All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1272

"Gather them immediately! Gather the necessary information! I want to find out what is happening in the world and how many enemies we need to face in ten minutes."

Staring at the darentes who were crazy on the beach, the boy quickly gave orders to his entourage.

As the supreme commander of this expedition, he knows very well what his responsibilities are and what he needs to prove to those who have been paying attention to himself.

There is no doubt that this is a test, a comprehensive test of his mind and endurance.

"I see!"

Without saying a word, a female darente immediately ordered the healers in the team to come forward, help the guys falling on the beach, cast spells one by one, force them to calm down quickly, and then asked about the changes in the whole world in the past 12 years.

At the same time, the large-scale expeditionary army also began to camp on the spot, and soon built a war fortress with strong magical power.

you \'re right!

With the powerful magic power, the darentes built a war fortress in less than half an hour!

What\'s more terrible is that this kind of war fortress is not only a primitive defensive building used to resist the attack of the cold weapon era, but also a powerful magic fortress with more than tens of thousands of defensive spells, which will be unharmed even under a large-scale group attack spell.

Normally, such a strong fortress, not to mention the primitive indigenous peoples of the backward world, or the darentes themselves, will take some effort to break it.

Because of this, they can easily defeat the rebels again and again and press each other on the ground for unbridled friction.

When the last towering arrow tower was completed, the tip of the tower immediately released a gorgeous violet light, covering the whole fortress.

Needless to say, this is a magic enchantment, which can be used to enhance and protect yourself, while weakening the enemy\'s coverage and continuous magic.

It is the accumulation of knowledge, technology and experience. It is the ultimate magic that requires countless time, energy and even several generations of talents to continue in-depth research.

As long as the core is not destroyed, all friendly members who stay in the border will continue to enjoy great benefits from the energy source.

With the border crossing fully launched, the expeditionary army will automatically divide into teams according to weaving and enter its own defense area in an orderly manner.

If you don\'t inquire about intelligence and understand the changes in the surrounding environment and situation, you will rush up foolishly to confront the enemy. That\'s what barbarians with low IQ will do.

Darentes, who have long regarded invading other worlds as normal, would not make such a stupid mistake.

Rather than take the lead in launching an attack, they prefer to stay in the built fortress and wait for the enemy to take the initiative to launch an attack.

After all, defense is always much easier than attack. At the same time, the loss is much less. We can also judge the threat level of the enemy through attack and make the next plan.

About an hour or two later, the female subordinate stepped into the interior of the core arrow tower and put a black slate on the table with both hands: "commander, all the information you want is here."

"Oh? So fast?" the boy put down his ongoing experiment, and a trace of surprise appeared on his young face.

"Our database originally recorded most of the situation in the world. Combined with the information provided by the survivors, it is not difficult to find out the current situation," the female darente responded with a proud face.

"Very good! Then you can give a general introduction to the situation first." the boy said, picking up the slate and flipping through it quickly.

"First of all, the planet under our feet is a world full of rich magical energy, which is not inferior to the mother planet mocha.

Unfortunately, the aborigines here do not realize that the study of magic needs to establish a perfect and huge system, and it also needs to spend a lot of effort to cultivate countless apprentices, so as to form a virtuous circle.

On the contrary, they pursue a typical elite education. Every strong person often teaches no more than ten apprentices all his life, and most of these apprentices will not live until graduation.

Therefore, the birth of every strong person is full of contingency and contingency. Their path can not be copied. The only thing that latecomers can do is to explore slowly on the road of pursuing knowledge and power alone. Perhaps it is quite lucky that one of 10000 people can climb up the mountain alive.

To some extent, the most powerful people in the world are enough to pose a great threat to the expeditionary army.

Therefore, the last expeditionary commander did not use excessive violence, but privately reached some agreements with some people, such as providing some magic knowledge they are interested in, methods to prolong their life, etc., in exchange for these strong men not to pose a threat to our conquest plan.

Of course, as for those diehards, we have adopted the bloodiest and most violent way to kill them all together with their relatives and friends.

Normally, as long as we continue to maintain contact with the parent star and maintain a strong deterrent, no one should dare to jump out easily to resist our rule.

Unfortunately, with the energy storm 12 years ago, the space gate was forced to close.

At the beginning, the left behind personnel could barely maintain order, but soon this weakness was exposed in the eyes of the local aborigines.

As a result, it is obvious that the whole world, including those who have cooperated with us, has set off resistance and even slaughtered our race.

After 12 years of hunting, 100000 of the most elite spellcasters, warriors and alchemists were killed and injured, and the rest, as seen before, were scattered into small groups and hid everywhere between the wilderness and the jungle.

These damn barbarians even forced the noble darentes into the Colosseum and let them fight with their own people and even ferocious beasts with their bare hands. "

When saying these words, the eyes of the female subordinate twinkled with extreme anger.

She can tolerate the killing of her own kind, but she will never allow the same kind to be naked humiliated.

Because that not only means that personal dignity and glory are tarnished, but also means the disgrace of the whole ethnic group and civilization.

"Did you kill all the expeditionary troops in just 12 years? It seems that the world looks very interesting..." the boy touched his chin and muttered.

He obviously didn\'t care at all about being humiliated.

After all, even if he was awarded an honorary title, he knew very well that he was not darente at all, let alone tied himself with darente and the whole civilization