All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1233




With the deafening noise, the giant tree that seemed to run through the heaven and earth immediately came to life, and was not hindered by those "stagnant" force fields. Waving the thick branches like an arm, it directly wiped the whole city off the horizon.

you \'re right!

Just erase it!

Those luxuriant branches seem to have some mysterious magic. Everything in contact with them will produce a wonderful fluctuation, followed by some tiny whirlpools that can hardly be distinguished by the naked eye.

Not decomposition!

Not destruction!

But was sucked into another space!

When Byron saw such a strange scene, the two groups of flickering cold light in his eyes contracted for a moment, and asked in an uncertain tone, "where have they all gone? And how do you avoid the influence of those stagnant force fields?"

"I think you should know this better than me. After all, your interesting instant movement ability is the same principle." Zhang Cheng kicked the ball back with a smile.

In fact, since the first meeting, he has been curious about why the other party can ignore the consumption of spiritual power and directly transmit back and forth in the spiritual world.

However, after fusing the soul of the initiator, he suddenly found that the spiritual world was not like what he saw on the surface, but a vast white plane, a circular belt around the outside of the material universe.

The annular belt is actually divided into countless small pieces and then connected together through an invisible force field.

Byron\'s transmission, in essence, is to use the traction generated by the invisible force field to instantly leap over a very long distance, giving people the feeling of using transmission.

In contrast, Zhang Cheng can\'t accurately sense the subtle differences in each force field for the time being, so he can\'t move at high speed, but he can use the force field and gap to throw something out of the spiritual world.

As for where it was lost, it was unknown whether it was the material universe or the dark blue ocean wrapped around the material universe.

"Ah! You really feel them! Good! Great!" Byron grinned with a reluctant smile.

"Thanks for your compliment! If you don\'t mind, can you give me some time? I need to deal with my private affairs." Zhang Cheng ignored the other party\'s unnatural smile and took the opportunity to make a request.

Byron nodded without thinking: "of course! Please! You have enough time to deal with your private affairs before the overlord we made destroys the spiritual world."

"In that case, I\'ll leave first."

Zhang Cheng bowed slightly, put away the chaotic tree directly, turned around and jumped on the horizon at a very fast speed with the help of the power field, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

Seeing him go away, Byron\'s smile quickly disappeared and replaced it with gloom and coldness: "Damn it! He also found the biggest mystery of the spiritual world! Is this the perfect soul fusion? Maybe... I should try..."


At the same time, dozens of kilometers away from the city that has completely disappeared, the man wearing glasses and Gru are staring nervously at the familiar figure who suddenly stopped his way.

About two or three minutes later, the former took a deep breath and asked, "who are you?"

"Who do you think I am?" Zhang Cheng asked back, pursing his lips.

"So he has disappeared, hasn\'t he?"

The man wearing glasses was obviously aware of what had happened, and the whole person revealed a touch of sadness.

"That\'s right! You can think he has disappeared, or you can think he has become a part of me. Now, can we talk about the next plan?" Zhang Cheng said directly.

Because he knows that the other party will not intervene in the resentment and competition between the initiator and himself. No matter who is the winner in the end, it is still necessary to cooperate.

"Of course! That\'s what he wants!" the man with glasses replied in the affirmative.

Although the disappearance of his old friend made him feel a little sad and lost, this sadness and loss could not be compared with revealing the last secret.

In fact, if you can get the real answer by killing the initiator, he will definitely stab the deadliest knife in the back without hesitation.

Betrayal is as simple as eating and drinking water for those who have great ambitions or are struggling to pursue truth and knowledge.

In their eyes, there is nothing that can not be sacrificed or abandoned except their own goals.

Zhang Cheng was one of them. Naturally, he understood that feeling. He quickly turned his head and looked at Gru, who had the shape of a beetle. He smiled and said, "long time no see. I can\'t imagine that you also abandoned your dominant identity and came to the spiritual world to find a way to break the ceiling."

"No way! I don\'t want to stay in the material universe and wait for you to finish surpassing yourself and sweep all the masters into the garbage. I also have my own pursuit and dream. I don\'t know if you are willing to accept me as an ally." Gru mocked himself deliberately pretending to be helpless.

As things got to this point, he knew very well that he could not go further than the young fellow in front of him.

"Why not? You know, the guy we calculated this time is the first master of the material universe and the creator who lit the fire of civilization and wisdom in the spiritual world." Zhang Cheng smiled and threw a heavy bomb.

"Original master? Creator!!"

"You mean... Byron, who almost destroyed the physical universe and then suddenly disappeared, is in the same world as us now?"

There is no doubt that the news shocked both of them and left them speechless.

In particular, the name Byron has become a taboo in the material universe.

Even in order to cover up the terrible disaster and the fear in his heart, the old masters deliberately erased his name from history and retained only a few words in a few classics.

But Gru and the man with glasses are obviously intentional people. After consulting the contents deliberately hidden, they know that this is the original master worshipped as a God.

More clearly, most of those old masters gained great power under his guidance and leadership.

Most importantly, the original master has become the creator in the spiritual world. How powerful should his real power be?