shadow suddenly rushed out on the side, followed by a sad and harsh cry and cry for help.

I don\'t know why, no matter the passers-by on the street or the maids who serve the master with a smile, they don\'t move at all, as if they were collectively selective deaf.

About two or three minutes later, a strong man covered with blood directly threw the bloody gem bag onto the table: "here, this is yours."

"No, my friend, it belongs to you now." the boy pursed his mouth and showed a sarcastic smile.

"Hum! This fool! He thought he could leave alive!"

The strong man obviously didn\'t mean to be polite. He stuffed the gem bag into his pocket on the spot, and didn\'t forget to mock the other party.