All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1242

Time flies. In a flash, more than ten years have passed.

As a baby, Lucky Luke was taken in by a small group. Like most children of similar age, Luke stayed in a relatively safe underground cave * *.

On weekdays, either follow the elders to learn all kinds of knowledge, common sense and survival skills, or follow the warriors to learn combat skills.

In short, in this dangerous world, even minor children don\'t have much free time to play. We must race against the clock and strive for survival.

Generally speaking, when an adult male reaches the age of 12, he will accept a challenge called trial. Without carrying any food and water, he will survive in the endless desert for 12 days. Only those who survive are qualified to become members of the tribe.

If you die, or give up halfway, the one waiting for the loser is to be brutally exiled and embark on the road of struggling to survive alone.

Because of the extreme lack of food and water, the ethnic group is not allowed to feed those members who cannot create value.

In the process of growing up, young Luke saw several older children with his own eyes. Finally, he failed to pass the test. He said goodbye to his parents, relatives and friends with tears and embarked on the road of survival alone.

But I don\'t know why, for this almost cruel picture, not only did he not have even a little resonance in his heart, but it was as cold as the biting wind at night in the desert.

Obviously, for a child around the age of ten, this reaction is absolutely abnormal.

But in Luke\'s growth track, abnormality is the norm, and there are very few normal times.

After all, first of all, the shape and appearance of light are very different from other large cats in the tribe that seem to walk upright.

He has no thick hair, no sharp claws, teeth and green pupils at night. Some are just long black hair and the same deep black eyes.

In addition, he also found that he was much smarter than the members of the tribe. No matter what the elders taught, he could learn as soon as he could. The magic that the company commanders claimed needed special talents to learn could also be perfectly copied after watching it, even stronger than the power displayed by the professors.

Everything seems to prove that he never belongs here, but comes from another place.

But interestingly, whenever he began to think deeply, a voice suddenly echoed in his mind: "go back! Now is not the time!"

Everything around me seems to be at a standstill, and it will return to normal after about two or three seconds.

You know, this is not once or twice, but repeated several times.

With Luke\'s clever little brain, it\'s not difficult to guess what secret must be hidden in himself. Maybe his own origin is a huge secret.

Unfortunately, when he asked the elders about his life experience, the other party always avoided talking and repeatedly stressed that he was a member of the tribe and would become an indispensable and powerful umbrella in the future.

If you were an ordinary child, you might be fooled by the elders, but Luke saw through each other\'s lies and the fear behind the lies.

Needless to ask, the elders took a fancy to his terrible magic talent, and did their best to cultivate and exercise.

As he grew older, Luke\'s strength in some aspects also increased day by day. Even at the age of seven, he could kill more than a dozen giant worms rushing in from the underground of the cave with the help of a small number of magic books recorded in the tribe.

Normally, a behemoth of more than 50 meters and a diameter of two meters, once rushed into the cave community with narrow terrain, it was almost a tragic massacre. From the elderly to the young children, everything would be swallowed up by the big mouths.

After this incident, Luke\'s status in the ethnic group increased rapidly, and many people no longer regarded him as a minor child.

On the day of his twelfth birthday, he suddenly received an unsigned letter.

The letter was engraved on the shell of a desert crustacean. It was only the size of a palm. Inside, there was only one sentence: "I\'ll wait for you next to the reservoir after sunset tonight."

"Reservoir?" Luke frowned subconsciously.

As one of the two most important places for the whole tribe, the reservoir is not only the top priority, but also the source of livelihood for more than 100 people of the whole ethnic group.

Generally, at least six people will take turns to guard here to ensure that the water source is safe.

He wondered why the other Party chose such a place with many eyes since they planned to meet secretly.

However, the doubt returned to doubt, and he finally decided to go and have a look.

After the fight against more than a dozen giant insects, Luke realized that his magic power was much stronger than expected, and there should be nothing around the station that could threaten him.

With curiosity and uneasiness, he quickly crossed the narrow tunnel and reached the bottomless reservoir after sunset.

But strangely, the guards who should have been stationed here disappeared one by one, and there was no quiet sound around.

"Good evening, Luke. You\'re still here."

Just as the boy stopped to patrol around, a dark figure slowly climbed up from under the pool.

"Brolin? It\'s you!" Luke was slightly surprised.

The former smiled and nodded: "yes! It\'s me. I believe you must be very strange. Why should I suddenly ask you out alone at this time, right?"

"What are you trying to say?" Luke began to retreat carefully.

He had heard many legends about the warrior and understood that the guy who looked a little old in front of him was actually a top hunter to the letter and even killed the ferocious darente.

When facing such a dangerous object, it is very important to keep a safe distance. At least give yourself about three seconds to react.

Undoubtedly aware of the vigilance in the boy\'s eyes, Brolin sighed and comforted, "relax, boy, I\'m not your enemy. On the contrary, I brought you back from the darente magic fortress."

"What?! you brought me back? Tell me! What happened? And who am I?" Luke asked impatiently.