All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1273

"What are your plans next?"

The female darente was obviously a little dissatisfied with the careless attitude of the commander of the expedition army, and tried with an expressionless face.

She didn\'t understand why the high-level would withdraw the boy who didn\'t know where he came from and become the commander of an expeditionary army, even if the other party found a way to repair the energy turbulence and make the ring of space work again.

"Next?" the boy touched his chin meaningfully, glanced at the uneasy subordinate, smiled and replied: "Of course, we should first catch a few people alive and find out the internal situation of the enemy. Don\'t forget that those who have been chased and killed to insanity have long lost contact with the civilized world. We don\'t know how many enemies there are, and those characters need special attention. War is not a joke, especially a war with the ultimate goal of conquering the whole world Fight. "

Just as the female darente wanted to say something, there was a sudden sound of footsteps from waiman.

Followed by a male darente soldier covered in silver armor, he knelt on one knee, solemnly saluted and reported loudly: "Commander, your excellency! Our Patrol has just captured a primitive wooden sailboat near the coastline. There are about 30 members on it. Twenty five of them resisted fiercely and were killed by us. There are five prisoners. Do you need to be interrogated immediately?"

"Hmm? Have you figured out their identity?" the boy\'s eyes showed a curious light.

"According to the confession of one of the men, they are a group of pirates and mercenaries. It is said that there are traces of darentes nearby. They want to work to capture slaves and sell them to a port city called Archie city state." the soldier gave a straight answer.

Although the darentes are a magic dominated civilization, there are a lot of soldiers.

However, unlike most people\'s impression of soldiers who wield weapons and rush into battle, they are closer to a kind of aircraft armor like pilot.

In particular, the silver full coverage armor not only has strong protection ability, but also has an independent energy supply system. Any wearer can easily play the destructive power like a giant. Combined with energy weapons, even the heat weapon civilization with developed science and technology will be defeated in an instant.

"Pirates and mercenaries? Bring them here. I have some questions for them to answer." the boy hesitated for a moment and quickly made a choice.

Although he had read the details recorded on the slate, he was still amazed that the world could kill a whole 100000 heavily armed expeditionary troops.

You know, an expedition of 100000 darentes is almost enough to destroy a planet.

This is not an exaggerated description, but a literal meaning.

Every complete expeditionary force will be equipped with an ultimate means, that is, directly detonating the core of the planet, making the boiling face tear the ground and cause destructive damage to the surrounding environment.

No life can survive in such a bad environment, even those powerful creatures known as gods and demons are no exception.

But interestingly, why did the expeditionary forces left behind in this world clearly have the means to die together, but they didn\'t take action?

In the expeditionary army, the will of the Supreme Commander is equal to that of the whole civilization. No matter how much dissatisfaction and resentment there is in your heart, you have to hold it in your heart until you return to your home planet after the expedition.

It can be said that the best commander is the dictator of the expeditionary army, and his every order can not be violated.

In less than five minutes, five prisoners in rags were taken to the tower hall.

Four of them are male and one is female.

Everyone exudes the sour smell of not taking a bath for a long time, and the clothes are also stained with dark red blood.




From the eyes of these captives, we can clearly see how afraid they are of this sudden magic fortress.

After observing for a full minute, the boy smiled and said, "Hello, brave Sir and ladies. You know? I really don\'t know whether to admire your courage or laugh at your ignorance and dare to take the darentes as the target of arrest."

"Commander, I suggest you don\'t talk nonsense to these lower races, and immediately let the casters extract their souls and read their memories directly. The world must pay for their barbaric behavior, the price of blood, death and destruction. No one can live after killing a darente expedition." the female subordinate gnashed her teeth.

It is estimated that in her heart, she has sentenced all the intelligent lives in the world to death.

"Don\'t! Don\'t kill us! We are just a group of pirates and mercenaries who don\'t know anything! The decision to attack you was the result of the joint efforts of the thirteen kings. They are your enemies and the culprit of all the consequences. All we want is to make some money..."

Obviously, it is unrealistic to expect a group of guys who do anything for wealth to return to death.

The leading man didn\'t even hesitate, so he shook out the information he knew.

In fact, such large-scale actions can not be concealed for long.

Hearing these words, the boy immediately turned and asked his men, "do you know who the thirteen kings are?"

"Thirteen kings?" the female darente first froze and then clenched her fist and cursed angrily: "Damn it! How dare these maggots?! the so-called thirteen kings are actually the first strong people who chose to cooperate with the expeditionary army after we came to the world. Some of them are for strength, some for knowledge, and some for wealth and power. Finally, under the title of commander, they divided up the land and subjects of the destroyed countries and helped us collect important resources Source, and develop and expand their own forces at the same time. "

"So... This is a betrayal play? The last expeditionary army was killed by the puppets they supported?" the boy pursed his mouth and his face was full of sarcasm.

You know, darente people are not a kind race advocating equality and fraternity. If you want to successfully deceive them, you can only be more cruel, cruel and ruthless than them.

If he could, he really wanted to see the commander of the last expedition army with his own eyes. By the way, he asked the other party what he thought at the beginning, which would make his puppets out of control.

"No! No! How can these thirteen people destroy the whole expedition at one fell swoop! There must be some hidden secrets!"

The female darente seemed to realize something. She picked up one of the prisoners and asked in a harsh voice, "details! Tell me more details!"