All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1264

There is no doubt that the destructive power of the bionic alchemy puppet is absolutely amazing.

Especially in densely populated urban streets, every attack will cause all buildings within a radius of tens of meters to turn into ruins. Residents will either be directly hit by the terrible beam, and there is no residue left, or they will be burned into coke by the hot high temperature.

I don\'t know whether it is lucky or unfortunate. Due to the speed of the whole process, most of the dead didn\'t even feel pain.

Standing next to a collapsed house, Luke was staring at the alchemical life covered with armor not far away, and his whole spirit was highly concentrated.

Although the two sides have only met for less than five minutes, they have fought for several rounds. He is very clear about how terrible the other party\'s destructive power is. He is also very clear that ordinary attacks can\'t really damage the internal structure inside the high magic anti armor.

Obviously, this is his first real enemy in the world.

As for the previous looters, they were at best mole ants that could be crushed to death, and never threatened his life.

Just as Luke was ready to try to wait for the other party to launch the next attack, when he used the time difference to fight back, the eyes of the bionic alchemical puppet claiming to be the shadow of death suddenly flashed a light, followed by a low hoarse voice from his mouth covered under his visor.

"Good morning, children from unknown races. I didn\'t expect that you have grown so old in just 12 years."

"You... You have wisdom?" Luke was undoubtedly startled, with an indescribable surprise on his face.

You know, creating a puppet who simply knows how to obey orders is completely different from creating a fresh life with independent consciousness and judgment.

The latter involves a series of complex and profound knowledge, including shaping the soul, which can not be solved by magic alone.

"I? Have wisdom? No, no, no, if you mean this puppet, it doesn\'t have any wisdom. Now I\'m talking to you, a master who remotely controls it from a long distance." the bionic puppet explained with a smile.

It can be seen that the controller is very excited at the moment, revealing an inexplicable excitement and enthusiasm.

"So these looters are employed by you?" Luke frowned subconsciously.

Somehow, he suddenly felt that this matter did not seem as simple as he imagined, nor was it a simple matter of interest.

"Employed? Hahaha! Do you think they are qualified to be employed by me? No, they are just insignificant pieces thrown out to test your reaction. But now it seems that these guys have overfulfilled the task. You know? We met once 12 years ago, but I was frightened at that time and failed to seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I\'ve been looking for your whereabouts for 12 years, and I finally found you today. "

When saying these words, the bionic alchemy puppet raised his hands under the control of his master and released the hot heat from the energy crystal recklessly.




In less than half a minute, several surrounding streets and alleys were razed to the ground. The rest of the ordinary people who saw this scene screamed and fled further away.

Some fools who were seriously brainwashed by religion shouted that the great will was invincible, and then rushed to the location of the alchemy puppet to try to take down the dangerous element.

As a result, it was directly evaporated into a gaseous state before getting close.

Facts have proved once again that in the face of powerful forces, what firm will, immortal faith and great dreams are all bullshit.

Looking at the ordinary people running around like headless flies, Luke took a deep breath and tried in an uncertain tone: "you said we met twelve years ago? Then you should be the darente in the magic fortress, right?"

"Ah! That\'s right! It seems that the person who took you didn\'t hide the truth." the bionic alchemy puppet nodded gently.

"Can you tell me what happened? For example, where I came from? What was my race?" Luke\'s tone was full of expectation.

As an intelligent life out of tune with the surrounding environment, and even unable to find any similar kind, he always has a strong sense of loneliness.

Although the patriarchs have always tried to create an atmosphere for him to integrate into the tribe.

Unfortunately, the species difference is so obvious that even the blind can see it. He never belongs to a tribe.

"Do you want to know your life experience? Well, I\'ll give you a chance. Here is a map. You can mark the oasis according to the map. There is an abandoned magic fortress, which has been occupied by some guys who claim to be God believers. Kill them all, and then look for clues about their life experience in it. They are intact and kept in one of the fortresses Place. "

After that, the alchemy puppet raised his right hand and gently emitted a faint light into Luke\'s pupil.

Next second


Luke\'s brain seemed to explode in an instant!

There is a huge map flashing on the retina. The faint red light spot obviously refers to the bone city where he is now, while another relatively distant white light spot is the destination.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely advanced magic technology, far beyond the primitive magic knowledge taught by the patriarchs.

From this point alone, we can judge the amazing gap between the darente invaders and the original magical power of the world.

After all the maps and light spots on the retina disappeared, Luke suddenly found that the bionic alchemy puppet had left quietly without knowing when, leaving a huge mess.

In the distance, an army of hundreds of priests and monks was rushing towards the site of the incident.

It is not difficult to judge from the angry expression on their faces that they will never easily let go of the culprits who are causing all disasters.

According to Luke\'s judgment, if he stayed to negotiate, he would probably be regarded as a scapegoat for the culprit, so he chose to run away.

When the monks and priests arrived, nothing could be found except a piece of ruins and a large number of charred bodies.

What\'s more terrible is that the beliefs of ordinary residents who saw the battle picture with their own eyes have completely collapsed, and they are no longer willing to believe in the so-called great will, and this sign is rapidly spreading to every corner of the city