All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1267

"You are confident that you can kill me and my believers alone?"

The unknown gods did not seem to get angry because they were provoked, and still maintained a good demeanor.

To be exact, he may have long forgotten the emotions that are easy to lose his reason and judgment, such as anger, under the harsh living environment constantly suppressed by the darentes.

After all, only in this way can he ensure that he will not make wrong decisions in anger, so that the few believers will be lost.

After several attempts, Luke was undoubtedly aware of this, and replied expressionless: "You have to try to know if you can do it. God is indeed a powerful life beyond mortals, but this does not mean that gods are invincible. At least darente magic can hurt and even kill you. The most important thing is, how much power can you play in your current state?"

"Ha ha ha! What a clever little fellow! If you are not an outsider, I would even give you some divine power and divinity to qualify you to be one of us. But unfortunately, the rule at the beginning of the world is that no outsider can become a God, let alone gain the power of faith. Well, I will satisfy you Request, exit the fortress, let you find your own past and future. "

The Unknown God didn\'t know what he was thinking, and took the initiative to wave his hand to those believers who had done a desperate battle to get out of the way.

"Thank you!"

Although Luke didn\'t know why the other party wanted to do so, he politely bent down and saluted, and then stepped into this magnificent magic fortress full of different world decorations and feelings.

Watching his back disappearing into the corridor, a guy who looked higher couldn\'t help asking, "did you let him in like this?"

"Why, do you still want to stop him? Or did you not feel the surging magic energy in his body just now? The child is right. He has enough power to kill us all, although he will pay a considerable price." the Unknown God smiled and told the cruel truth.

As for whether to lose face, he didn\'t care for a long time.


It\'s something that can change everything!

Repression, compromise, adaptation, and finally survive the cruel elimination.

The God who came from the fall of the gods has long thrown the so-called God\'s pride and dignity into the garbage. Otherwise, the fools killed, imprisoned and sliced by the darentes are the best negative examples.

"Hug... Sorry, I didn\'t mean to embarrass you." the guy who spoke quickly lowered his head, like a child who did something wrong.

"Relax, I don\'t blame you. Like those believers who died, you have faith as bright as gold. But the problem is that long-term oppression has deprived you of the conditions for education, lack of enough knowledge and keen judgment. Remember, this child is very special, and I can even clearly feel the fate around his body The power of. "

"So... He could be the driver of that great plan?"

"He may be a promoter or a hindrance. Who knows. But one thing is certain that he has no good feelings for the darentes and belongs to an ally that can be won over."


While the Unknown God was talking to the believers, Luke had come to the far left side of the second floor.

However, the original glass cans have disappeared and replaced by beds for rest.

You don\'t have to ask. The guy who occupied the fortress turned it into a lounge.

Fortunately, the dry and black blood on the ground is still intact.

"This is... Darente blood mixed with brain?!"

Luke bent down and analyzed the inactive cells through the magical energy released by his fingers.

You should know that darente\'s blood is very different from the blood of life in the world. It is not only darker in color, but also much higher in the upper limit of magic.

If the magic possessed by most spell casters in the world is compared to a bowl of water, the darentes are a well or even a huge reservoir.

Through continuous in-depth research and continuous transformation of themselves, darentes have long surpassed their original self and promoted to a higher life form.

However, what Luke found difficult to understand was what kind of power could instantly explode the heads of more than a dozen darentes.

In order to find out the truth, he carefully took out a pale yellow and blackened scroll from his arms, and then activated the stored spell without thinking.

Next second


All the things in the whole room were torn apart by an invisible force, and then quickly reorganized, just like going back in time, and began to show what had happened before.

Due to the speed, it soon went back to the day twelve years ago.

"Look! What have I found? A mysterious life transmitted from the ring of time and space!" a male darente shouted excitedly holding up a wet baby.

"Transmitted from the space-time ring? How possible! Didn\'t the space-time ring break down due to the energy storm? Normally, nothing can be successfully transmitted during this period of time." another female darente stared at the young baby and questioned.

But soon, she noticed the magical energy released from the little life.



No pollution at all!

It is a precious treasure that all casters dream of.

"We need to do a comprehensive study of him!" another darente stood up and offered.

From his eyes, we can clearly see excitement, excitement and strong expectation.

"What are you waiting for? Let\'s start. First, we need to cut the baby\'s skull and see his most important brain..."

Before the talking guy picked up the tool, an amazing shock wave came out of the baby\'s body.

Then, the magical energy of the whole room was stimulated to some extent and began to resonate wildly. The huge noise could be heard even hundreds of meters away.

As we all know, resonance is an extremely terrible phenomenon, which can even be described as disaster.

As a result, not surprisingly, the heads of every darente present suddenly burst open under this resonance. Only one lucky man standing at the door escaped