All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1237


Run desperately!

No rest!

No rest!

The sky and earth changed color where they passed, and the scene was like the end of the day.

Just as Zhang Cheng and Byron kept running away in the opposite direction, Gru and the man with glasses were hiding in the dark and silently observing the changes of the whole world.

I don\'t know how long it took

Maybe a few days, maybe a few months

When the first group of data was collected, the man wearing glasses finally raised his mouth and commented in a slightly crazy tone: "he is really crazy! He can think of such a way to achieve two ulterior purposes at the same time. One is to find out the potential of the spiritual world, and the other is to find out the hidden strength of the original master."

"You\'re right! It\'s really crazy! Look at the strange scene outside and the extent of the destruction of the world. No one with normal mind and reason would ever try this." Gru nodded in agreement.

The destruction taking place outside has far exceeded the capacity of the spiritual world to bear and repair. Many places have even been swallowed up by nothingness, forming broken marks one after another.

Obviously, this is the most violent side of the empty world consciousness after entering the final stage.

Just like the terminally ill body, the immune system no longer cares about the patient\'s life and death, but just wants to use its last strength to eliminate the greatest threat.

As for the subjective consciousness of patients, they can\'t control their body\'s immune system at all.

What\'s more, the empty world consciousness has no so-called independent consciousness at all. It is only a conditioned reflex and does not have the ability of complex thinking and judgment.

The man with glasses seemed to recall the days when he was with the initiator and sighed softly: "Yes! Maybe this is the biggest difference between us and him. Ambition and desire always need a little crazy to support. If a person is not crazy enough, he can\'t make a desperate decision at the critical moment. So you and I can never be independent to accomplish something, but need to find a similar partner."

"Do you really trust him? You know, he just killed your best friend." asked Gru with interest.

He was obviously very interested in the relationship between the two, specifically the relationship between the three, but one person had completely disappeared.

"Why not?" the man habitually held the glasses on the bridge of his nose that didn\'t play any role in correcting his eyesight. "In my opinion, there is no essential difference between him and my former companions, and even the essence is the same. Perhaps the only difference is that he who won the final victory has more adventurous spirit than my former companions and is good at making use of everything around him to create favorable conditions for himself."

"No, no, no, you don\'t understand what I mean. What I want to express is that he is a guy who is good at deception and betrayal. Are you sure he won\'t kill us once and for all after achieving his goal?" Gru asked a key question.

After all, in the process of Zhang Cheng\'s growth, he has betrayed too many times, and the number is unclear. Some have made up their mind to betray their allies at a certain stage in the future from the beginning.

Others may not know this history, but Gru, who personally went to the parallel world, witnessed everything.

The allies who fell at Zhang Cheng\'s feet fully showed how dangerous and unreliable he was.

"Ah, betrayal, this is an interesting topic."

The man with glasses smiled and nodded, obviously knowing what Gru wanted to say.

After organizing the language a little, he quickly said, "first of all, I want to state that betrayal is not so much a moral problem as an interest problem. Therefore, the premise of betrayal is that there is a conflict of interest between each other. Do you think he has a conflict of interest with us now? Or do you think you can pose any threat to him?"

"Although this answer is a little unwilling, but now I really don\'t pose any threat to him." Gru replied with a helpless sigh.

"Why would he betray you if he could not pose a threat? Most importantly, do you think the original master who claimed to be Byron would be easy to deal with? Until he was solved, there would be no conflict of interest between us. On the contrary, under the premise of external threats, the covenant between us would become very strong. So instead of worrying about it later If we are betrayed, we might as well worry about the danger we will face if the plan fails. "

Then the man with glasses began to deal with the data collected at the risk of his life.

In particular, the huge virtual shadows that tear the sky into the spiritual world leave the strongest marks on the instrument.

Obviously, they are not produced out of thin air, but bred for a long time, but still stay in a state between life and non life.

It\'s like the original gods that have begun to condense on some planets but have not yet been awakened.

Driven by the vague world consciousness, he was forced to participate in this doomed pursuit.

Gru is not a fool. What the other party refers to in the way of nature, he also picked up a piece of data and asked without raising his head: "what do you think these huge shadows are? The God of the spiritual world? Or something else?"

"I\'m sorry, but according to the data available at present, it\'s hard to judge. But one thing is certain that their power is not inferior to that of the overlord, or even stronger. Look at the floating values of these spiritual power. As long as they are contaminated with a little, both you and I will be torn to pieces in an instant. His speculation is right. The spiritual world is still in a stage of slow development, far away Not as mature as the material universe, "the man replied without raising his head.

It can be seen that these data made him so excited that his eyes showed a bright look.

After all, as a researcher, nothing is more important than detailed data as a reference.

"But the world is going to be destroyed. What\'s the point of studying these?" Gru turned and looked at the broken sky and earth in the distance.

"Of course it makes sense! Do you think that when the spiritual world is destroyed, it will no longer exist? No! Its destruction is only a beginning! Next, spirit and matter will collide directly, so as to perfectly integrate and give birth to a new universe, a universe with both spirit and matter. At that time, a creature that breaks the barrier will become the only dominator..."