All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1257




Since she got the poison, Livni tossed and turned for several days and couldn\'t sleep.

Several times I tried to pour the bottle of black liquid into Luke\'s meal, but I chose to give up when it came to the end.

Of course, this is not a discovery of conscience, or falling in love with the extremely cold boy as in the love story, but she is not sure whether the other party has the ability to distinguish strong toxins.

You know, when she stumbled forward in the endless desert, she tried to pretend that some toxic substances that were not fatal were inadvertently mixed in the food, but Luke seemed to be aware of it and discarded all the toxic parts.

There was neither questioning nor explaining anything.

So that Livni couldn\'t tell for a long time whether the part lost by the other party was some mysterious ability, magic, or simply didn\'t like the taste of food.

In her eyes, Luke\'s whole body exuded an invisible fog, and even his usual actions seemed to have deep meaning.

The longer she spent together, the less she dared to act rashly.

Because Stephanie knows that if her sinister intentions are exposed, waiting for her will never be a simple death, but a more terrible ending.

In contrast, Luke showed a lot of indifference. After ordering the task of looking for Malvina, he seemed to forget it. He either hid in his room or went out to stroll in the streets of bone city every day.

No one knew that when the night was still, he would put on another suit and sneak into the temple of hundreds of millions of bones in the center of the city.


"Are these all the bones of different creatures? Even intelligent life? It\'s hard to imagine how crazy, dark, twisted and evil god will allow believers to build their sanctuary like this."

With a whisper, Luke\'s small figure appeared out of thin air in the most insignificant corner of the temple.

Because he made perfect preparations in advance and even hid an insignificant coordinate in the corner, his arrival did not disturb anyone.

There is no doubt that the madman who was full of fanatical religious atmosphere in the street made him have a strong interest in this temple and the so-called "great will".

You know, normally, fanatical beliefs must follow two objective factors.

One is the systematic and perfect religious system and the order force to maintain its operation.

The other is the feedback of powerful supernatural forces, which may be divine power, magic, or other unknown forces.

In short, ordinary people are often very realistic and will never fall into madness or even forget themselves for something without any benefit.

Only when we can really benefit from it will we be willing to pay a huge price for it.

Obviously, ordinary residents living in bone city must provide free food and water every day, so they will show unparalleled piety and enthusiasm.

After all, they know best that if their faith fails to pass the test, they will be expelled and restored to the previous precarious situation. Maybe they will be robbed by looters and sold as slaves.

What Luke can\'t understand is why these priests and monks in the ruling class are willing to waste so many precious resources to feed a group of cumbersome people who can\'t produce economic benefits.

you \'re right!

In his eyes, most of the residents of bone City, like parasites, lie on the main artery of this mysterious temple to suck blood, but they can\'t create even a little value.

After several days of secret investigation, he has basically found out the internal structure of the temple.

First, it is the part connecting the entrance and the main hall, that is, the part that most believers can see.

There used to be a huge statue standing here. Later, I don\'t know who destroyed it, leaving only a huge base.

Above the base, there is a huge crystal emitting dark blue light, and this crystal is the embodiment of the "great consciousness" mentioned by priests and monks.

However, Luke knew that it was just an ordinary natural crystal with constant luminous magic, a small means to fool the people.

Secondly, in the second half of the temple, where senior clergy rest, hold meetings and store important resources, especially in several warehouses, there are a large number of weapons, armor and magic items.

If all of them are distributed, an army of thousands of people can be armed in an instant.

Finally, it is the place he is going to explore today, at the end of the secret road under the temple.

According to legend, the inexhaustible pool should be inside.

With strong curiosity, Luke quickly passed through the dark and narrow passage, tricked several waves of guards\' eyes with magic tricks, and finally found that a deep and dark light was reflected in the karst cave in front, and a splash of water splashed at the same time.

It\'s water!

Excited, he hurried to speed up his steps!

When he came to the pool, the whole person fell into a dull state.

Because the water in the pool is not water at all, but a distorted product mixed with corpses, blood and soul. The pungent smell is enough to make any normal person spit on the ground.

But just as he covered his mouth and nose and wanted to retreat, a miracle happened.

The pungent stench in the pool suddenly disappeared!

Those corpses, plasma and souls were also squeezed and torn up by unknown forces and decomposed into energy states that could not be distinguished by the naked eye.

Then these energies come together and tear open a portal to the position.

Next second


With the deafening roar, the clear spring poured directly from the crack into the bottomless pool, washing away the original residual bodies and flesh.

After the crack is closed, a water source sufficient to supply the whole city with drinking water for at least a few weeks to a month or two will be replenished.

Feeling the cry of the residual souls in the air, Luke narrowed his eyes and muttered: "I see! This is a magic array, an evil sacrificial array, which opens the gap to another world by sacrificing the blood, life and soul obtained after torture. Those monks are not so much feeding useless people as feeding cattle and sheep that can be slaughtered at any time. In their eyes, the residents of the city can be used to exchange money Take the source of life - the necessary consumables of water. As a saying goes, there is no free lunch in the world. "