All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1262

"No! You must promise to let me go first! Otherwise I won\'t say a word even if I die!"

One eyed women obviously know why they are still alive and why they are cruelly tortured.

The answer is simple. She has the information the other party wants to know.

And this is also the chip she can use to exchange for her qualification to live.

However, this chip has a prerequisite for its effectiveness, that is, it can withstand all possible torture in the future.

Once you can\'t stand it, you will naturally say everything you know, and then expect the other party to kindly give yourself a pleasure.

There was no doubt that the tenacity of the one eyed woman was a little beyond Luke\'s expectations.

Trying to torture each other with magic for a few minutes, he finally realized that he was not joking, nor supporting himself, but really had the corresponding consciousness.

In desperation, he only opened his mouth and promised, "well, I promise your conditions. As long as you say all the things I want to know, I\'ll let you go."

"Thank you... Thank you! I swear you won\'t be disappointed with the information I provide."

Under the severe pain, the one eyed woman trembled all over, and the sweat soaked her clothes and trickled down her cheeks.

At this moment, her leg bones, arms and toes have suffered varying degrees of trauma, including broken bones and stinging pain caused by burning muscles and skin by fire and lightning.

"Please start, I\'m listening." Luke raised his arm and made a gesture of invitation, with a cold and ruthless expression on his face.

Especially when I saw the trauma caused by myself, instead of feeling a trace of guilt and intolerance, I showed a chilling excitement.

you \'re right!

Just excited!

The one eyed woman could even feel that when she couldn\'t help crying and screaming, the boy in front of her revealed an expression of enjoyment.

Just as she opened her mouth and wanted to say something, there was a dazzling light outside the window.

"No! Run!"

Luke, who had always been very sensitive to energy, suddenly changed his face. He had no time to show any magic. He jumped directly from another window on the second floor.

Next second


The dazzling white light arrow directly penetrated the hotel room where he lived and tore the whole second floor of the hotel to pieces.

From a distance, it looks like a sharp knife, which sticks to the ceiling of the first floor and flattens the whole second floor.

All the walls, furniture and roofs on the second floor disappeared after this beam of light.




Everyone who saw this scene opened his mouth, as if he couldn\'t believe what his eyes saw.

Luke, the only one who escaped the disaster, was standing on the first floor, looking up at the deserted scene above his head. It was not easy for him to jump out of his mouth: "high temperature super energy ray?!"

"High temperature super energy ray", as the name suggests, is a kind of line completely composed of magical energy.

And this line has very similar characteristics to the laser, such as the terrible high temperature that is enough to instantly vaporize most of the solid substances, and for example, its speed is very fast. Once released, the probability of avoiding is very, very low.

If he hadn\'t just stood where he could see out of the window, he might have disappeared with the other two women in the room.

Obviously, the guy who can release this spell is absolutely capable of threatening his life.

Realizing this, Luke added all protective magic to himself as quickly as possible, and then carefully looked for the trace of the enemy through the gap between the buildings.

But before he found anything, he got the white light and lit it up again in the distance. With a bang, he cleaned all the buildings within a radius of tens of meters.

act recklessly and care for nobody!

No scruples!

The unknown enemy proved with practical actions that he didn\'t care about the rulers of the city and the innocent people struggling to survive.

But when the white light lit up for the third time, Luke finally saw each other.

It was a guy who fell from the top and was shrouded in silver white metal armor. He held a glittering staff with a huge energy crystal stone embedded on the top of the staff.

All high-temperature super energy rays are emitted from this crystalline stone.

Summon meteorites!

With almost no hesitation, Luke directly released his strongest attack means known at present.

In the blink of an eye, a meteorite with a red flame fell from the sky and hit the target\'s head directly.


to hit!


Dust and fog all over the sky!

When the dust dispersed, the guy in white armor still stood in place and didn\'t seem to be hurt by the gods, while the meteorite was divided into two, and the middle section was as smooth as a mirror, even reflecting people\'s reflection.

Needless to ask, he cut the meteorite in half with the white light blade emitted from his staff.

"Who are you?"

The pupils of Luke\'s eyes kept shrinking and widening, showing the restlessness in the master\'s heart.

"I am the shadow of death! Lay down your arms and surrender."

The guy in silver armor issued an ultimatum in a very old and astringent language.

"The shadow of death? Are you the Marauder called the shadow of death?" Luke frowned subconsciously.

I don\'t know if it\'s an illusion. He always feels that the other party\'s actions are very stiff and incoherent, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

"I am the shadow of death! Lay down your arms and surrender."

"I am the shadow of death! Lay down your arms and surrender."


This strange guy is like no wisdom. No matter how he asks, he will only repeat this sentence.

"It seems... Not a living man?!"

Luke was obviously not as ignorant as the looters. He quickly realized the true face of the famous "shadow of death", and his face was mixed with surprise and disbelief.

You know, according to the description of the patriarchs, there was no so-called "artificial life" in the world before the invaders arrived.

Therefore, the humanoid creature like a puppet in front of us is probably a work left by the darentes, or it is itself accepting the orders given by the darentes.

Those alien invaders didn\'t really leave!

They just hide temporarily, from blatant bullying and plundering in the past to hiding behind the scenes and secretly manipulating everything with the help of some string puppets