All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1265

Oasis, the only land covered with vegetation in the endless desert, is also the most suitable place to live.

Because oasis means sufficient water source, which means that crops, vegetables and fruits that can only grow under the surface sunlight can be planted and harvested.

It can be said that if anyone owns an oasis, he can live an extremely happy life that more than 99% of the world\'s population envy.

Unfortunately, as a planet conquered by invaders, most of the oases were occupied by darentes and built solid magic fortresses.

Even if any original inhabitants want to get a little water to live, they need to pay an extremely heavy price, sometimes even death.

However, with the disappearance of all darentes twelve years ago, the magic fortresses built on the oasis were finally captured by some brave guys.

Although they have not been able to enter the core area protected by a large number of magic and puppet guards for the time being, they have been able to repel those competitors who also try to occupy the oasis with the help of the strong wall of the fortress itself and a large number of high spires.

Of course, these guys who haven\'t received any too much education at all. Maybe they don\'t even know the essence and basic principles of magic. They don\'t know that the spires used as arrow towers are actually a fully automatic defense system.

Generally speaking, only one darente is responsible for the control, and the enemy within a few kilometers of the circle can carry out saturation coverage attack.

Quantity, in front of this advanced magic energy weapon, is no different from a joke.

Feeling the amazing energy gathered inside the whole magic fortress, Luke, who finally arrived at his destination after a long journey, breathed a sigh of relief and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "this is where I first appeared? I hope the secret hidden inside won\'t be too disappointing..."

The voice just fell!

Ignoring the warning sign written in blood inserted in the Bush, he strode towards the fortress.

But before he got close to the main entrance of the fortress, he heard a search, followed by an arrow straight into a place less than two fingers long from his front foot.

"Stop! Or the next arrow will go through the throat!" shouted an archer standing high at his throat.

"Shoot through my throat? Are you sure you can do it?" Luke asked with a piercing chill in his eyes, raised his head and sneered.

I don\'t know whether I have seen too many dirty, dark and ugly things after contacting the outside world, or I can\'t wait to find out who I am and where I come from. In short, whoever dares to stand in his way now will be killed mercilessly.

What\'s more, the darente who provided him with clues asked to kill all the living people in the fortress.

The archer didn\'t realize that death was very close to him. He opened his mouth and laughed recklessly: "ha ha ha! A little boy who doesn\'t know what race! I thought he was a dangerous enemy. Powell! Go and catch this boy. Maybe the priest can influence him and bathe him in the great glory of the gods."

"Damn it! Why me again?" a fat guy scolded, opened the door and came out of the fortress.

When he stretched out his strong arm to grab the boy\'s collar and lift it up, a dazzling light burst out of Luke\'s fingertips.

In less than a second, the guy called Powell burned a huge hole in his abdomen. The severe pain made him scream like a pig.

"Ah ah!!!!!!!!!!! Belly! My belly!"

"Shit! Shoot! Shoot! This kid can do magic!"

The archer standing high gave a loud warning, quickly pulled his bow and shot several deadly arrows in a very short time.

Unfortunately, all the arrows were spread out by an invisible force before they were close to the target.

Appreciating the surprised look of seeing ghosts on each other\'s face, Luke raised his head and said in a non emotional tone, "I\'m sorry, you made a stupid mistake. Now it\'s time to pay for it."


A meteorite with a burning flame fell from the sky and hit the steeple with a bang. The blazing flame swallowed up all the living lives inside. Some even couldn\'t stand the sharp pain caused by the burning flame and jumped down from dozens of meters high to die alive.

Such a blatant attack, of course, can not fail to attract the attention of others in the whole fortress.

In less than three or five minutes, two or three hundred heavily armed guys poured out. The man in black leather armor asked with a gloomy face: "who are you? Why are you attacking us?"

"I attacked you? No, you made a mistake. Your men attacked me first. Of course, it\'s meaningless to tangle with these now. Come on, let me kill you all first, and then slowly find the answer I want."

Speaking, Luke didn\'t explain to the other party at all, or eliminate the misunderstanding.

Because some things, once started, mean blood, killing and death. Unless one of them falls completely, it can never stop.

"Arrogance! You don\'t know what you\'re facing!"

The man in black leather armor suddenly raised his right hand and loudly recited the ancient language that outsiders could not understand. In the blink of an eye, everyone began to be surrounded by a faint red halo.

After all this, he waved his hand and ordered, "go! Catch him! I\'ll sacrifice him to the great God tonight!"

"Rush! For the great God!"

"To purify the world!"

"Long live Narosa!"


With the fanatical atmosphere, hundreds of guys with a circle tattooed on their right arms, a bit like a tattoo of the sun, launched a charge.

In particular, the red halo significantly improves their movement speed, agility and strength attributes.


Luke recognized the power essence of the red halo at a glance. A bright color flashed in his pupil, followed by another deadly high-temperature ray without thinking.

Since seeing the release puppet with his own eyes, he has been trying to simulate and create similar spells, and finally made a breakthrough three days before reaching the oasis.

Although from the perspective of pure destructive power, rays certainly do not need to summon meteorite magic, the cutting effect of the former can often cause unimaginable damage to flesh and blood, and the consumption is much less, which is suitable for the current situation.