All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1212

As a person who has long forgotten what trust is, Zhang Cheng naturally will not believe one side of each other\'s words.

So after receiving this shocking news, he gave up his original plan for the first time and embarked on the road to the edge of the spiritual world alone.

Because he needs to confirm whether the huge blue ocean really exists and why it separates the two universes.

Is it man-made?

Or natural?

Until he found out all this, he had no mind to take care of others.

After a brief response to the gracious invitation of the mayor of Moloch, Zhang Cheng quickly left the city and made rapid progress in one direction with the help of an instrument used to detect the proportion of spirit and material.

Along the way, he even ignored those strange creatures who took the initiative to attack, but threw them away from him.

So I stayed awake until the spiritual power stored in my body was about to be exhausted, and then I saw the dark blue light flashing on the distant horizon.

"Oh - my God! It\'s incredible!"

Appreciating the extremely active materials in the surrounding environment, Zhang Cheng finally realized that the man with eyes said this was the meaning of future and ultimate hope.

At the same time, he also removed the human factor from his doubts.

After all, this level of energy ocean can not be created by anyone out of thin air.

There must be countless coincidences in its formation. Even if one link goes wrong, it is impossible to form such a partition layer in the boundary between material and spirit.

No hesitation!

Zhang Cheng ran madly to the boundary and looked down at the unknown energy jumping in the dark blue ocean.

At this moment, he felt his smallness again.


Endless power!

This is the ultimate goal worth paying all the price!

Out of strong curiosity and the trend of greed and desire, Zhang Cheng bent down and carefully picked up a little light blue energy water.


The water evaporated as quickly as alcohol, forming a large dazzling blue light spot around it.

However, there are a few parts that slowly penetrate into the body in another form.

After a while, the cold feeling began to spread in every corner of the body from the inside out.


Very, very cold!

It\'s so cold that even the soul is about to freeze!

No action!

Can\'t think!

I can\'t even feel the existence of the outside world!

Fortunately, this desperate feeling soon disappeared. He regained consciousness again, moving his slightly stiff body and muttering to himself: "What was that? A special cold energy attribute? No! No! It\'s not cold! It\'s stagnation! Everything, including spirit and material, has fallen into a temporary stagnation. That is, this energy can force everything into stagnation in an instant. The so-called cold is just a deception of the perception system."

The voice just fell!

A figure suddenly appeared out of thin air not far away.

His whole body was covered with a black robe. He couldn\'t see his face clearly, but he praised him in a slightly low voice: "Amazing! It\'s amazing that when you touch these dark blue energies for the first time, you can find the real secret hidden inside. Stagnation, what an incredible force, whether it\'s the master of the material universe or the overlord of the spiritual world, can\'t escape from this force. In fact, when opening the connection point between the two worlds, it\'s not the spirit that really plays a role The oppression of the material is not the impact of the material on the spirit, but these obscure energies hidden in the dark. "

"Who are you?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously strained his nerves.

Because he didn\'t notice any kind of fluctuation just now.

In other words, the mysterious guy took a method he had never seen before and transmitted himself from a distant place.

As for whether it is a projection, some kind of remote control puppet, or its own noumenon, it is unknown.

"Me? Like you, I came from the material universe to the spiritual world with a desire to surpass everything. Unfortunately, although I saw the higher scenery, I couldn\'t find a way to go up."

Speaking of this, the mysterious man deliberately paused and stretched out a skinny right hand that could almost be regarded as a skeleton.

"Introduce yourself. My name is Byron. If you used to be a master, you should have heard of me."

"Byron?! the original master! Also the first madman who abandoned his identity and created the most terrible disaster in the universe." Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise, and his eyes twinkled with strange light.

If the masters of the physical universe were photographed from high to low, Byron could easily sweep everyone and take the first place on the list.

At present, more than half of the huge problems in the material cosmic cycle are caused by his opening the channel between the spiritual world and the material world.

You should know that what he opened was not as simple as a connection point, but directly tore a huge hole at the cost of the death of more than six masters, so that one eighth of the universe and celestial bodies disappeared out of thin air.

Although the surviving masters tried their best to make up for it, unfortunately, they could only reluctantly isolate it, and the repair could not be done at all.

"Ha ha! I didn\'t expect that after so long, my name was still remembered by all the masters. It felt good." the guy who called himself Byron couldn\'t help laughing, showing a trace of pride in his laughter.

Maybe his principle of dealing with the world is like a saying. If you can\'t let everyone love themselves, it\'s also a good choice to let everyone hate themselves to their bones.

At least, no matter how long it takes, when the name is mentioned, there will still be many people shouting curses, even curses.

After all, in the eyes of some madmen, death is not the most terrible, but being forgotten.

If their names or symbols can be kept forever, they are willing to do anything.

"So the disaster you created is to enter the spiritual world?" Zhang Cheng asked with great interest.

Byron nodded happily: "that\'s right! There were not so many materials and information to learn from in those days. I wasn\'t even sure whether the spiritual world existed, but I just vaguely felt a weak call."

"You almost destroyed the physical universe for an uncertain possibility?"

"Why not? You should be able to see that I hate eternity, and I hate the constant performance of what shit duty. What I want is change! Transcendence! Continuous progress and exploration of the unknown!"
