All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1221

"What are you doing?"

Moloch noticed the casual movement and carefully kept a safe distance.

If he is surrounded by a large amount of dark blue liquid scattered in the environment, he will never stay in a dangerous place for another second.

Zhang Cheng glanced at each other and responded meaningfully: "nothing, I just found some interesting phenomena."


I don\'t know why, when Morlock heard the word, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"That\'s right!" Zhang Cheng nodded seriously. "Do you see this small piece of stagnant mental power? Do you know why it is like this? And how it still won\'t dissipate after it is out of the control of subjective consciousness?"

"You know?" Morlock frowned subconsciously.

Judging from the expression on his face, he obviously didn\'t believe a word.

But no wonder!

In the spiritual world, no one knows what the endless dark blue ocean means, let alone the role of the sea water that is enough to pose a great threat.

The only thing we know is that this mysterious thing will cause eternal and irreparable damage to the target and its surrounding environment.

All eroded areas will become forbidden areas without exception.

Even if he is as powerful as a overlord, he will never be close to the influence range of the forbidden area.

"Hehe, no, of course I don\'t know. But through the observation just now, I have new guesses and ideas. You know? Generally speaking, spiritual power can\'t exist without consciousness. When a life is killed in this world, its spiritual power will temporarily exist in the air in the form of energy for a short time, but it will dissipate in a short time. But now, This small fragment of mental power was out of my control and existed in an independent state for at least five minutes. Do you know what this means? "Zhang Cheng asked with a smile of excitement and expectation in his eyes.

"Means... Stagnation can keep the mental power forever?" Moloch\'s tone was full of uncertainty.

Up to now, he has temporarily controlled the anger and impulse in his heart, and no longer shows an aggressive look of wanting to eat people.

On the contrary, he is trying to find out what the other party found in these liquids.

"Idiot! Of course not! The stop, or freezing phenomenon you see, is actually the result of forced stripping. These liquids strip the energy from my control. Presumably, the stagnation of other substances and energy should be similar to the stripping mental force. No matter what it is, after touching these liquids, it will be forcibly stripped to keep it A pure state. Look at your first abandoned body. There has been a separation of various spiritual forces and materials left in it. "

As he spoke, Zhang Cheng set his eyes on a large lump of frozen soil.

Different from seeing all kinds of blood, internal organs, bones and skin mixed together before, it has been divided into three distinct groups.

The colorless and transparent mass is the frozen spiritual force, and the dark red mass is the residual material of the corpse. As for the part that remains semi liquid and semi gaseous, it is the polymer of energy.

Although there are still many parts that have not been separated at the connection for the time being, it is enough to explain the essence of the dark blue sea water.

It can make things in the bedroom exist in an absolutely independent and pure state.

What\'s more interesting is that if the eroded target is life and retains subjective consciousness, it will exist in the form of a single individual after freezing. At the same time, this life will enter a state of immortality, and even if it is torn apart, it will not really die.

Of course, Zhang Cheng won\'t tell anyone about this.


He had seen the dark blue liquid dripping down the gap, and now it was falling from a high place at a very fast speed.

Bata! Bata! Bata!

Three drops in a row hit Moloch\'s huge head accurately.

The cold touch woke him up quickly and cursed angrily, "asshole! Do you want to kill me?"

"Kill you? No, I\'m just going to use you to complete the last step of the experiment. Give up the struggle. In fact, you were originally an unexpected product, an experiment used by Byron to test various possibilities. Instead of dying in his deception that could not succeed, I\'d better contribute to exploring the unknown. Don\'t worry, I will set up a bridge for you after I succeed Statue, let everyone who sees you know your greatness. "

When he said these words, Zhang Cheng did not hide his evil and dark nature at all, and grinned wildly.

There was no doubt that he knew very well that Moloch did not have enough spiritual strength to create a new body.

If he dares to do so, it means becoming the fish slaughtered by the incumbents of the chopping board.

But if he doesn\'t give up his body, the power of dark blue liquid will turn him into a living statue.

"Byron? Do you know Byron?"

The name seemed to have some magic, which made Moloch very manic.

Zhang Cheng nodded slightly: "Yes, we met not long ago. I\'m afraid you don\'t know that he is actually the original master of the material universe. He holds unimaginable taboo knowledge and power, and has created a great disaster that almost destroyed the whole world. He deliberately spread all intelligent lives, cities and ways to resist hegemony, including you. Maybe I\'m not sure. He told me I told you something, but I\'m sure it\'s all lies and deception. "

"No! You\'re lying! Byron can\'t lie to me!" roared Morlock angrily.

"Oh? Why? Can you tell me the reason?" Zhang Cheng did not rush to refute, but asked with great interest.

As a relatively sensitive person, he can feel that what Byron does in this world is absolutely extraordinary. His name alone has been sublimated to a symbolic symbol.

After all, Byron was the first person to bring wisdom to this wild and ignorant world, and he was also the first person to light the fire of civilization.

If it were not for his appearance, there would be no so-called intelligent life in the spiritual world, let alone any cities.

All creatures follow primitive desires and instincts, kill and plunder each other, stagger along a thorny road, either climb to the summit of evolution, or fall on the road and become the nourishment of winners.

Unfortunately, this noble act that should have been praised, even praised, is actually for the darkest and evil purpose