All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1231

"Damn it! It\'s that piece of soul!"

As Byron\'s black figure completely disappeared, the man wearing glasses finally reacted and rushed forward for the first time, trying to check the status of the initiator.

But the latter directly raised his hand to stop him: "don\'t look! That piece of soul fragment has been integrated with me and can no longer be separated."

"So your soul is in a state of resonance with him now?" the man with glasses asked seriously.

The initiator nodded helplessly: "yes! My soul has been in a state of resonance and hasn\'t changed for a long time. I think it won\'t take long for him to appear in front of me. Just like that guy said, the end time has come."

Soul resonance!

An extremely rare phenomenon derived from the essence of life!

Generally speaking, this situation only occurs in a few special twins who have evolved two consciousness from one soul.

Its manifestation is that even if they live separately in adulthood, they will often detect each other\'s inner feelings and even feel what each other is doing.

Most importantly, under this resonance, they can even complete various incredible feats such as body exchange, memory and spiritual communication.

You know, this is not magic, nor is it a superpower, just a side effect produced by the resonance between souls.

With the resonance of the soul, at a certain moment, the twins even have the opportunity to become one, so as to give birth to a new, stronger and perfect self.

Of course, the initiator knows very well that he and Zhang Cheng are definitely not twin brothers, and there should be no soul resonance, otherwise he would have taken the opportunity to start.

But now, as the soul fragment was crushed and scattered in the deepest part of his soul, this incredible soul resonance actually happened.

If he were an idiot who didn\'t understand anything, he might think it was a coincidence, but he understood that it contained a lot of knowledge he didn\'t understand at all, valuable knowledge about the mystery of the soul.

What is more terrible is that those who master this knowledge are now allies of competitors.

The man wearing glasses undoubtedly knows what soul resonance means. He suggested in a deep voice: "you\'d better hide quickly! Hide in a place he will never find! Otherwise..."

"Or I\'ll die! I\'ll disappear!" the initiator took the second half with a dignified expression.

After all, being swallowed is not death in the ordinary sense, but the complete disappearance of spirit, body and soul.

"You know! Just take what you need and leave quickly." the man with glasses handed over a backpack full of messy things without saying a word.

I don\'t know why. Instead of reaching out to pick it up this time, the initiator smiled and shook his head: "run away? Where? No! I\'ve run away too many times in my long life. I don\'t want to run again this time. I\'ll face him directly and decide the outcome in my own way. Don\'t worry, I don\'t have no chance of winning."

"Oh? Are you going to..." the man with glasses obviously thought of something, and the same look burst out of his pupils.

"You guessed right! Swallowing and merging is a process that we both have to face in the end. Although he has seized the initiative, as long as I can survive the initial period of time and keep my subjective consciousness from completely dying, I will get a chance to turn over."

In saying this, the initiator showed no anger, panic, or fear at all.

It seems that in his eyes, the boundary between life and death is blurred. The disappearance of consciousness does not mean real death. Maybe it is just sleeping and waking up.

"But are you going to make it?" asked the man with glasses.

The initiator shrugged his shoulders freely and freely: "then you take him as me. I believe he will not refuse to cooperate with a genius like you, will he?"

"Sure enough! You two are the same kind of people! Maybe I should look forward to what kind of monster will be born when you become one."

With these words, the man with glasses stood up and walked away without a trace of nostalgia.

Because he knew that this would soon become the end of the fate of two people, a battlefield for the soul.

Seeing the man\'s back away, Gru, who was silent for a long time, finally opened his mouth and said, "if you don\'t mind, can I stay?"

"Sorry, my friend, this is between us. I don\'t want a third party to be present." the initiator refused the other party\'s request without thinking.

"Well, I see." Gru seemed to expect such an answer and chose to leave in the footsteps of the former.

When the two people completely walked away, the initiator took a deep breath and shouted at the wall not far away, which fell into a "stagnation" state: "come out! I know you are!"

The voice just fell!

Inside the city wall, which should have been at a standstill, a figure came out suddenly and slowly. It was Zhang Cheng himself.

Seeing that he was not affected by the dark blue liquid scattered in every corner, he asked in a slightly emotional tone, "when did you find me?"

"No! I didn\'t find you, but I instinctively think you should have been waiting for a long time." the initiator replied with a smile.

"So are you ready for your own destiny?"

"Ah! I\'m ready! Come on, let me see if your consciousness is stronger or mine."



With a low voice, Zhang Cheng directly abandoned the body shaped in the spiritual world and injected everything, including consciousness and spiritual power, into the overlord\'s organ.

Through this organ, he makes his spiritual power grow exponentially and nourishes the tree heart of the tree of chaos.

In just a few seconds, a towering tree took root in this land, and a large number of vines quickly tied the initiator from head to foot.

But the latter has no sense of resistance at all, and allows the vine to pull itself into the air.

Of course, this is not that he doesn\'t want to resist, but that his subjective consciousness is no longer in his body and is forcibly pulled into another place, a world inside a giant tree.

Here, a bloodless war is about to take place.

At the same time, Byron didn\'t know when he came back. He appreciated the amazing power emitted by the unconscious of the chaotic tree from a distance and muttered meaningfully: "has it finally begun..."