All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1223

The birthplace, also known as the "incubator", is the root of the birth of life in the whole spiritual world.

If according to Byron\'s description, the world is a huge annular belt formed around the material universe, then the birthplace is located at the four equal nodes of the whole ring.

you \'re right!

It is not unique, but scattered in four different places.

However, one of them has been captured by Byron a long time ago and has undergone a series of transformation.

At present, it is quite different from the other three birthplaces that are still in the original ecological environment.

Looking at the huge pond that can\'t see the end in front and the things that are constantly decomposed and aggregated in the pond, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help sighing and asked Byron standing beside him: "you cut off its connection with the world, didn\'t you?"

"Oh? Can you feel it?" the latter tone revealed a trace of surprise.

You know, he used some dark means to ensure that the birthplace would not collapse completely.

In particular, through deception, the whole spiritual world mistakenly thinks that the birthplace is still operating normally. Normally, outsiders can\'t detect the subtle changes in the deepest part of the pool.

"Of course!" Zhang Cheng nodded without thinking. "You replaced the will of the world with your own will, but you were very careful not to destroy the fragile balance and cycle. If I guessed correctly, the life you created can no longer be regarded as the original life of the spiritual world, nor can it be fully accepted and recognized by the world. The reason why they are not regarded as intruders is entirely from the huge pond itself."

"You guessed right! At least you guessed most of them right. I believe you can also see that the life of the spiritual world originates from the aggregation of spiritual forces. When a large number of spiritual forces dissipated in the environment are absorbed, they will reappear from the four huge pools. They carry the residual consciousness of their former masters, where they constantly collide, intersect and integrate, and finally produce brand-new ones one by one Life. When these ignorant new lives come out of the pool, they will carry out several rounds of cruel fighting and elimination. Finally, the winner is qualified to enter the wider world outside. "Byron explained, pointing to the large area of new life in front, killing and swallowing each other like madmen in the open space.

As he said, these new lives obviously have strong instability, and they don\'t see too many characteristics of wisdom.

But with the increasing killing and swallowing, some of the madness in their eyes will gradually subside, replaced by fear and hesitation.

Soon, those who have acquired the initial wisdom will quickly escape from the purgatory like battlefield and flee in a hurry in all directions.

Because of the lack of memory, like newborn babies, they need to observe and learn for a period of time before they can really understand themselves and the world.

However, most of them will die in the new stage, only a few are qualified to survive, and become more and more powerful with wisdom.

"Interesting! Do you want to set off a species competition and let your creation completely replace the primitive life in the spiritual world?" Zhang Cheng said with a smile on his lips.

According to his understanding of environment and life, in a relatively closed world, a newly rising species is bound to compete fiercely with the original species, and even threaten the survival of the latter.

Although this competition may last for a very, very long time, and even form a virtuous circle of common progress and common development for a period of time, the final result must be that one party will eliminate the other.

It can be predicted that with the increasing number of intelligent life, sooner or later they will break the monopoly of the overlord on absolute power, and even capture the other three birthplaces to overwhelmingly replace those primitive life like beasts.

"Ha ha! You really surprise me more and more! You know? You are the first guy who can talk with me and understand my thoughts and ideas over the years. That\'s right! I want to change the spiritual world and brand my own mark here." Byron grinned wildly.

In the laughter, he could vaguely feel the anger accumulated in his heart.

After all, as the first born master of the material universe, arrogance and conceit have penetrated into his soul.

He could not bear the fact that he was not trapped in the world, so he wanted to retaliate in this way.

you \'re right!

He is taking revenge on the whole spiritual world and the lives living in this world.

Destruction and death!

That\'s what he\'s going to bring to the world.

If someone else had heard this, they might have trembled, feared, and even regarded it as a disaster that must be hit.

But Zhang Cheng, who was also dark and evil in his heart, didn\'t care about it at all. Instead, he smiled and exclaimed: "Leave your own mark? It\'s really a great idea and plan. I\'m looking forward to the day when your creation replaces the original life in the spiritual world. At that time, an interesting civilization system will emerge, and they will derive all kinds of ideas, knowledge and technology."

"I\'m glad that someone like you finally appeared. Come on, let\'s go to the other three birthplaces to enjoy the rough and crazy primitive life and the mystery of the birth of overlord." then Byron raised his hand and summoned the huge flying creatures wandering in the sky.

In the spiritual world, although ultra long-distance transmission is not impossible, the spiritual power that can be consumed is amazing. No one will joke about his life in order to save a little time.

"The secret of the birth of overlord?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He never dreamed that the other party would share this secret related to the whole spiritual world with himself.

"Hehe, don\'t be so surprised. Believe me, with your intelligence, you will find this secret sooner or later. All I have done is to advance the time a little. What\'s more, does time still have meaning in this world?"

With the last word blurted out, Byron directly pulled Zhang Cheng up, jumped onto the back of the flying creature, and then headed for the next birthplace at a very fast speed.

After all, the spiritual world is a huge annular belt around the periphery of the material universe, and its magnitude can not be estimated by anyone\'s imagination.

Even with this creature\'s extremely special way of flying, it will take a very, very long time to reach the next birthplace.

Apart from Byron, no one knows whether this process is 100 years, 1000 years, 10000 years, millions of years or hundreds of millions of years