All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1266

The outcome of a battle never depends on the number, but on the efficiency of the killing.

In this regard, Luke, who holds the powerful magic power, undoubtedly has an absolute advantage.

From the beginning to the end, in less than five minutes, he killed hundreds of soldiers who were taller, stronger and even more proficient in cold weapon killing than himself.

But interestingly, from these people\'s dying eyes, he did not find any fear, uneasiness, withdrawal and other emotions. Each pair of eyes was so calm, as if he had returned to his mother\'s arms, rather than being cut off by the hot heat rays.

without doubt!

This is not a question that can be explained by courage!

It\'s faith!

Unswervingly, even death can\'t change his faith!

Realizing this, Luke slowly raised his head, stared into the eyes of the man in black leather armor and asked with interest, "can you tell me about the God you serve? I\'m curious about what kind of commitment he gave you, so that so many people are willing to give their lives for him."

"Oh? You know the existence of God?" the man grinned with joy.

It seems that in his eyes, those dead companions just returned to the arms of the gods, so there is no need to be sad and depressed, because they will usher in that day sooner or later.

After all, it has been too long since the era of theocracy. Most ordinary people in the world have forgotten the gods they once worshipped. Coupled with the conscious suppression of darentes, the gods who survived can only spread their faith in a very small range to ensure that they will not perish because of losing their faith.

"I come from a tribe with complete inheritance and the existence of the God of the way of nature. But I didn\'t expect that the God who should be higher would give up his dignity and live like a wandering beggar. Such a God is really worth all your efforts to worship and believe?" Luke revealed an undisguised strong irony in his tone.

In his inherent impression, the most fundamental reason why God can attract mortals to offer their faith and spiritual world is that he is powerful, omnipotent and far beyond the essence of mortals.

If you lose all this, can God still be called God?

The obvious answer is no!

Some greedy mortals who desire power and eternal life will even regard such gods as hunting targets.

Interestingly, the gods of the world have maintained this state for quite a long time, but their believers still remain pious and never want to abandon or betray.

"Shut up! What do you know! The great gods paid a price beyond your imagination in order to protect the world and resist those greedy and evil invaders."

Hearing that someone insulted his God, the man in black leather armor suddenly became excited.

If eyes could kill, Luke would have been torn apart by his knife like eyes.

"Protect the world? Do you mean that the resources are about to be exploited and almost enter the apocalyptic world? Sorry, if this is the world they protect, I can only say that they are a group of outright losers who do not deserve faith and should have perished with the old times. What you serve is not so much God as God It is the dead of the old times. The order they want to rebuild can always be realized. "

With a slightly teasing tone, Luke approached the main gate of the fortress step by step.

When he was about to cross the threshold, the man in black leather armor suddenly released a terrible sense of oppression, and the golden light was released from the gray pupil.

"Mortal! Were you just talking nonsense and defying the existence of gods?" a dignified voice asked.

"Are you the god they serve? A coward who has to hide his true face?" Luke stopped and looked into each other\'s eyes.

"Coward? Is that what you think of me? No! Young man, I\'m just more cautious. What\'s more, the invaders who call themselves darentes have never really left. Tell me, what are you looking for when you come to this place?"

The Unknown God did not seem to be irritated by the strongly insulting words, touched his chin and showed a curious expression.

After all, no amount of verbal insult can be compared with being caught by darrentians like mice, constantly compressing the living space and eradicating his church and faith from the root.

"I\'m looking for my past and future." Luke didn\'t try to hide anything, but showed his intention.

"Past and future?" the Unknown God was obviously stunned, and soon couldn\'t help but show a playful smile. "Ah! I almost ignored it. It turns out that you are also an outsider. You smell out of place all over."

Luke was keenly aware of the other party\'s subtext, frowned and said tentatively, "so I wasn\'t born here?"

"No! Of course not! All life born on this planet will get a mark, a soul mark that only gods can see. I\'m curious. Who told you to come here to find the past and future?"

While saying this, the God raised his right hand as if to touch the boy\'s forehead.

But before he could touch it, Luke released a wall of air, spread it out, and scolded with disgust: "go away! Keep your dirty hands away! Don\'t try to spy on my thoughts! A darente told me."

"Darente?! where is he?" the tone of the unknown god suddenly became severe.

But Luke shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Who knows. He talked to me through a bionic alchemy puppet. If you want to find their hiding place, you should first look for a marauder called the shadow of death. As far as I know, the darentes have done a lot with that bionic puppet. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that he asked me to kill all the guys who claim to be God believers in this fortress."

God sneered and said, "hum! Use you to test my reality? Boring tricks! If you don\'t mind, can you tell me what you\'re going to do?"

"What I do next depends on your attitude. If you let your believers leave the fortress, I won\'t do anything. But if you continue to block my way, I will destroy you and your believers at all costs. It\'s always easier to kill and destroy than to create and build, isn\'t it?" Luke gave two choices directly.

For darente people, he always keeps a high vigilance in his heart, so that he won\'t do it 100% according to the other party\'s requirements.