All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1259

"What happened?"

In an underground palace glittering with bright white light, a passing darente asked his kind standing in front of the magic mirror.

Since the connection point between the space ring and the world was cut off 12 years ago, all their survivors have quickly gathered with the help of powerful magic power to build this place called "shelter".

Like its name, it was only a warehouse for storing important materials at first, but in order to prevent those rebels from realizing that they had no backup, they resolutely abandoned all prominent castles and magic fortresses and turned from light to dark.

However, this does not mean that the greedy and cruel darentes have given up their ambition to rule the world!

On the contrary, after turning from the bright to the dark, they easily infiltrated the original residents with the help of almost unmatched magical power and endless means, and even supported several forces to achieve their ulterior purpose through agents.

Obviously, the church in bone city is just one of them.

Darente, who had just finished talking with the bishop, shrugged his shoulders in disapproval: "nothing! It seems that a little mouse has found our experiment under the temple of bone city."

"Oh? That is said to be a creative array that can transform flesh and soul into energy storage?" the expression of interest appeared on the former\'s face.

"Yes! That\'s it! Although it\'s just a failed work, it has now become one of the important energy sources of the shelter, and we must deal with it." the latter nodded without thinking.

"Sounds interesting. Who are you going to send? Don\'t forget, we\'re not suitable to appear in the outside world now."

"No, I don\'t need to shoot anyone. Don\'t forget that the alchemy creation in the experimental stage is near bone city. Just let it solve the problem. We are higher beings with wisdom and power, not those barbaric, stupid and stupid lower creatures outside. Remember, no matter how long the space ring is closed, you and I should firmly believe that it will one day Reopen. "

"Thank you for your instruction. I\'m a little bored in this dark place, so I can\'t help but want to go outside."

"Be patient! According to the ultra long-distance communication sent from the parent planet not long ago, a genius has found a way to repair the energy turbulence. I believe that in our lifetime, we will be the Supreme Master of the planet again."

"At that time, I will be glad to see how wonderful the expression on the faces of those idiots who are still fighting for power, territory and resources."

"Ha ha ha!"


Just as the two darentes were imagining a better future, Luke, who had not rested all night, finally returned to the guest room and lay alone on the hard wooden bed, staring straight at the ceiling.

Although his body had begun to be a little tired, his spirit was very active, and his mind was full of memories and thoughts about the sacrificial array.

Because the magic symbols and techniques above are obviously two completely different systems from the knowledge taught by the patriarchs.

This means that either the knowledge inherited by the tribe from generation to generation is too narrow to understand other magic systems outside, or this technology comes from the invaders who disappeared twelve years ago.

According to the elders\' description, these invaders possessed the terrible magic power that even the gods trembled, and slaughtered all the gods within less than a year from the beginning of the invasion.

As a boy with strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, Luke is undoubtedly full of interest in this evil sacrificial array.

After lying down for a while and finding he couldn\'t sleep, he simply made it, took out a scroll made of a pen and some animal leather from his backpack, and perfectly restored the whole Dharma array according to his memory.

As for the ink used for writing, it is made of animal blood. Even after treatment, it emits a pungent smell all the time.

Fortunately, Luke has long been used to this taste, staring at the patterns on the scroll and seriously thinking about the meaning and purpose of each symbol.

But before he came up with any idea, the door of the room was gently pushed open with a squeak. Livni came in from the outside with a steaming food and carefully put it on the table: "please eat while it\'s hot. I\'m sure you must be hungry now."

"Oh? How do you know I\'m hungry?" Luke put down his things, turned and stared meaningfully at the woman who was quite in line with his aesthetics.

"It\'s a swollen pouch. Anyone who sees this will understand that you didn\'t have much rest last night." Livni explained casually.

In fact, Luke is not the only one who doesn\'t sleep at night. She hasn\'t had a good rest these days.

But compared with Luke\'s face without any disguise, she applied a lot of cosmetics and other covers in advance, otherwise the situation would not be much better.

"I see..."

Luke rubbed his slightly dry eyes, smiled and shook his head.

Just as he was about to pick up the bowl and drink a mouthful of hot soup to warm his stomach, he suddenly found that Livni\'s two legs were very tight, giving people a feeling that she might rush over at any time.

Aware of this, he deliberately paused, looked up and said, "how\'s the soup today?"

"Great! I promise!" Stephanie responded quickly.

Although she tried her best to make herself less nervous, some things are not useful just thinking.

Especially in order to cope with the emergency, every inch of muscles in the lower body are ready for battle. If the other party doesn\'t drink this bowl of soup, she will definitely rush up at the first time and force the poisoned soup down.

Only in this way can she have a slim chance of winning.

"Well, that\'s really expected."

With that, Luke put the bowl to his mouth and looked like he was going to drink it up.

But the next second

He suddenly threw a whole bowl on the face of the woman close at hand, then raised his other hand and quickly completed the attack spell.


With an explosion and a bright orange flame, Livni was overturned on the spot by a strong air wave, and a few drops of soup splashed into her mouth.


Feeling the delicious taste from her mouth, Livni\'s face instantly became very ugly, and she couldn\'t help but roar wildly and reluctantly.