All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1235

What motivates a life to destroy the whole world?

If you change to a normal person, the answer must be pain, hatred and despair.

But Zhang Cheng is just the opposite. He believes that the deepest love is the source of the idea of destroying everything.

In fact, he did the same.

This overlord, whose mind and consciousness are completely distorted, is instilled with too much love for the spiritual world, so it will have the idea of destroying it.

Of course, a little conscious guidance should be added.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Cheng and Byron did not tamper with the memory of a overlord or the way of thinking, because it was impossible.

As overlords standing at the top of the evolution of the spiritual world, they themselves represent the extension of the will of the world. They are guardians, cleaners and order maintainers. Their love for the world exceeds the sum of all other lives.

What Zhang Cheng uses is precisely this unforgettable love, which instills some things that are too beautiful and idealistic.

As we all know, idealists are known as the driving force of civilization and social progress, but in fact, no matter in any era, they are truly mobile disasters, whether for themselves or for the people around them.

Often, the more capable idealists are, the more tragic the disaster they will create, even at the cost of thousands of deaths.

Obviously, in the process of distorting the guidance of the overlord, Zhang Cheng added too many idealistic things, and even excessively beautified the existing cycle of the spiritual world.

When this perfect ideal collides with reality, it distorts the overlord\'s heart and produces unparalleled anger. He feels that he has been deceived and betrayed, and finally has the idea of destroying everything and starting again.

It doesn\'t understand that it is just a pawn to be used.

Under the careful treatment of Zhang Cheng, the bed that twisted the overlord\'s soul was quickly repaired.

As for the trauma caused by mental shock, it healed completely after a while, and the mental strength not only did not decrease, but also increased slightly.

After all, the self explosion of the original overlord just now is essentially a release of spiritual power. After removing those parts involved in emptiness and nothingness, the rest is diffuse in the surrounding environment.

As a overlord, absorbing the spiritual power of the surrounding environment is as simple as eating and drinking water.

Feeling the health and vitality of the body restored, the twisted overlord immediately ran into his creator, changed back to the original arrogant attitude, and disappeared on the white horizon with elegant steps.

As soon as its front foot left, Byron\'s back foot appeared out of thin air and asked in a slightly teasing tone, "how do you feel? That\'s the malice from the whole world!"

"Of course! It was just what we expected, wasn\'t it?" Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"What are you going to do? Hide as much as possible, or do it vigorously?" Byron\'s eyes flashed dangerously.

"Hahaha! That\'s a question? Keeping a low profile is not what we should do now! How, are you interested in making a scene with me?" Zhang Cheng also showed a crazy smile on his face.

"What\'s your plan?"

"Are you interested in capturing another birthplace? Then completely pollute and distort it, and completely set off an all-round war that can shake the foundation of the spiritual world!"

"Total war?! I like the word! Your plan is very to my taste!"

"What are you waiting for? Let\'s start quickly! By the way, we can buy some growth time for the little guy we created. After all, its birth time is too short to deal with several original overlords at the same time."

"Don\'t worry, my dear friend. It\'s not easy to capture a birthplace. We need to make some preparations."

"No! Don\'t be prepared! It\'s enough to go to the dark blue ocean and get more water. Anyway, for you and me, the spiritual world is just a toy destined to be abandoned, even if it breaks down."

"Ah! You are so ruthless!"


Nothing is more terrible than two madmen together!

Especially the kind of madman who never cares about other people\'s life and death, let alone the consequences!

Inspired by Zhang Cheng, Byron and his servants drew endless water from the dark blue ocean and poured it directly into the birthplace.

Whether the overlord stationed there in turn or the newly born life, they have finally become living statues in the overwhelming tide.

Even two-thirds of the birth pool stopped working, and no life was born for a long time.

As for the remaining third, under the auspices of Zhang Cheng, it has become the nourishment of the tree of chaos.

Under the power of chaos, every newly born life is full of factors of destruction and violence.

They are more aggressive than the original life. Even if they don\'t feel hungry, they will continue to kill and devour until there is no living thing around.

Needless to ask, this is a naked act of plunder and destruction.

Moreover, with the destruction of the second birth pool, the exclusion and malice from the whole spiritual world began to become stronger and stronger. Even Byron and Zhang Cheng could not normally absorb spiritual power to make up for their own consumption.

Unfortunately, instead of stopping, the two madmen intensified their attack on the third birthplace again.

Appreciating the growing and boiling spiritual power not far away, Byron pursed his lips and joked: "we seem to annoy the whole world!"

"Yes, we have provoked it. Look at the power filled in the overlord, which is about to exceed the limit that his body can carry." Zhang Cheng echoed with a smile, not alarmed by the powerful enemy in front.

"To tell you the truth, although this is the second time I personally feel this kind of malice, it will still produce a strong addiction." Byron stretched out his dry tongue and licked his teeth.



Tremor from the soul!

People who have not been excluded by the whole world will never understand the feeling that they will lose their lives at any time, just like the biting sea breeze suddenly blowing into their collars and goose bumps all over their body.

"Hehe, it\'s really addictive. To tell you the truth, I\'m already addicted to this feeling. Are you interested in making this feeling stronger?"

"You mean..."