All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1241

People who have not experienced the end of the world will never realize how bad the environment and how difficult it will be to survive after a planet has lost almost all its important resources.

During the day, it is difficult to advance against the scorching sun and the ambient temperature of more than 60 degrees Celsius;

At night, you must rest in an environment of more than minus 25 degrees Celsius to recover your strength for the difficult journey the next day.

Of course, these are the simplest parts.

The real threat is the predators with sharp claws and teeth hidden under the desert.

Under extremely bad conditions, these fierce monsters have evolved unparalleled hunting ability. They can not only easily tear off the stoic fur and shell, but also dissolve the remaining toxins in the hunting objects.

As the ecological cycle has completely collapsed, the food on this planet is extremely scarce, and no life can find out what can eat and what can\'t eat.

As the top warrior in the tribe, the big cat man undoubtedly has a strong sense of danger. He survived several attacks in a row, killed each other again, cut a large number of white and tender meat, and mixed the water in the water bag to feed the baby in his arms.

Although he knows that normal babies simply have no ability to digest these foods, they may be poisoned by the possible toxicity in the food.

Unfortunately, he has no choice but to hope that the baby can survive these days and have a sweet * * when he returns to the tribe.

To his surprise, the seemingly fragile baby, far from being poisoned, became stronger and stronger after eating food with slight toxins.

No matter how the external environment changes, whether the temperature rises or falls rapidly, there is a layer of light energy around the baby\'s body to ensure that its body temperature will not change much.

In this way, with an uneasy mood, the big cat man finally returned to his tribe safely.

As soon as he stepped into the cordon, a fellow who looked quite small suddenly burst out half his head and shouted at the top of his voice, "Hello! Brolin! Is that you?"

"Nonsense! Of course it\'s me!" the big cat man called Brolin raised his arm and waved his hand.

"Blessed by the gods! You finally came back safely! How\'s it going? Did you get the water?"

The former quickly put away his weapons, left his hiding place and rushed forward in twos and threes.

After all, water is the source of life. Few life in the universe can survive alone without water. Even if they have evolved for hundreds of years under extreme drought, they have only evolved a water storage organ that can store water in it. Even if they don\'t drink water for a week or two, they won\'t die of thirst.

Brolin patted the huge water bag behind him, smiled and nodded: "of course! I got enough water this time! At least enough for the tribe to use for more than two months."

"What... What? You filled the whole water bag! You shouldn\'t be..."

The shorter cat man stared in surprise and inadvertently licked his dry lips.

You should know that it seems that there is only one bucket of water bag, which is not an ordinary water bag, but a magic transformed prop. It is enough to fill one-third of the reservoir in the camp at one time.

Normally, it\'s lucky to take one fifth at a time and bring it back alive.

"That\'s right! You guessed right! I went to the magic fortress built by the darentes." Brolin nodded and admitted.

"Damn it! Are you crazy? Those magic traps and steel puppets will kill you!"

"But I came back alive, didn\'t I? Well, don\'t be so fussy. Pour water into the reservoir quickly. I also went to see the elders. I have very important things to discuss with them."

Without saying a word, Brolin stuffed the heavy water bag directly into his companion, and then walked towards a deep underground cave with the baby in his arms.

After shuttling through the intricate underground tunnel for more than 20 minutes, we finally came to a cave surrounded by four old people.

When the old man saw him coming in, he immediately raised his head and asked, "what\'s the matter? Did you get the water?"

"Yes, elder, I got the water. And I found that all the darentes in the magic fortress were dead. The only thing alive was this strange baby! He was obviously not darente. I had never even seen a similar race before."

Brolin quickly said what he knew. At the same time, he untied the cloth bag on his chest and put the naked baby on the table made of an unknown biological shell.


Another old man\'s eyes lit up slightly, stretched out a finger, gently poked the little guy\'s belly, and soon shook his head: "sorry, I can\'t help it. No similar race has been recorded in any books."

"Maybe from other worlds? Darentes dominate dozens of worlds." another old man put forward a hypothesis.

"It\'s possible! What do you think should be done with the baby?"

"I can feel that he has extremely strong magical potential. Maybe we should raise him and provide shelter for our tribe when he grows up."

"But he is not our people! How can you be sure that he will repay our kindness?"

"Don\'t forget! He\'s just a baby! The baby is like a piece of white paper. As long as we instill the idea of protecting the tribe into him, his powerful magical power will become our umbrella."

"Stop arguing! The old rule is to vote. Those in favor please raise their hands."


After a short debate, the four elders finally adopted the decision to adopt the strange baby by three to one, and even gave the baby a name - Luke, Lucky Luke.

At the same time, in the collapsing spiritual world, Gru stood next to the huge chaotic tree, looked at the body that had lost its soul, smiled bitterly and sighed: "Hey - this madman really made the same choice. Maybe this is the blessing of fate, and the genesis will begin soon."

"No! The genesis has begun! Two wills! Two souls! Two transcendents! The reborn ones will determine the direction of the whole universe." the man wearing glasses said with unprecedented excitement.

New life!

For the vast majority of life, it only means a baptism of memory, a reincarnation from life to death, and then from death to life.

But for Zhang Cheng and Byron, it means getting rid of the bondage of the material universe and spiritual world.