All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1260

"Tell me, who the hell are you? What\'s the purpose of approaching me? And what did you add to the soup?"

Staring at Livni, who was struggling to get up from the ground, Luke\'s eyes flashed dangerously.

Obviously, from the beginning, he didn\'t believe the guy who came out of nowhere and claimed to be the merchant\'s daughter.

The reason is very simple. He can feel the weak fluctuation of magic energy from each other.

This means that the seemingly weak and harmless woman in front of her may actually be a caster.

So here comes the question...!

Since he is a caster, why would he be chased and killed by a group of marauders with poor strength?

Didn\'t the caravan hire enough guards?

Or are those guards so boring that they can\'t beat a mob with the cooperation of the caster?

The most important thing is that clearly the magic is not exhausted. Why not release some magic to confuse the enemy when running away, or create some trouble for the enemy and slow down the pursuit of the other party.

Too many doubts are enough to make Luke have a strong wariness.

In fact, his initial attitude towards Tiffany was to use this knowledgeable "hurtful woman" to help him find the "little cat" who ran away.

Unfortunately, Malvina didn\'t seem to be in bone City, so the search soon reached an impasse.

Feeling the breath of death, Livni quickly realized that she was facing a choice. If she accidentally chose the wrong one, death would come as scheduled.

After much hesitation, she finally clenched her teeth and replied: "I\'m a member of a marauder team! Our team recently received a request from an employer to take you back alive and give it to them. If you complete this task, you can not only get enough wealth to spend the rest of your life, but also choose a big city, obtain the corresponding citizenship and settle down permanently."

"Marauder? You\'re from darasson!"

Luke\'s pupils contracted suddenly, followed by the surging anger at the bottom of his heart, and the whole person was like a volcano about to erupt.

He never dreamed that after he showed the terrible magic enough to destroy a city, there would be people who didn\'t know how to fight their own attention.

"Yes! And there is a woman with an eye patch in our team. I\'m sure you won\'t feel strange." Livni sold her teammates straight away.

Needless to ask, in order to fight for the last chance to live, she doesn\'t care whether her teammates are dead or alive.

Betrayal, in the predator group, is simply a normal thing.

Sometimes, as long as the betrayal process is wonderful enough, it can even win the respect and praise of peers.

"Hum! I don\'t know where she is!" Luke asked loudly, clenching his fist subconsciously.

"Sorry, I don\'t know where she\'s hiding. We\'ve always been in one-way contact. She\'ll contact me on her own initiative. If you really want to catch him, I suggest you cooperate with me in a play. But the condition is that you should let me go when it\'s done. It\'s fair to trade her life for mine, isn\'t it?" Tiffany tried to resist the dizziness in her mind and offered an exchange condition.

She understood that this was a sign of toxin attack. Within a few minutes at most, the magic energy in her body would go into sleep, and she could not release any magic.

Don\'t talk about magic. Maybe even standing firm is extravagant.

So before that, you must first save your life, or you will be a lamb to be slaughtered when the poison breaks out.

"Give me a reason to let you go!" Luke was no doubt angry, suddenly condensed a big hand composed of energy, pinched the woman\'s neck and carried it into the air.

"I... I know many secrets... But... I can help you deal with the coming shadow of death..."

The feeling of suffocation made Livni very painful. It was not easy to say a complete sentence intermittently.

"Shadow of death?" Luke instantly released his control over the energy hand.

Stephanie slammed to the ground, coughing and explaining: "Cough! Cough! Yes, the shadow of death. No one knows what he looks like, and no one has seen how he kills, but he can complete 100% of the tasks assigned to him by his employer. So far, no one can escape from him. In the eyes of the looters, he is an immortal legend, a monster who can scare off an army by his name alone Things. "

"You mean... Someone hired him to kill me?" Luke raised his eyebrows in surprise.

For the first time, he realized that he was so valuable that someone was willing to pay a high price to hire a top expert who established his own legend in the industry.

"Kill you? Hahaha! No! How could anyone be willing to kill you! The employer obviously wants to catch you alive! And then turn you into his most loyal subordinate or slave. You don\'t realize how amazing your magic talent is, do you? If I were you, I\'d rather commit suicide than be caught alive. Because the process of training and brainwashing is complete beating The process of breaking your self-esteem, pride and even personality. "Livni laughed recklessly for some reason.

Luke was not sure whether it was a deliberate alarmist for the sake of life, or whether the other party really knew the end of being caught alive. The whole person immediately fell into meditation.

A few minutes later, when Livni began to pull out uncontrollably and violently, he nodded gently: "I can promise to let you go, but you must play a key role next."

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t let you down. Now, please make yourself dirty and lie on the ground."

Livni seemed to be in great pain. She bit her teeth and finally finished this sentence.

"As you wish."

Without saying a word, Luke poured the leftover food on the table onto his clothes, then lay down straight, closed his eyes and pretended to be in a deep coma.

He as like as two peas in the night, and he looked very unhealthy, and he was just like the symptoms after poisoning.

Without saying a word, Livni struggled with unspeakable pain, limped to open the window and put a meat bone originally put in the soup on the outside windowsill.

When she finished all this, she also sat on the ground tired against the wall, gasping for breath, and sweat flowed down her forehead.

If she could, she would rather close her eyes and go to sleep now without suffering any more.

But in order to survive, she must stick to it and finish the play, just like the scene in the desert not long ago