All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1209

"Al, tell me, what have those two guys done recently?"

Sitting on the open throne inside the obelisk, Moloch was holding his chin in one hand and staring straight at the distant gate.

As the founder of this city and the Supreme Master, he should never be nervous or flustered.

Because with the knowledge obtained from an old friend, he has established an order network called Hongguang in this area.

This network can not only resist the invasion of various wild monsters, but also make the most powerful overlords subconsciously ignore the city and will not attack it.

In addition, after harvesting spiritual power in the name of "tax" for a long time, Moloch\'s power has long been different. Even if he can\'t move in his chair, he can easily feel every move in most parts of the city.

Unfortunately, the dark lane area is obviously not among them.

The life body called al obviously did not have a specific shape. It appeared under the throne like a gust of wind. Its body was silver gray and translucent. It bent down and bowed deeply: "Dear city leader, one of your two guests has stayed in the memory room and never came out. The other has gone deep into the dark lane for many times to reap his spiritual strength. According to my observation, I\'m afraid he has begun to show signs of addiction."

"Oh? Addictive? Are you sure!" a light burst out of Moloch\'s eyes.

"Very sure! He obviously doesn\'t know the disadvantages of absorbing and releasing mental power in a short time. I believe he will become a pawn under your control like other guys in a short time." Al replied in a very positive tone.

"Good! What about Byron?" asked Morlock.

This time, Al shook his head with regret: "I\'m very sorry! Lord Byron disappeared after he got the news from you. No one knows where he has gone. The only thing he knows is what he is planning secretly."


When Moloch heard this, his pupils suddenly contracted. One of his hands clung to the handrail. It took two or three minutes to touch his chin and mutter, "damn! This guy is not really crazy enough to carry out his crazy plan?"

"Plan? What plan!" Al looked up curiously.

"Don\'t ask what you shouldn\'t ask! It\'s not something you can know. Forget it, is there any important news?" Moloch didn\'t seem to want to continue talking, and resolutely changed the topic.

"It seems not! No, there seems to be another thing. One of your guests brought back a companion after coming back from the dark alley last time. According to my observation, their spiritual strength is very similar, or even almost integrated. My generation has never seen such a high degree of coincidence between the two independent consciousness. Maybe you should pay attention to it 。”

"Hmm? That sounds interesting! Go and send a message to them for me, saying I have something important to discuss with them."

"Is it too obvious now?"

"Fool! Do you think I need to pose?"

"As you wish!"





Not too much euphemism and cover up!

The spiritual world is just like the most intuitive embodiment of the heart, so there is almost no need to worry about doing things.

Especially for the strong, they only need to give orders directly, and the weak are only swallowed up and destroyed in addition to obedience.

Needless to ask, it is impossible for Zhang Cheng and the initiator to defeat a city Lord in a frontal confrontation, so they are not qualified to refuse.

After a while, they appeared in front of the giant.

"You are the new comer? If you guessed right, you should come from the same place as them, shouldn\'t you?" Moloch stared at Zhang Cheng meaningfully.

I don\'t know why, he felt an unprecedented threat in this guy who seemed to be infinitely weaker than himself.

"Yes, your excellency," Zhang Cheng said politely, caressing his chest with one hand.

"Interesting! Can you tell me how many guys come from the so-called material universe besides you?" Moloch continued to test, looking up and down, trying to find out what the thing that made him feel uneasy is.

Unfortunately, this behavior is futile.

Unless he tore open Cheng\'s body, it would never be possible to find the organ cut from the overlord\'s body.

Zhang Cheng, who has always been sensitive, quickly noticed the unusual meaning of examination and replied with a smile: "As far as I know, there may be about three more. But please don\'t worry. They are a group of complete losers, and they don\'t even have the courage to challenge the unknown. Even if such rubbish survives, it is doomed to be rejected by the whole world and can\'t constitute a threat."

"Listen to your tone, they all seem to be defeated by you?" Moloch changed his sitting position and gently tapped the handrail with one hand, trying to increase psychological pressure in this way.

Zhang Cheng shook his head noncommittally: "it can be said to be or not. Because it is not me who really defeated them, but themselves. It is the world of spiritual supremacy. All I did was open the channel and drive them from the other side."

"Did you open a passage? What about this passage?" molochton came to his mind and leaned forward slightly.

"I don\'t know! Maybe it\'s still there, maybe it\'s gone. Even I can\'t confirm the location of that place. If you\'re interested, you can consider catching those losers. If they are really hated by the world, they will be mentally stained with pollution. And this pollution can help you locate the connection point." Zhang Cheng explained half true and half false.

Of course, to some extent, his theory is correct.

But what about the truth?

If Moloch really finds that connection point, he will be greeted by disappearance and eternal death.

Unfortunately, Morlock was not aware of the danger of this matter, and impatiently continued to ask, "so how can we find those guys?"

"Hehe, it\'s very simple. I happen to have some things left by them here. I believe it should not be difficult to find them with your strength. Moreover, if necessary, I can provide some additional help, as long as you are willing to provide some knowledge and materials..."