All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1258

"The city of faith? The city of discipline? Can\'t escape the dark side of human nature in the end! The redemption of great will? Hehe, I don\'t know how ordinary residents outside will feel when they know the truth." Luke\'s tone was full of undisguised irony.

Because after fully understanding how cruel the outside world is, he understands that even if the truth here is revealed, most of the residents who are kept in the dark will choose to turn a blind eye and continue to bury their heads in the sand, firmly believing that the great consciousness will save them.

It may sound stupid!

But this is the cold reality!

After all, those priests and monks are distributing food and water free of charge, while mobilizing forces to maintain order and resist ubiquitous looters.

Although it needs to pay some price, this price is acceptable in the face of the cruel reality of almost despair.

You should know that once you leave the shelter of the church, more than 60% of the old, weak, women and children in bone city will die, and the rest will become slaves and spend the rest of your life miserable.

But now, they just need self hypnosis to convince themselves that the great will really exists, and then they can get enough living food and water without worrying about the killing and destruction that will come at any time.

As for sacrifice, it\'s not necessarily your turn anyway. Even if it\'s your turn, you can only blame your life.

In short, in order to survive, most lives have no bottom line. No matter how humble, cowardly and humble, it\'s enough to live.


There is no doubt that the truth at the bottom of the temple completely destroyed Luke\'s last hope for the city, and the whole person melted into the darkness again.

This time, instead of directly returning to the hotel room, he came to the bedroom of the church leader.

Standing at the head of the bed, Luke quietly watched the old man lying on the white sheet. After a full minute, he patted each other on the cheek and whispered, "wake up, bishop! I hope you can answer me a few questions."

"Who?! who are you!"

Suddenly, the old man who woke up from his deep sleep pulled out a magic pendant emitting green fluorescence from under the pillow.

"Relax, I\'m just a traveler and don\'t intend to do anything to you. What\'s more, do you think this magic pendant with death ray can really hurt me?"

Luke raised his finger a little.


The magic jewel on the pendant suddenly appeared numerous cracks like a spider\'s web, and finally burst open with a snap.

The Bishop\'s pupil contracted suddenly, quickly threw away the pendant in his hand, subconsciously swallowed saliva, and carefully tried, "what do you want to ask?"

"It\'s very simple! Tell me, whose masterpiece is the sacrificial array below? Don\'t tell me what the relic of ancient times is. If I guess correctly, it has been built less than 300 years at most." Luke said and went straight to the subject.

Perhaps for many ordinary people with a short life span, 300 years is enough to forget many things and even reproduce more than a dozen generations.

However, for the Kant tribe with relatively complete historical records, the real ancient times can be traced back to thousands of years before the arrival of the invaders.

If the temple in bone city is really as old as described, there should never be a sacrificial array with a history of only 300 years under it.

"That... That was built for us!" replied the bishop in a trembling voice.


Luke was obviously not very satisfied with the answer and took the initiative to move forward.

"It\'s a group of mysterious people! Sorry, I don\'t know their origin. I only know that the founder of the church made a deal with each other. As for the content, you saw it tonight. We must sacrifice a batch of tortured bodies and souls every once in a while." the bishop was obviously frightened, Without thinking, he told the biggest secret about the city and the church.

"Mystery man?"

"Yes, mysterious people. It is said that when they appeared, they were covered with black cloaks, and they were very tall. They could not tell what race they were. Moreover, no one was allowed to enter during their construction. I\'m very sorry, that\'s all I know. Please don\'t kill me. If I die, the order of the city will be high because of the church The struggle between the two levels was on the verge of collapse, and countless civilians would die. "The bishop knelt on the ground without restraint and begged for mercy.

No one wants to die!

Especially those who hold great wealth and power and live a luxurious life that ordinary people can\'t imagine.

"Don\'t worry, I just said I wouldn\'t kill you, so I don\'t need to use the ordinary residents of this city as a bargaining chip. What\'s more, if I really intend to kill you, do you think I care about the life and death of those ordinary people outside? No, I don\'t care. I\'m even willing to personally send them to another world to end their miserable and painful lives. Well, today\'s talk comes first So far, if I have any other questions, I\'ll come back to you. Finally, good night, distinguished bishop, may the great will redeem your greedy, ugly and dirty soul when the end of the world comes. "

With these meaningful words, Luke turned and disappeared at the corner of the corridor.

He is like a shadow, where no one can find him.

Until he successfully left the temple, the bishop, who sat rigidly on the bed, finally breathed a sigh of relief, quickly opened the drawer, took out a silver mirror from the dark grid inside, and activated the ruby inlaid on it.

Next second

The image of a darente with a slender figure and a disproportionate head and eyes appeared in the mirror.

He glanced at the room and confirmed that no outsiders were present before he asked, "what happened? Didn\'t I warn you not to contact me unless you had to?" L

"Sorry, great master, I really have something important. Just now, a guy who claimed to be a traveler found the sacrificial array you built 300 years ago." the bishop knelt on the ground and didn\'t dare to explain too much.

"Then? Did he threaten you? Or did he destroy the Dharma array?" the darente frowned and continued to ask.

The bishop quickly shook his head: "no, none. The strangest thing is here. He can threaten me or even kill me, but he left directly for some reason."

"Leave? Interesting..." Darren\'s face showed an interested expression. "Well, I\'ll send someone to investigate. Don\'t act rashly for the time being, because something big is going to happen in bone city."