All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1261

There is no doubt that as the leader of a marauder team, the one eyed woman is by no means a fool. Otherwise, she would have died in a fierce scuffle or cut her throat with a dagger from behind.

On the contrary, she is more cautious than anyone, always trying to keep herself away from danger until she is sure of safety.

No, in order to confirm the situation in the hotel room, she used a small amount of metal money to lure children around the age of seven or eight to observe, and then described the situation in words.

After repeated several times, she carefully crossed the narrow corridor on the second floor, put out half her head and observed the situation in the house through the crack in the door.

When he noticed Luke lying on the ground and Stephanie gasping against the wall, he immediately gently opened the door and asked in an uncertain tone, "it\'s all done?"

"Of course! Just as I promised before!" replied livunia, holding back her pain.

"Great! Well done! But you don\'t seem to be in good shape, do you..."

The woman wearing the blindfold seemed to notice the pale face and sweating forehead of her partner, and a meaningful smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"In order to dispel the target\'s wariness, I ate poisonous food with him. If you want to kill me and swallow the reward alone at this time, I promise you will regret it." Livni obviously knew what the smile meant, and her pupils suddenly contracted.

Betrayal and deception are as common among members of the looting team as eating and drinking water.

Especially when the task is completed and has not been delivered to the employer, it is often the most prone to infighting.

In addition, now that she has lost her resistance due to poisoning, she will easily become the object of abandonment and sacrifice.

The only good thing is that she has chosen betrayal first.

Thinking of this, Livni subconsciously glanced at Luke lying motionless on the ground with the rest of her eyes, and a light full of fun flashed in her pupils.

"Swallow alone? No, no, no, my dear friend, you seem to have misunderstood something. In fact, this time the employer wants not only the boy, but also you." the woman wearing the goggles grinned with a sarcastic expression on her face.

"What?! i... I\'m also a target?"

Because of her shock, Livni seemed to forget her physical pain and struggled to stand up.

Because she personally took over the task at the beginning, including the animal skin full of entrusted contents. From the beginning to the end, she didn\'t mention even a little about herself.

"It\'s incredible, isn\'t it? In fact, when the mysterious employer contacted me later, I was also very surprised. But you should know that no one can refuse the price he offered. So I\'m sorry, I have to be responsible for the rest of my life." the one eyed woman said, pressing her fist forward.

She has absolute confidence that she can easily win each other in close combat, and then deliver two valuable captives to her employer.

After this vote, she can give up her current career as a predator licking blood, disguise herself as a successful and rich businesswoman and settle down in a big city.

If you are lucky and can find a young, handsome and capable young man as a partner, you can enjoy a good and happy time in the second half of your life.

But if you are unlucky, you can also use this wealth to buy a few young and handsome slaves to satisfy the eternal fire of desire in your heart.

In short, for this business, she almost ruined the elite team she had established, and even herself was exposed to danger, so she was not allowed to fail anyway.

Looking at her former companions approaching step by step, Livni didn\'t show any tension, but couldn\'t help laughing: "ha ha! It\'s interesting! It\'s so interesting! The betrayal was doomed from the beginning! But unfortunately, the ultimate winner is not you."

"What do you mean?"

Just as the one eyed woman was about to knock her unconscious, she suddenly stopped her fist in mid air.

"Just as literally! Do you think I really got him?"

With the slightly joking tone of Tiffany, the lost energy hand appeared again, holding the woman wearing the eye mask tightly in the palm of her hand.

Before she knew what had happened, Luke opened his eyes, got up from the ground, sneered and said, "just like the literal meaning! I got you, not you got me. Now, tell me, who is the employer?"

"Damn it! You... You\'re not poisoned?"

The one eyed woman was surprised and angry. She fixed her eyes on Livni\'s face several times, as if asking why you were poisoned, but he didn\'t.

"Of course I\'m not poisoned! All this is like the play you played in the desert. It\'s an art of deception. The only difference is that you didn\'t succeed in deceiving me, but I succeeded in deceiving you." after that, Luke took off his soup stained coat and went straight to the prisoner.

Without any hesitation, he directly took off the black eye mask on each other\'s eyes. As a result, he found that what was hidden under the eye mask was not a blind eye, but a magic object as bright as a gem.

To be exact, it is a high-end magic eyeball with alternative function.

The technology used above belongs to a unified system with the sacrificial array under the temple.

"What\'s that?" Livni asked in surprise, staring at the strange light emitted by the magic eye.

"It\'s a precious magic prop. If nothing happens, it\'s definitely valuable. Why, didn\'t you know before?" Luke asked without looking back.

Daphne quickly shook her head. "No! As far as I know, her eye patch hasn\'t been taken off from beginning to end."

"Ah! Things are really becoming more and more interesting. Madam, can you explain where this thing comes from? Don\'t try to lie or be hard spoken, otherwise you will understand that being young doesn\'t mean being soft hearted."

The voice just fell!

The huge energy hand suddenly began to squeeze under Luke\'s control.

In the blink of an eye, the bones of the one eyed woman made a clicking sound, followed by pain and wailing echoed in the room.

"Ah ah!!!!!! no! Stop! Stop! I said! I\'d like to tell you everything I know! But you have to promise that you\'ll let me go after you finish."

"Bargaining? Sorry, now you have lost the bargaining chip. Maybe I should use a little more force to crush your crotch. You know? If the bone here breaks, you may spend the rest of your life in bed..."