All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1213




Absolutely self-centered!

Zhang Cheng as like as two peas in the dark, is much more similar to himself.

Perhaps the only difference is that he stands high and looks down for too short a time. He can\'t do what the other party does without scruples. He can do what he wants without considering the cost.

Of course, to some extent, this is also an advantage.

At least this one has already paid the price for his reckless behavior, and it is still an extremely tragic price.

Imagine what kind of torture it would be for a madman who hates eternity and invariability and is trapped somewhere and can\'t leave?

Realizing this, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help but sympathize with each other and asked with a smile, "how did you survive? Or how did you endure the restless desire for destruction and killing in your heart?"

"Oh? You can feel it!" Byron said with a strong surprise.

You know, under the baptism of years, he has already buried these impulses deep in his heart, and even the servants of his nearest relatives can\'t peep into the slightest bit.

But now, not only by a guy who met for the first time, but also the other party\'s tone is still so positive.

"Yes, I can feel it. Because if I\'m trapped in a place, boring and looking at the invariable things around me, I\'ll go crazy, and I\'ll go crazy completely. In contrast, it\'s not easy for you to still maintain your apparent reason. In addition, I\'m a little curious. How did you get through it?" Zhang Cheng carefully tested the guy\'s reaction in front of him.

He was not sure whether the Byron he was observing was deliberately disguised or could really control his emotions that should have gone wild.

"Endure? No, no, no, I don\'t endure it, but vent it all the time. You know? In the spiritual world, you don\'t need to hide the most real desire in your heart and do what you think is best. The more this is often the case, the faster your spiritual power will grow. Just a few minutes before I came here, I just destroyed a city, Kill millions of lives just to hear their screams and wails before they die, because this is the only way I can relax myself. Now, do you still think I\'m normal? "

While saying this, Byron took off his black hood and revealed a frightening face like a skeleton.

No meat!

Almost dry skin wrapped around bones!

Both eyes have long been dry, and only the dehydrated lens is still embedded in the orbit, flashing an abnormal dark cold light.

If there were not a weak beating heart in his chest and a small amount of blood flowing in his blood vessels, no one would have raised an objection, even if he was a lich or some undead.

Zhang Cheng can\'t imagine what a person has to experience to turn himself into such a ghost.

After a minute of silence, he smiled bitterly and sighed, "well, it\'s my fault. You\'ve been crazy for a long time, haven\'t you? What you see now is normal, but a short sense of satisfaction after crazy venting. Come on, what do you want to do when you suddenly appear in front of me?"

"My purpose is very simple, that is to cooperate with you. In you, I see the possibility of exceeding the limit and breaking this damn cage."

I don\'t know why, Byron\'s eyes suddenly became dangerous.

He is like a volcano about to erupt, and the whole person\'s mood is extremely unstable.

"What about my other two allies?"

Zhang Cheng was undoubtedly aware of this and immediately stepped back two steps to keep himself close to the dark blue ocean behind him.

If there is any extreme action, he will definitely draw a lot of energy for the first time and pour it directly into the other party\'s body.

"Allies? Do you mean the two guys who are playing games with Moloch? Ignore them! Believe me, Moloch is not an easy guy. He knows very few secrets about the physical universe." Byron grinned and showed a row of black teeth covered with dirt.

"Do you know why he is looking for the connection point between the material universe and the spiritual world?"

For the safety of the initiator and his friends, Zhang Chengming is not interested at all. He only cares about what he is interested in.

As for whether the so-called "allies" can survive in the end, it depends on their ability and luck.

Byron understood the cold expression on Zhang Cheng\'s face and replied meaningfully: "Of course, it\'s to get the power to break the shackles! Don\'t you find that all cities in the spiritual world were established after I appeared. I taught them how to avoid the attack of overlord, and I also taught them how to establish order and rules. Before I arrived, it was actually deserted, and some were just like wild animals The same fight. But later, some lives with higher wisdom gradually evolved. It\'s not difficult to understand what\'s going on with your IQ. "

"I see!" Zhang chengruo nodded thoughtfully. "All these things seem to be separated from the original environment. You created them all by yourself. You even made those city masters mistakenly believe that they can obtain power from the material universe through connection points."

"You\'re smart! Can you guess what I\'m doing?" Byron asked excitedly.

"Nothing more than two things." Zhang Cheng outstretched his right index finger and middle finger. "First, use their power to find out if there are intruders from the material universe. Second, let them try to open the channel and see if they can return to the material universe. However, according to your character, the former is much more likely."

"Aha! You guessed right! Yes, I\'ve been watching whether there will be masters chasing my footsteps. But unfortunately, a few are willing to take great risks to explore unknown possibilities. So far, only three masters have come to the spiritual world. Of course, I mean before you come."

"Where are they now?"

"Dead! All dead! What I need is a genius! A genius who hopes to break the barrier! Not a group of fools who only know yes. They disappoint me and naturally there is no need to live."

"What if I let you down, too?"

"No! You won\'t! I believe you can find the answer I want."

"But I said if!"

"I said! No if!!!!!!!!!!"
