All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1215

"Shouldn\'t I be surprised?"

The initiator stared at the servant who had just completed the transformation next to him, and his eyes twinkled with vigilance.

Because if he hadn\'t seen it with his own eyes, he couldn\'t believe that the other himself standing next to him was disguised as a mere servant.

In addition, he didn\'t quite understand why the other party suddenly showed this power, or skill, in public.

If he had such a servant, he would never let anyone know, but would carefully hide it and wait until the critical moment to give the enemy a huge "surprise".

But Moloch obviously didn\'t think so. He responded in a slightly contemptuous tone: "you should be surprised! After all, up to now, you still haven\'t figured out what the real power is in our world."

"Real power?" when the initiator heard the word, he subconsciously had a bad hunch.

But before he could react, he felt that somehow the space around him suddenly produced an extremely viscous unknown liquid, and the liquid was still solidifying gradually.

Eventually, his hands, feet and all parts below his neck lost their ability to move.

There is no doubt that all these changes come from the giant with a huge body on the throne.

"Well, do you feel the power? The power that can change and affect everything with just one thought," said Morlock, walking down the steps.

Every time he took a step, it was like stepping on his heart, which quickly produced an irresistible strong resonance.




With a heavy sense of oppression that can\'t be described in words, the initiator finally couldn\'t keep calm anymore. He narrowed his eyes and asked loudly, "what do you want to do?"

"Haha, haha! I should ask you this! What do you want to do? Don\'t think I don\'t know. You and your two accomplices make small moves in private. The reason why I don\'t expose it is because I think you still have a little use. But now, I\'ve got what I want, and you\'ve lost your use value." There was a mockery in Morlock\'s laughter.

"I don\'t understand what you mean!"

"Don\'t understand? No, you understand. I just pretend not to understand and want to strive for a chance of life for myself. Don\'t worry, I\'m not going to kill you, at least for the time being. On the contrary, I need my eyes to witness something."


"Yes! Witness! I, the great Moloch, will become the first existence beyond the limit. I will break the barriers and conquer the material universe first, and then the spiritual world in turn."

When he said these words, Moloch opened his arms and his face was full of excitement and enthusiasm.

At this moment, he can\'t see the calm and reason he showed before, just like a nervous patient and madman out of control.

"I see... He\'s right. That\'s what you really look like."

The initiator recalled what Zhang Cheng had said before and immediately understood what the so-called "abnormal" meant.

In the spiritual world, most lives follow desires and instincts. To put it bluntly, if you are hungry, you have to hunt and eat. If you are tired, you have to find a relatively safe place to rest. If you like something, you have to get it no matter what method you use. If you hate the other party, you will try your best to kill it.

In short, they will not try to hide their inner thoughts, nor will they follow the wisdom of life in the material universe to restrain their emotions.

But Moloch is obviously an alien. He not only learned how to cover up and cheat, but also knew how to use the enemy to achieve his ambition and purpose.

Just when the city Lord with a giant body wanted to say something, a translucent and unfixed servant suddenly fell from the sky and shouted in a hasty tone: "master! No! The guy who has been in the memory room is gone!"

"What?! what do you mean it\'s gone!"

Moloch\'s original proud expression immediately disappeared, replaced by doubt and anger.

"No... I don\'t know... He just disappeared out of thin air!" the servant was obviously frightened, bent down and explained with trembling.

"Waste! You can\'t even see a person! What value do you have in existence! Die!"

The angry Moloch completely showed his tyrannical nature, grabbed the servant, pinched it and turned it into a spiritual force.

After finishing all this, he turned and stared at the initiator who couldn\'t move, and asked ferociously, "tell me! Where did your accomplice go?"

"Do you think I\'ll tell you?" the initiator smiled playfully.

No one knows better than him how powerful his old friend is in avoiding danger and hiding.

Once it disappears from sight, I\'m afraid there can never be a second person who can find it except for my own free will.

As for Zhang Cheng, who left earlier, no one can deal with him casually.

As long as the two allies have not been caught, he is not worried about his safety at all.

"I\'m sorry, you seem to have no choice. Either give me the answer immediately, or give me the answer after tasting the pain more unbearable than death. Do you think you can survive the torture from spirit and soul?" Moloch stretched out a finger and made a grasping movement directly out of thin air on the initiator\'s chest.

Next second


The screams echoed over the hall and couldn\'t stop for a long time.

When the desperate pain finally disappeared, Moloch smiled grimly and asked, "how does it taste? How long do you think you can hold on?"

"Hehe, believe me, I can hold on for much longer than you think. The word" yield "has been forgotten long ago. Just take out what means you have, and you will see how indestructible my will is." the initiator raised his head and flashed a bright light in his eyes.




He had experienced these things countless times when he was still a mortal, and he didn\'t care to experience them again.

Anyway, he knew that Moloch would never kill himself easily. At least he would not make such impulsive and stupid behavior until the other party found the masters excluded by the spiritual world.

What\'s more, he doesn\'t think his old friends will watch all this happen, but will use their wisdom to reverse or even subvert the whole situation at a critical moment.