All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1222

"Byron is a great wise man! He is the light of the world! He won\'t do anything against us!"

At the mention of Byron, Moloch seemed to be crazy. He kept repeating some words that others couldn\'t understand, just like the brainwashing of a cult.

In this way, he even forgot that he was still in an extremely dangerous state.

Every minute, every second, the dark blue liquid was eroding his body.

Until the last second when he was completely frozen, he could not recover his reason, and even tears of sadness and pain were left in his eyes.

Looking at this powerful life that once made him afraid to confront it head-on, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help frowning and muttering, "what\'s the matter? Brainwashing, memory or genetic modification? Or some other means? It can make an ambitious guy abandon his life."

The voice just fell!

A black shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air and joked: "why, do you think it\'s strange?"

"Are you watching me?"

Seeing the face like a skeleton hidden under his hood, Zhang Cheng suddenly became vigilant.

Because the newcomer is no one else, it is Byron who met on the edge of the spiritual world not long ago.

No different from the last meeting, the other party still maintains the image of "death" in the Western myth of the earth.

Perhaps the only difference is that he doesn\'t have a sickle to harvest his soul.

"Surveillance? No, no, no, don\'t get me wrong. I wouldn\'t do such a dirty thing. I just happened to hear a devout believer calling his name before he died." then Byron raised his hand and gently wiped away the motionless Moloch\'s tears.

"What have you done to him? He didn\'t behave like a normal intelligent life before he died." Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked.

Byron smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Nothing. You have also been a creator. You should know that when creating life, the creator often has some commonalities. For example, first, the external image must conform to his own aesthetics, or even be similar to himself. Second, in order to prevent the creator from betraying himself one day, the creator will implant some defects, weaknesses and follow-up in the creator Last but not least, the creator must maintain absolute awe and obedience to the creator. "

"I see..." Zhang Cheng\'s face showed an expression of enlightenment. "When they were just born and were still in a very weak stage, you forced them into too many things. For example, their greatness, their intelligence and their invincibility. Therefore, these guys would rather die than betray you."

"Hahaha! You are always so smart! That\'s right! I lit the flame of civilization in this world. Naturally, they are their Savior and the only god they believe in. As for those overlords who have great power but still follow the primitive instinct, they are at best just powerful beasts. You know? All life in this world actually comes from one piece The mysterious field called the birthplace, but I captured part of it and transformed it into what I like. You can understand that all intelligent life in the world comes from that place. "

Byron, who never knew what humility was, said his cards directly.

This also means that the number of cities in the spiritual world, he has how much cannon fodder can be mobilized at any time, and it is still a diehard loyalty that the other party will unswervingly implement as long as he gives an order.

As a person who has deeply understood the gods and belief system, Zhang Cheng knows better than anyone how terrible power will erupt when a group of people are branded in their bones.

Thinking of this, he couldn\'t help sighing: "Hey, well, you\'re really crazy. Tell me, where is the birthplace?"

"Why, are you interested in it?" Byron\'s eyes flashed a thought.

"How can we not be interested? As you said, in a sense, we are all creators. Although I haven\'t really created a race, I often do things like creating life. I\'d like to know how life, or soul, is born in the spiritual world and how they develop subjective consciousness."

Zhang Cheng did not try to hide anything, but put forward his goal.


He had heard of this word as early as when he first met the bear monster.

I just don\'t know why, the exact location and details of the birthplace don\'t exist in the bear monster\'s memory.

Now, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is in front of him. Naturally, he will not give up easily.

"Ah! Very reasonable request. But the question is, what can you use in exchange? There is no free lunch in the world, and everything can be obtained at a price." Byron raised his hand and crushed Morlock, who turned into a living statue, and threw it into the physical universe from the connection point.

Because the other side had long shown a terrible and chaotic picture under the erosion of dark blue liquid, he didn\'t even have the interest to take a look, let alone try to cross the connection point and return to the material universe.

"What do you think I can do in exchange?" Zhang Cheng asked with a sneer.

"Of course it\'s about the dark blue water. From the words I heard just now, I can confirm that you definitely found something mysterious, right?" Byron skipped the part of mutual temptation and offered a simple and rough exchange condition.

Zhang Cheng obviously hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded: "I can give you the latest summarized information, but you must promise that you will never tell a third party."

"Don\'t tell a third party? Who do you think I will share this important secret with?"

"Sorry, I just want to get an insurance. You should know that before, I had two guys who were both partners, competitors and sworn enemies. They were not easy to deal with. I don\'t want to make the game more difficult."

"Yes! I agree! But one of those two people should be the other yourself? I can even feel the close and contradictory connection between the two of you. It\'s incredible! How can you resist until now, and have not tried to assimilate the other half? If they are combined into one, no matter who occupies the dominant position, it will become a super power A perfect life beyond the limit. "

"This is a private matter between us, so don\'t bother you. Now, let\'s start trading. You know, my time is very precious."

"No problem, I\'m ready."
