All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1271

Conquest and plunder, like a pair of twins, are deeply engraved in the darente gene.

Every darente has been full of ambition for the outside world since he was born.

In their culture, whoever can bring resources and wealth to the parent star is a true hero. He can not only obtain great interests and reputation, but also take this opportunity to enter the upper class of society and become a member of the ruling class.

Of course, as a typical high-level magic civilization, it is always those powerful spell casters who really grasp the decisive power.

On the one hand, they have the incomparable power of ordinary people. On the other hand, only they can manipulate those complex magic devices and give destructive blows to the enemy.

Most importantly, after countless times of self transformation, casters have an extremely long life span. Time has given them countless times more wisdom than ordinary people, and some of them have even become a special life beyond gods.

At present, these old monsters are gathering in a dark, old and musty house.

What was placed on the table was not expensive magic lamps, but lit a candle made of unknown animal oil.

You know, with the continuous innovation of technology, even the poorest darente people can ensure that their magic lamps are not extinguished all day, but they are still using the ancient lighting equipment mentioned in some history books.

After a full minute, one of them was dry and thin, as if he were a corpse. Then he coughed hard and said, "the child is leaving! Let\'s talk about what we should do next?"

"The plan that has been brewing for 12 years is finally going to start?" another guy, who is shrouded in darkness, expressed strong expectation in his tone.

The first old man who spoke nodded seriously: "Yes! His appearance means too many things to us. Especially the bright light released by the soul is just like the most beautiful treasure in the universe. If there is a huge ethnic group behind him, we should start to consider whether to kneel down and become each other\'s vassal, or run away with all our knowledge and technology."

"But what if not? What if there are only the last two such precious lives?" another old man asked with a smile.

"Then let them fully integrate! With the blood and genes flowing from them, maximize the potential of our darentes. If I guess correctly, some of you sitting here should be ready to try to cultivate hybrid offspring?"

While saying these words, people all over the body shrouded in the dark shadow raised their heads, and their eyes burst out without a trace of emotion.

Obviously, as darente people who rely on continuous self-improvement to develop to today, they don\'t care about the bullshit pure blood theory. At least in the eyes of these senior executives who have the right to decide, the purer the blood, the smarter and the greater the potential, which is pure nonsense.

To be exact, darente people living on the planet of mocha can\'t find a so-called pure blood at all. At least more than 20 other genes are mixed in everyone\'s body.

As early as the barbarian era, the ancient darente people realized the benefits of racial integration, constantly combined themselves with those magical creatures to produce mixed blood offspring, and then combined these mixed blood offspring with other similar species to improve the magic talent of the whole ethnic group bit by bit through blood dilution.

Today, the more prosperous, influential and talented families are, the less the proportion of primitive blood is.

But darentes don\'t want all kinds of garbage. At least they won\'t allow those races with low IQ, lazy and useless to improve their potential to integrate.

On the contrary, to treat such garbage, they often take genocide once and for all.

"Hehe, this is not a matter of course. However, I doubt whether the boy will really accept the future we have arranged for him. From his growth experience, it can be seen that the appearance of women in our group does not conform to his aesthetics." the old guy like a corpse was worried and reminded.

From the data flashing on the black slate, it is not difficult to judge that the little guy who suddenly appeared in the ring of space and may even be the culprit of the energy storm is almost rarely affected by the surrounding environment, as if he has a strong self-consciousness.

"It\'s not easy! Select some talented women and let them make a permanent shape change. In addition, let the adjutant of the expeditionary army pay attention to the observation and see what kinds of women in the conquered world will arouse his interest." the shadow gave a solution without thinking.

For the extremely developed magical civilization, permanent shape change is nothing at all.

What\'s more, all darentes who become spell casters don\'t care what their shape is nearby.

Look at those in power who control the trend of the whole civilization. Some are already dead, while others transform themselves into a shadow form. The guy with a furry and lovely shape in the corner will devour the soul of an innocent person and turn each other\'s body into their own temporary container every once in a while.

However, it was a pity that the boy obviously didn\'t know that he had been watched by the top. He was commanding the expedition army to cross the portal and appear on an empty beach.

Before he could observe the surrounding environment, several darentes hiding behind the rock rushed out and shouted with ecstasy: "here we are! Here we are! The reinforcements of the mother planet!"

"Long live! We are finally saved!"

"This time, we must let those damn aborigines know what it means to resist US!"

"War! Destruction! Death! I will redouble the suffering I have suffered over the years!"


With crying and scolding, these guys who looked extremely embarrassed lay on the beach without image, with the expression of the rest of their lives on their faces.

You know, in the world conquered by the darentes, the power of those local aborigines is uneven.

Some of them are so bad that only a few forces need to be sent to maintain brutal rule, while some powerful ones need to adopt a gentle policy to win over local forces. It is best to let each other kill each other. Even if the original order is destroyed, they dare not adopt a high-pressure policy against those tough indigenous residents.

Needless to ask, the world belongs to the latter.

Therefore, after losing contact with the parent star, the darentes left behind in the magic fortress immediately suffered eternal revenge and pursuit. It can be regarded as a firm will to hold on for 12 years without collapse.