All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1232

Tree world

A different space inside the tree of chaos, two consciousness free from the limitation of the body, are looking at each other in the form of pure soul.

After a full minute, Zhang Cheng put his hand into each other\'s chest and said in a cold and non emotional tone: "it\'s over! From today on, I\'m the only myself, a truly perfect life."

"The only one? No! You are not the only one! At least not yet! I will lurk in your consciousness and patiently wait for the opportunity of the second resurrection. As long as I firmly believe that I still exist, you will never erase the last mark." the initiator did not try to resist, but left a meaningful remark at the moment when it was about to disappear.

"Do you think I will give you a second chance? Naive! Under the resonance of your soul, no matter how deep your last residual consciousness is hidden, you can\'t escape my surveillance. Although I\'m sorry to say so, I still want to tell you that you have no future."

After saying that, Zhang Cheng\'s hand inserted into his chest suddenly released a silver light.

Next second

The soul and consciousness of the initiator suddenly lost their human form and turned into a silver light, which slowly integrated into Zhang Cheng\'s body along his arm.

Finally, when the two became one, the whole tree world began to change rapidly.

Those originally hazy images became clear at the speed visible to the naked eye. In the desolate and silent environment, I don\'t know when there were all kinds of animals, as if the dead world came alive at once.

In particular, the huge spiritual power released by the residual organs of the overlord\'s body has brought infinite spirituality and vitality to the world.

When Zhang Cheng opens his eyes again, the tree world has become a real world.

Looking at the vibrant scenery in front of him, he couldn\'t help slightly pursing the corners of his mouth and said to himself, "this is my heart? A perfect world? But unfortunately, it doesn\'t accord with my taste at all. Maybe a little change is needed next."

The voice just fell!

The clear sky was suddenly shrouded in a thick layer of dark clouds, and the green plants on the ground twisted in a very short time, growing gloomy and terrible faces.

As for those animals, they all died in less than a minute, replaced by the dead and ghosts born from the corpses.




From time to time, it will make a creepy sound!

Looking at the tree world that has changed rapidly driven by his own consciousness, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "great! This is the most real embodiment of my heart! People who completely integrate into the darkness do not need hypocritical light, let alone a so-called quiet harbor."

Hypocrisy and weakness are common faults of almost all intelligent lives, and the inner world is the most direct embodiment of these two weaknesses.

Among them, hypocrisy represents the restriction on the real self. In order to meet the group values, it is a foolish act of self castration. By cutting off the strong desire and following some conventional rules, it can avoid becoming a heterogeneous group, persecution, exclusion, and even loneliness.

It is essentially a kind of camouflage and deception, but as hypocrisy and ethics become a habit, it will completely stifle the infinite possibility of the future and firmly put a creature within the well-designed framework of the present.

In contrast, although weakness does not have the ability to stifle infinite possibilities like hypocrisy, it poses no small danger.

Because weakness is a self-protection mechanism, because the most fundamental motivation of life itself is to live, when encountering a powerful enemy or difficulty, what often comes to mind at the first time is not to defeat it, but to avoid it from a distance, so as to ensure your own safety.

From a certain point of view, weakness can keep an intelligent life away from danger, pain and pressure, and live in a relatively relaxed environment.

After all, comfort and comfort are the ideal life pursued by most ordinary lives.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng was destined to have no chance with ease and comfort long ago. He either became a loser on the road to climb the peak, fell from the hillside into the abyss, or climbed to the top to look down on all sentient beings.

With the belief that he could never fail, he withdrew from the tree world and began to reshape the body containing soul and consciousness.

At the moment when the molding was completed, Byron, who had been waiting for a long time, finally couldn\'t help opening his mouth and said tentatively, "it\'s over?"

"Ah! It\'s over!" Zhang Cheng nodded his head gently.

"Then can you tell me who you are? Or who accounts for a higher proportion of you now?" Byron\'s eyes twinkled with curiosity.

"I am me! There is no change with the past! Just another memory and another way of thinking are added in my mind. Phagocytosis and integration is not a complete acceptance without any selectivity, as you think, but a kind of filtering and optimization. In this process, I will lose some precious things, but I will also get some precious things All this is to surpass and make yourself more perfect. "

When he said these words, Zhang Cheng inadvertently revealed his unique temperament, a breath completely opposite to his previous performance.

Byron was obviously aware of this and continued to ask with interest, "I\'m a little curious. What did you lose and what did you get?"

"Are you prying into my privacy? Or do you want to test whether I have reached the perfection you expect?"

Peeping into the essence of the soul, no matter who it is, is a naked provocation.

Zhang Cheng didn\'t turn his face directly. He has been very calm and restrained.

"Ha ha! Of course not! I always know that true perfection does not exist. All life at the apex of evolution, including you and me, can only approach perfection infinitely, but can never reach perfection. I just wonder what degree the new life can reach when the two souls of the parallel universe collide and merge."

"You want to fight me?"

"Yes! Only power is the most intuitive embodiment of whether life is perfect or not."

"No! You\'re wrong! If power is the most perfect embodiment of life, what\'s the use of knowledge and wisdom? Real perfection is the combination of power and wisdom, the quenching from spirit, body to soul. Now, I\'ll let you see what is perfect and what is real power..."

With the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng raised his right hand and pressed it on the trunk of the chaotic tree beside him.