All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1214

There is no doubt that it is absolutely impossible to discuss the probability of failure with a seriously paranoid and mentally abnormal guy.

Because in the minds of these guys, they don\'t think they will make mistakes at all. All failures are caused by others.

For such guys, language is absolutely the most powerless thing. Only with overwhelming power can they understand how childish and ridiculous their thoughts and actions are.

Unfortunately, at this stage, Zhang Cheng doesn\'t feel that he can give the original master an impressive lesson. He simply closes his mouth and gives up trying to make the other party return to reason.

He knows very well that before suffering major setbacks and failures, such people will never reflect, let alone feel that they have any problems.

Seeing that Zhang Cheng didn\'t mention the word "if", Byron showed a faint smile on his dry face and said in a slightly proud tone: "now that you know your mission, what to do next should not need my emphasis?"

"Of course! I will uncover all these hidden secrets and the relationship between material and spirit for you."

"Very good! It seems that you have clearly realized your mission. As a gift, I will give you all the information I have collected. Remember, you don\'t have much time. After losing my little patience, I don\'t know how crazy I will do."

"Is this a threat?"

"No! I\'m just stating a fact!"

With the last word blurted out, Byron\'s body began to dissipate gradually, like dust scattered in the blue ocean of energy.

Feeling the subtle changes around him, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help sneering and saying to himself, "crazy? Believe me, you\'ve never seen anything really dark and crazy. You\'re just a spoiled child. You can\'t live an hour without strong support."

Obviously, Byron\'s threatening words made him feel very childish and ridiculous.

For those who voluntarily give up everything from the material universe to the spiritual world, who will fear death?

In fact, everyone who comes here has prepared for the worst, that is, being trapped here forever or dying here.

Interestingly, as the earliest Byron, he didn\'t understand this truth at all.

Maybe he never thought he would fail, and didn\'t realize that he would actually die, so he rashly set off the most terrible disaster in the recorded material universe.

In one sentence, it is "fearless because of ignorance".

The birth of the material universe at first gave Byron too much self-confidence and arrogant capital.

Even in the first period, the subsequent born masters knelt at his feet like servants, obeyed his orders and listened to his teachings.

No doubt!

No challenge!

No competition!

In such an environment, any intelligent life will involuntarily start to be arrogant, complacent, and even subconsciously form the illusion that "I am the supreme ruler of the whole universe".

"The first born master, Byron, I will soon let you understand that only when you clearly realize your smallness and inferiority, can you be qualified to surpass the final boundary..."

After saying that, Zhang Cheng took a deep breath and created an oval bottle full of dark blue sea water with the little spiritual force left. He embarked on the return journey along the way he came.

At the same time, far inside the built-in Obelisk in the East and west of the city, a drama of conspiracy and betrayal is being staged.


"Well, have I found the guys you\'re looking for?" asked the city Lord Moloch, gently tapping the armrest of the seat.

"Of course! Please see, this is the scope of their activities in the recent period." without saying a word, the initiator directly showed the accurate data obtained from his investigation in the form of projection.

You know, in the spiritual world, it doesn\'t take much effort to locate a few cursed and excluded guys.

If you find a little similar breath, you can quickly confirm the location of the target in a short time.

What\'s more terrible is that those excluded masters will attract nearby monsters all the time, so their haunts often mean fierce fighting.

Moloch obviously knew this, and immediately nodded with satisfaction: "well done! Tell me what you think the best thing to do next is to catch them all."

"I think you\'d better release a bait. In the eyes of these guys, there is nothing more important than revenge. Once they know where their enemy is, they will definitely rush up regardless of everything, even if they know it\'s a trap." the initiator gave his own suggestions without thinking.

However, he did not say that he had actually contacted those masters in private and cheated them of their trust.

This is actually a trick in the game.

Whether Moloch or those masters who are eager to kill Zhang Cheng, they are all chess pieces played and manipulated by him.

"Oh? Temptation!" Moloch tilted his mouth slightly and showed a thought-provoking expression.

About two or three minutes later, he told a servant, "from now on, you are the bait."

"I see! I\'m the bait." the latter quickly crawled on the ground.

Next second

His body as like as two peas in the blink of an eye, he changed to be like Zhang Cheng. No matter how he looked, his temperament or his voice could not see any flaws.

The initiator standing aside saw this scene, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his eyes glittered with incredible light.

After all, in the spiritual world, subjective consciousness represents the whole existence of a life.

Normally, it is impossible for one life to disguise itself perfectly as another.

Because no matter the way of thinking, or the strong subjective consciousness and belief, there will be strong deviations in the details.

Only those who have no subjective consciousness or even lack self can do this.

But without self, in the spiritual world, it means no life.

To some extent, this is a self contradictory paradox.

But now, this absolutely impossible and should not appear, actually exists!

"Hehe, you seem surprised, don\'t you?" Morlock stood up with a smile and looked down at the initiator.

At the moment, he is like a huge shadow over each other\'s head.