All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1210

Greed, desire and temptation are always indispensable factors leading to destruction and death.

Because without these strong impulses, no life will easily lose its reason.

Just as there is no hunger and no need to eat to maintain life, wild animals will not risk their lives to hunt. They clearly know that the process of hunting is likely to be injured or even die.

Unfortunately, this assumption will never exist.

After all, no desire and no desire, whether in theory or in reality, can not exist.

If there is no desire, then life has no motivation to live, and will choose to die rather than struggle to live in pain.

As a madman who has deeply understood the essence of desire, Zhang Cheng is undoubtedly very good at observing the real desire in a person\'s heart and using this desire to achieve his own ulterior purpose.

In just a few words, he succeeded in arousing the interest of the city master with a giant body in front of him.

Although he is still unclear why the other party is interested in the connection point between the material universe and the spiritual world.

One thing can be confirmed, that is, the strength of the other party is far from being able to resist the strong impact of material and energy, and will not be willing to give up the huge spiritual power and go to the material universe with a weak body.


"Are you sure that guy will be fooled?"

After walking out of the lower palace of the Obelisk and returning to the memory room, the initiator stopped and tried in an uncertain tone.

"Why not? Look back on his eyes. Do you think it\'s a kind of deception or camouflage? No, it\'s not. It\'s a strong desire from the heart. Believe me, this kind of thing can\'t be fake." Zhang Cheng gave a straight answer in the affirmative.

But the initiator obviously had doubts, frowned and questioned, "why? Why is he interested in the connection point and the material universe?"

"Sorry, you should ask him about this, not me. Desire is often difficult to judge by reason. For example, some gods who have exceeded the limits of mortals will still be obsessed with being lovers or a friendship in the mortal period, and are willing to spend a great price to maintain it carefully. From a rational point of view, you can\'t understand it at all I can\'t explain why he did this. Yes! This is desire. Although it can make rational, it is irrational most of the time. "Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders and explained.

Because desire itself is an impulsive behavior born from some primitive instinct in the gene and then slowly evolved.

It\'s like being angry, angry and angry. Everyone knows that these behaviors will only make the situation worse, but few people can resist it when it comes to the end.

He has always believed that everything in the world can not escape the control of desire. If the universe itself has independent consciousness, there must be some desire.

"Do you think what Moloch did is irrational?" the initiator obviously hesitated for a while, and seemed not to agree with this view.

Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head: "no! I mean, don\'t try to infer his behavior from our way of thinking. Don\'t forget, this is the spiritual world. How many intelligent lives have you seen that can be called" normal "

"You mean... His way of thinking and habits are likely to be very different from what we observed on the surface?" the initiator\'s eyes flashed a strange light.

"That\'s right! There is a proverb in my hometown, which says that seeing is not necessarily true. It means that the results observed by the eyes are often the most deceptive. Imagine how Moloch would create such a sick city if he was as normal as his appearance. Fuzzy order, lawless dark alleys, and lying on the residents like vampires The means of seizing spiritual power, everything implies his inner values that are diametrically opposite to ours. So I bet his next move will be far beyond our understanding. "

When he said these words, the corners of Zhang Cheng\'s mouth raised slightly, as if expecting something to happen.

To be exact, he began to have an unprecedented interest in playing with his opponent\'s heart.

In any case, Moloch is a very representative figure in the spiritual world, and also stands at a considerable height.

As long as we can study his values, mode of thinking and the deepest hidden desire, we will be equivalent to understanding the commonness of higher life groups in the world.

Understanding the commonness means being able to play some tricks and exchange the minimum cost for the maximum benefit.

It was as easy for him to incite opposition, hatred, chaos and war as to eat and drink water.

Moreover, he also brought the heart of the tree of chaos, a creation with unlimited potential.

"Then can you tell me your plan?" the initiator was keenly aware of the darkness and evil in the surrounding air, and grinned with a playful smile.

"Ah! Of course! Who makes us allies? But before that, I need to borrow the mind of your old friend to solve a small problem."

After that, Zhang Cheng turned his eyes to the man who had been reading all kinds of memories.

The latter raised his head, dragged his chin and asked with interest, "what is it?"

"It\'s a difficult problem about the dominance of spirit, material and energy. Suppose, now I want to open a connection point to the material universe. Theoretically, a large amount of material and energy will flow in at an instant, causing a violent impact on the spiritual power, right? My question is, which one will dominate for a short time at this time."

Zhang Cheng did not try to hide anything, but put forward the problem that had been bothering him.

Although he had personally experienced the extremely chaotic state, he did not stay much for the sake of safety, nor did he dare to carry out any dangerous tests inside.

God knows what serious consequences will happen if some uncertain factors are added in the space of chaos and conflict.

"Ah! A great question. You are very lucky, and this is just one of the topics I have been studying. Although I can\'t give you an accurate and positive answer, I can share some of my conclusions and guesses." the man with glasses rarely showed excitement.

you \'re right!

Just excited!

Even there is a little crazy light in my eyes