All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1256

After a short episode, they didn\'t stop too much on the road and went straight to an open hotel.

Although the rulers of bone city are a group of suspected religious maniacs, they do not impose too many restrictions on trade.

In addition, the city has relatively cheap fresh water and amazing food production. Even if businessmen don\'t like the environment and atmosphere here, they won\'t be confused with wealth and interests.

As soon as he walked into the small hotel, Luke suddenly saw a dozen guys dressed differently from the local residents outside.

While eating and drinking, they whispered and exchanged information and information.

When it was found that a boy and a beautiful woman came in, some of them flashed a glimmer of greed in their eyes, but they soon covered it up.

After all, this is not a town with lax public security management, nor is it a lawless wilderness, but a well ordered city of commandments.

Under the control of fanatical religion, anyone who wants to kill people, steal goods, or even capture slaves needs to consider how painful it has to pay.

You know, there are no prisons here. People who violate rules and laws usually end up in two ways.

One is to be sent to underground farms and pastures to work hard for a lifetime, and you may not see the sun again until you die.

The other is directly hanged in public, and the body will also be thrown into underground farms or pastures as fertilizer.



But it has unimaginable great deterrence!

After booking a room with the hotel owner, Livni skillfully ordered two meals, and then sat on the table in the corner of the hall and ate.

While eating, she also said quietly, "can you tell me what you\'re going to do when you come to bone city?"

"It\'s easy! Find someone!"

Luke didn\'t try to hide anything. He spoke out the purpose of his trip.

"Looking for someone? Who?" she asked, swallowing the food quickly.

Although she had almost figured out the situation along the way, she still wanted to hear it from the other party.

"A willful canter girl. Help me find her, and then you\'ll be cleared of what you owe me." Luke took a gem with a faint red light from his arms. "Here, take it. If the girl appears nearby, the gem will keep flashing. The higher the flashing frequency, the closer the distance."

"Magic items?"

Feeling the faint magic energy emitted by the gem, Livni was obviously surprised, but soon added: "I need some money to inquire about the news."

"No problem! Here is all my money. Take it."

Without any hesitation, Luke threw the heavy money bag filled with all kinds of money.

Because the world has lost almost most of its resources under the plunder of invaders, and the order and ruling structure have almost collapsed, there is no unity at all, or the common currency recognized by most cities and regions.

Almost every capable city has cast its own currency, and the material is hard metal.

Never think of these currencies as light and easy to carry precious metals.

On the contrary, they are all blocks of raw materials that can be used to process weapons, armor, or other tools at any time.

In this world with extremely poor living environment, precious metals have long been mined by invaders, and the remaining small amount of minerals is not enough to support the huge trading system.

"Give it all to me? Aren\'t you afraid I\'ll run away with the money?" Livni glanced at the type and amount of money in the bag and opened her mouth in surprise.

"Believe me, you\'d better pray that you didn\'t do that, or I promise you\'ll find out what a stupid mistake you\'ve made before you get out of the city. Well, hurry up. I don\'t want to stay in this repressed city for too long."

With these meaningful words, Luke quickly ate his share of food and disappeared alone at the end of the stairs leading to the guest room.

Not long after he left his front foot, a stranger who wrapped himself in a cloak suddenly came in from the outside. After ordering something to eat, he sat down on the table behind Livni.

Because they are back to back, no one can see anyone\'s face.

After eating all the food quietly, the stranger whispered without looking back: "how\'s it going? Is it safe now?"

"Safe! He just went to the upstairs guest room. Should he come down in a moment and a half?" Livni replied without thinking.

When the former heard this sentence, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head slightly, and revealed a slightly strong female face, which was the one eyed woman who always followed behind.

Without any hesitation, she took out a small bottle of black liquid from her arms, gently put it on the table, and said in a very fast speed: "this is poison! Find the opportunity to put it in his food or drink. Remember, there is only one chance, and make sure he drinks it all."

"Damn it! Are you too anxious? I haven\'t won his trust! Don\'t you see that he hasn\'t been close to me from beginning to end." Livni\'s pupils suddenly contracted after seeing the bottle of black liquid and objected angrily.

"No way! The employer doesn\'t have much time for us. We must deal with it as soon as possible. Otherwise..."

Speaking of this, the one eyed woman paused, and the whole person began to tremble slightly: "otherwise the shadow of death will come!"

"The shadow of death?!" Livni shivered for a moment. "Who on earth is our employer? We invited him out."

"Sorry, I don\'t know. But if we can\'t deal with it before the shadow of death comes, all our efforts and sacrifices will be in vain."

The voice just fell!

The one eyed woman stood up directly and left the hotel. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared at the end of the street.

Without saying a word, Stephanie stood up and hid the small bottle of expensive and deadly poison in her sleeve while everyone was not paying attention.

As a caster, no one knows better than her how terrible these black liquids are.

Usually, it takes only one drop to cut off the connection between a very powerful caster and magical energy.

If it is a whole bottle, no matter how powerful Luke is, he will instantly degenerate into a real, defenseless 12-year-old boy