All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1243

Self refers to the individual\'s cognition of his own existence state and the result of individual\'s self-evaluation of his social role.

If a life perceives that he is different from other lives around him, or even cannot integrate into the social group, he will have a strong doubt about himself, and then try his best to find the hidden truth.

Obviously, Luke is in such a state right now.

On weekdays, he tries to pretend to be normal and uses his power to help the ethnic group resist the invasion of foreign enemies, so as to ensure that the station is safe.

But in his heart, he never gave up. He found out who he was, where he came from and why there was always a voice in his mind.

Looking at the boy\'s urgent desire flashing in his black pupil, Brolin shook his head with a bitter smile: "no, I can\'t tell you now unless you promise me a condition."

"What\'s the condition?" asked Luke, clenching his fist and making a calm inquiry.

"Very simple! My daughter Malvina will have a trial ceremony the day after tomorrow. I hope you can join her." Brolin said the exchange terms without thinking.

As a father, he undoubtedly knows that without outside help, his daughter is only 30% likely to pass the test.

In order to ensure that everything was safe, he hesitated again and again, and finally made up his mind to ask for help from the boy he brought back at the risk of his life 12 years ago.

"You mean, let me have a trial with her on the same day?"

Although he was only twelve years old, the clever Luke suddenly realized what the other party wanted him to do.

In fact, as early as the age of seven, he had been unanimously recognized by the elders and did not have to participate in the so-called trial.

But if he insists, I believe the elders will not object.

After all, living outside for 12 days is not a challenge for him at all. It can also avoid gossip from parents who have lost their children.

Brolin nodded seriously: "yes! If she\'s with you, she\'ll be very safe. When I see Malvina back safely, I\'ll tell you what I saw."

"But how can I believe you\'re not lying for your daughter?" Luke narrowed his eyes and said tentatively.

"Hehe, here, take it. This is what I found around you at that time. It can prove that I didn\'t lie."

With that, Brolin put a small piece of crystal clear mysterious crystal that seemed to be filled with some dark blue liquid next to the reservoir, and turned and disappeared at the end of the underground passage.

As he passed by, Luke suddenly found several unconscious guards lying on the ground.

Needless to ask, these guards are the guards of the reservoir. I don\'t know how to make them temporarily unconscious.

Carefully picked up this crystal of extreme beauty, Luke couldn\'t help shivering, as if the whole person had a strong resonance from inside to outside, from body to soul. At the same time, he vaguely saw a huge and incomparable tree through an unknown distance.

"This... What is this..."

As he murmured to himself, he gripped the dark blue crystal, as if a seal in the depths of his soul had loosened.

Just as the seal was about to break out of the cocoon, the voice in my mind roared again: "no! Not yet! Go back! It\'s too dangerous for you!"

Next second

All the visions and resonances disappeared, replaced by the cold touch.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Almost! Who am I?" interrupted Luke roared angrily.

But in the end, he quickly calmed down and quickly left the reservoir with crystals before the unconscious guards woke up.


Two days passed quickly. With the first ray of sunshine rising from the horizon in the morning, the solemn, serious and even desolate trial finally began.

As one of the participants, Malvina is now standing near the only exit to the outside, carrying the toolkit and weapons her parents personally prepared for her. Instead of showing a little hesitation and fear, she seems very excited and looking forward to it.

In any case, she has never been in contact with the outside world. No matter how many warnings she has heard about how dangerous it is outside, she will inevitably have a strong curiosity.

In contrast, Luke, the other participant, was much more calm. He quickly checked all his belongings, especially those precious and easily damaged magic items. After confirming that there was no problem, he said to the elders who came to see them off: "please rest assured that we will come back safely."

"Don\'t be careless! I know your casting skills have long surpassed me, but sometimes strength can\'t completely determine the outcome, and luck and experience are also very important. If anything happens, you should escape alive anyway, okay?" an old man with white hair and beard warned loudly.

"I see! I\'ll be careful." after that, Luke pretended to look over his head and asked Malvina, who looked a little cute: "what, are you ready? Ready, we\'re going on our way."

"Ha! No problem! My father is the most powerful warrior in the tribe, and I won\'t humiliate him." Malvina raised her mouth and showed some sharp little tiger teeth.

"In that case, let\'s go."

Luke didn\'t talk nonsense. He was the first to take the lead out of the hole, strode forward on the golden beach in the sun, and disappeared behind the first sand dune after a while.

Looking at the back of the two young people, one of the elders asked in an uncertain tone, "do you really think it is a wise choice to let him leave the station? You know, even if he doesn\'t participate in the trial, he can bring an unprecedented sense of security to the tribe."

"No! You don\'t understand! A genius like him should not be imprisoned in the dark underground all his life. Although it seems to you that it is a disguised protection, he needs to grow up and experience many dangers and hardships. What we need to do is not to limit, but to support silently behind his back." another elder explained meaningfully.

"Forget it! It\'s no use regretting when things come to this stage. Wait patiently. In twelve days, fate will give us a clear answer."

"Yes! Twelve days later, we will know whether he is the person we expect to bring change."

"If he doesn\'t come back..."

"Shut up! Don\'t be discouraged! He will come back!"