All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1236

"I believe you should be very clear that we are excluded because we have destroyed the foundation of the whole spiritual world. Therefore, the subconscious mind that dominates the world believes that we are invaders and destroyers and tries to destroy us.

It\'s like a foreign virus invades your body, and the body\'s immune system will respond automatically.

Usually, this reaction is divided into several stages.

At first, this counterattack will appear weak, or even a kind of temptation. If you don\'t do extreme actions, it will even subside gradually, just as bacteria and viruses in the body will form a microsecond balance.

At this stage, you should have more say than me.

After all, you have captured a birthplace and transformed it into what you want.

But interestingly, the transformation you have carried out has not really posed any threat to the existence of the spiritual world. On the contrary, it has accelerated the evolution of life in a disguised form, allowing intelligent life to build a real civilization from scratch.

If I\'m not mistaken, your bad appearance now is the inevitable result of long-term exclusion from the initial stage? "

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng deliberately paused and looked up at the other party\'s dry body.

There is no doubt that this is not Byron\'s original appearance, but something like a curse has turned him into the current state of being neither human nor ghost.

"Ah! You\'ve noticed it for a long time. Yes, I\'ve been suffering from the curse of the world. Especially recently, this curse is about to reach the depths of my soul." Byron took off his hood for the first time, revealing his dry and frightening face.

Above the center of his eyebrows, there was an X-shaped mark, flashing a faint silver light.

Obviously, this is the mark left by the empty world consciousness on him, a brand that can never be eliminated.

"I see..."

After verifying his guess, Zhang chengruo nodded thoughtfully and continued calmly: "Next comes the second stage, which is the stage we are currently experiencing. The vague world consciousness recognizes the threat and begins to try its best to eliminate us at a certain price. But after this stage, there is a final stage and the craziest stage."

"So you\'re going to transition from phase two to phase three?" Byron raised his mouth with an interested expression.

"Yes! In the third stage, the whole world will choose endless anger and madness. Only at this time can you really see the essence of the spiritual world and its potential and power." Zhang Cheng explained meaningfully.

"Real power and potential?!" Byron seemed to think of something, and his dry eyes glittered with strange light.

"Yes! Don\'t you think that as a part of the huge material universe, the spiritual world should be far more than it looks on the surface?" Zhang Cheng put forward his inner guess.

Because here, you can clearly feel the projection of the material universe, and even the environment is filled with a large amount of material and energy.

But at the other end, the influence of spiritual power on the species universe is pitiful.

Except for a small amount of use of soul and magic, it is almost difficult to see the influence of spiritual power.

There is no doubt that this phenomenon is very abnormal.

Or the spiritual world is a part of the material universe, and its status is equivalent to vassal, not in an equal position.

Either the time when the spiritual world appeared was later than that of the material universe. At present, it is still in development, and there is still a distance from complete growth.

Either way, researchers must find out the truth.

Byron touched his chin and meditated for a moment. He immediately agreed: "what you said is very reasonable! What are you waiting for? Let\'s start the final stage directly."

The voice just fell!

He immediately released amazing power to infinitely enlarge the force fields that could hardly be detected.

In the blink of an eye, the ground was torn by the force field, and the original overlord was bound by strong forces. He could not move even one step, but could only watch himself swallowed up by nothingness bit by bit.



And the ensuing self destruction!

After an earth shaking bang, the third birthplace disappeared forever.

But this is just the beginning!

When the third birthplace disappeared, the strong malice condensed into essence almost in an instant.

The sky suddenly tore open a hole, and endless huge virtual shadows composed entirely of spiritual power rushed to their position like a tide.

Seeing this amazing scene, Zhang Chengfei did not show any timidity, but grinned: "ha ha! Great! This is what I expected! Do you feel it? The power enough to kill us!"

"Hey, hey! How could I not feel it! My hands! My legs! Every cell in my body is shaking! For many years! This is the first time! You are right! The potential of the world is far from being fully tapped." Byron endured the excitement in his heart and the whole person shook uncontrollably.

He could not tell whether he was trembling because of excitement, or because of fear, or a little bit of both.

"So are you ready to escape? You know, if we don\'t escape this time, we will really die without a place to bury." Zhang Cheng ignored the approaching virtual shadow and turned around to test with a smile.

"Ready! When the escape is over, the destruction of the world will come."

After that, Byron didn\'t hesitate at all. He directly used the power field to start moving at a speed that could not be distinguished by the naked eye.

And those huge virtual shadows all over the sky followed, and the places they passed fell apart, as if nothing could stop them, and I don\'t know if they are big guys of life.

As like as two peas, Zhang Cheng dared not stay in the same place and fled to another place.

As the initiator, he knew very well that once he entered the final stage, he and Byron would be regarded as the greatest threat. The whole spiritual world would kill them at all costs, even if they died together.

There will be no negotiation, no relaxation, and no end before the goal is achieved.

I either hold on to the last step of distorting the overlord to complete the plan, or die on the road of escape. There is no third choice at all