All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1281

With the cool sea breeze blowing gently across the wharf of Archie city-state, a wisp of golden sunrise finally rose slowly from the sea level, dispelling the fear brought by darkness.

About an hour or two later, the originally silent city suddenly seemed to come back to life, and the streets were full of people running for a living.

In particular, those powerful businessmen gathered at the gate of the governor\'s office and kept stuffing money for the in and out servants to help find out whether the protagonists of the banquet last night had woken up.

You should know that gemstones, especially large and high-quality gemstones, are truly strategic materials in this world.

Once you get it, you can not only sell it to those powerful spell casters at a high price, but also maybe get closer to each other, get one or two apprenticeship places and send your children to learn magic.

Because of this, the seemingly shabby boat is now surrounded by fully armed soldiers, and men and women wearing special badges squat on the boat all night without closing their eyes, just to classify all gemstones according to their use and quality.

From the excitement and excitement in their eyes, it is not difficult to see that these gemstones can never be fake.

"Look at these low-level stupid fools! They are fighting openly and secretly for a pile of precious stones made by Alchemy. If they know that these precious stones will actually break on the spot and even explode violently once they exceed a certain limit, their faces will be very wonderful."

The transformant leader stood on the balcony on the second floor of the guest room, looking down at the businessmen looking forward to the door, and his tone was full of irony.

Artificial gem is a unique alchemy technology of darente civilization.

In order to meet the people\'s hungry demand for gemstones and reduce the price of gemstones, a gifted alchemist invented this technology. With the continuous improvement of technology, the gap between artificial gemstones and natural gemstones is also rapidly narrowing.

Today, as long as the maximum potential of artificial gemstones is not overdrawn, it is even no different from natural gemstones.

But unfortunately, no matter how close, artificial gemstones have a fatal defect, that is, the stability will become extremely poor after reaching the critical point.

Even if the natural gem reaches the critical point, it can continue to maintain its own structural integrity and be consumed at most bit by bit.

But artificial gemstones will be broken on the spot, and the energy stored in them will rage around with the naked eye until they are exhausted.

"Stupid? Maybe! But don\'t forget that it was these stupid guys who successfully destroyed a complete expeditionary army. Remember, never underestimate the enemy." the boy narrowed his eyes and responded meaningfully.

The shapeshifter leader nodded gently: "you\'re right! I shouldn\'t underestimate them! At least I shouldn\'t underestimate the 13 traitors who control the world at present."

"Yes! A group of people who can use betrayal to such an amazing extent should win respect anyway. Oh, by the way, how is our governor?" the boy looked up and looked at the master bedroom not far from the guest room.

If there is one thing he wants to find out most now, it is undoubtedly parossa\'s strange behavior last night.

Why did the other party sneak into his room for no reason?

What kind of secret and motive are hidden behind it?

Had it not been for fear of disturbing the so-called "kings", he would have let the deformer devour them and read their memory directly.

"Sorry, you\'re too heavy. The poor bastard hasn\'t woken up yet. But don\'t worry, our people are with him. Once there\'s any trouble, we can definitely send the news at the first time." the leader of the deformer vowed.

Of course, he has such capital.

So far, there is no record of getting away with the target targeted by the deformer.

"Very good!" the boy nodded with satisfaction after hearing this sentence. "In that case, let\'s start building momentum. If I remember correctly, those beautiful maids have secretly stuffed several notes into your hands?"

"Ah! That\'s right! Why, are you going to see those businessmen now?" asked the shapeshifter leader with a grin.

"Why not? You should know that behind these businessmen, there may be some" big people "standing high above. And their minds are filled with information we urgently need."

With that, the boy didn\'t look back and walked towards the stairs leading to the living room on the first floor.

About half an hour or so, he met the first visitor in the spacious living room on the first floor.

"Good morning, dear Mr. Banco. The great adventure story of you and your companions has now become a legend of this city, and may soon be sung by the bards of this country and even the whole continent." the slightly fat businessman bowed and said compliments.

Obviously, he had done enough homework before he came, and even inquired about the names and origins of several people.

"Oh, thank you. There\'s no need to say more polite words. Let\'s get straight to the point. I believe you don\'t want to waste too much valuable time on meaningless things, do you?" the boy looked at each other with slightly playful eyes.

"Ha ha! I like your cheerfulness! After all, time is money!" the merchant tried to hide his surprise with laughter.

He couldn\'t believe that a group of almost illiterate pirates and mercenaries knew how to seize the initiative in negotiations.

"Yes! Time is money! Then, how much are you going to eat and what price are you willing to pay for those gemstones?" the boy seemed to see through the reality of the fat man in front of him, leaned forward slightly and put on an obviously aggressive posture.

"Two hundred top quality, one thousand secondary quality. The ratio of ruby to sapphire is a little higher. As for the price, I think 90% of the current market price is quite reasonable. After all, the influx of so many gemstones at one time will certainly cause market turmoil, and I need to minimize the risk." the merchant pretended and quickly gave a price after a little calculation.

"90% of the market price? Do you treat me and my companions as idiots? The volatile market price refers to those gemstones of poor quality that can only be used for jewelry. Like high-quality gemstones, they are always in short supply. I can guarantee that as long as we bring the gemstones back to powerful casters, they will be willing to pay a high price. I\'ll give you one last time If I can\'t get a satisfactory price, I have to stop our conversation. You know, there are many businessmen waiting outside, waiting to eat more gemstones... "