All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1208

There is no doubt that the news brought by the initiator gives Zhang Cheng a new understanding of the world. At the same time, he also realizes that the next danger he will face may not only come from the spiritual world itself, but also the "pioneers" who came here a long time ago.

After all, they have been in this world for too long. If they are still alive, they may have far more power than expected, or even hover on the edge of breaking the boundaries.

As a saying goes, sometimes the most terrible enemies are not those seen on the surface, but threats hidden in the dark.

In this way, the two enemies who should have hated each other and chose to join hands again.

When they returned to the huge room filled with memories, the man wearing glasses finally put down yajiu. A happy look flashed in his eyes and a very rare smile: "ah! Look who\'s coming! You\'re really the same as I expected. It\'s impossible to miss the opportunity to exceed the limit."

"Thanks for the compliment. If I remember wrong, you never seem to show up in the organization before, haven\'t you?" Zhang Cheng looked at each other with interest.

To tell the truth, although he had heard many rumors about the guy in front of him, it was the first time he saw him with his own eyes.

Different from the genius in most people\'s impression, this man looks a little melancholy. His silver gray short hair is very disorderly stacked together, and his two black eyes are like a vortex, filled with the light called wisdom.

Needless to ask, if one tenth of those rumors are true, he should not be underestimated.

"That\'s right! If you mean meeting, this is indeed the first time. But in fact, we met a long time ago. To be exact, I tried to clone countless you by using genetic technology to find a special way of thinking mixed with reason and madness. You know? I\'m very interested in you because you proved the ultimate contradiction and unity from one side In fact, they can coexist. "

While saying these words, the man gently took off the glasses created with spiritual force.

We should know that spirit is the extension of consciousness, so he wears glasses only out of a deep-rooted habit. As for myopia, it didn\'t exist long ago.

"You cloned me?!" Zhang Cheng obviously heard this for the first time and subconsciously frowned.

Any normal person who hears that someone has cloned himself will be instantly angry, either yell at the other party for what purpose, or directly kill him.

Fortunately, he was never a normal person, and he didn\'t have much anger about cloning himself. He just felt a little unhappy.

In particular, the cold in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes became colder when he thought that countless people had been used as experimental subjects and thrown into various environments for cruel tests.

But the man didn\'t think so, smiled and nodded: "Yes! I have cloned not only you, but also myself and him. I have always wanted to prove that the so-called fate does not exist in fact. The real determination of a person\'s future destiny comes from a person\'s internal quality or the influence of the acquired environment. However, the experimental results have proved that my guess is wrong, and the destiny is real. No matter what I say How many clones are made and how favorable conditions are created for the development of these clones. In the end, none of them can reach the height of you, him and me. "

"So you believe in fate?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes, I believe in fate. It sounds incredible, doesn\'t it? In fact, I didn\'t want to believe it at the beginning, but the data and reality are always more convincing than anything. As a gift for the first time, I\'ll give you this experimental data about clones. I hope we can trust each other wholeheartedly in the next cooperation , at least make sure the alliance is unbreakable until all the enemies are eliminated. "

With that, the man put a finger into his head and slowly extracted a huge mass of data from it.

Through the simple room, Zhang Cheng soon saw the amazing scene.

When he was still living on the earth, this seemingly harmless guy secretly cloned millions of himself, then randomly threw them into every corner of the universe, silently observed and recorded the living conditions of each experimental body in a very secret way, and gave limited help when necessary.

But in the end, without exception, they all experienced cruel failure at a certain stage. Most of the dead can no longer die, and a few strong survive.

I know nothing about such a large-scale experiment?

This alone made Zhang Cheng shudder. At the same time, he was secretly full of vigilance against the old friend of the initiator.

Because to some extent, the latter is more dangerous and hidden than the former, and does not have much ambition. It just wants to find out the truth behind all this.

What is the universe?

What is the relationship between material, energy and spirit?

What will happen if the two universes become one, or open a stable channel?

Just like those problems that have been bothering Zhang Cheng, they are also bothering this guy who is eager to get to the bottom of the matter.

After making this clear, he put the memory away and planned to watch and appreciate it later when he was free. He asked without raising his head: "what are you going to do next? Don\'t tell me, you will allow the Lord of Morlock to continue to play with those cheap tricks."

"Hehe, I was going to endure for a while longer, but since you joined me, I think it\'s time to use color." the man pursed his mouth and showed a dangerous smile.

"Agree! My temper is not good enough to be plotted and greeted with a smile." the initiator obviously had a strong resentment.

If he hadn\'t discovered it early, he estimated that he would soon be lost in that incomparable pleasure.

"Tell me, what is the plan? The most important thing is what kind of power level the city Lord is at and how we can make him fear. After all, the spirit of revenge is to make your enemies taste pain, despair and heartfelt regret. Then when he starts begging for mercy, he will take away the last hope bit by bit." Zhang Cheng described it in a relaxed tone.

"Ha ha! I like your attitude and reaction to hatred! It seems that our cooperation will be very happy."

"I hope so..."