All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1207

The conversation between two smart people often doesn\'t need to say much, and they can understand each other\'s meaning.

Through a short conversation, the initiator quickly realized that the reason why Lord Moloch insisted on making him pay "taxes" was not for that ridiculous spiritual power, but to immerse him in the pleasure of continuous smoking.

You know, the power he sucks is not completely absorbed for his own growth, but constantly handed over to another guy.

This means that he actually gets nothing, just as a transit station, the absorbed energy goes in with the left hand and out with the right hand, leaving only the addictive enjoyment.

At the thought that he almost became the object of others\' play, the initiator immediately felt that a flame began to burn in his heart, and his eyes glittered with cold and dangerous light.

After forcing himself to calm down for a long time, he clenched his fist and said in a non emotional voice, "since you are here, it means that you actually have the same goal as us, right?"

"That\'s right!"

Zhang Cheng admitted it openly.

Because there is no need to hide such things. Anyone who is willing to give up his dominant power, identity and status must have higher pursuit and ambition to break the limit and surpass again.

"Very good! So are you interested in joining hands with me again? If I remember correctly, the last time we joined hands, we gave the enemy an impressive lesson." the initiator offered an invitation.

"Yes! But there is a premise that all knowledge, information and research success must be shared without any concealment." Zhang Cheng also made an impolite offer.

As the first person to enter the spiritual world, the guy with eyes must have much more information on hand than him. If he shares it, he will not suffer.

Moreover, he has hidden his most important discovery in his body. Unless he shows strength, no one will notice the organ belonging to the death overlord.

"Share all?!" the initiator obviously hesitated, but finally nodded. "No problem! But you must make corresponding contributions. There is no free lunch in the world, let alone the benefits of taking it for nothing. You must pay the price if you want to get anything."

"I agree! Then wish us a happy cooperation again?" Zhang Cheng took the initiative to stretch out his right hand.

Without saying a word, the initiators also extended their right hands and shook hands with each other according to the etiquette of friendship on earth.

After the handshake, Zhang Cheng immediately asked, "I heard that you and your old friend have entered Morlock\'s memory room? What\'s the matter? Have you found anything interesting?"

"Many, very many, more than you can imagine. You know? I thought that the world was only a world at most, and it didn\'t deserve the name of the universe, but after reading, I found that the depth and breadth it represented were no less than our material universe. Spirit, in short, is the extension of will, imagination, creativity and changing reality In the material universe, everything is dominated by matter and energy. The spirit can only rely on matter to change the reality. But here, the spirit can surpass everything. "

When he said this, the initiator looked very excited, opened his arms like a madman, and tried to embrace something that didn\'t exist.

But soon, he returned to normal and continued to talk with a smile: "According to the fragments found in those memories, we have found a major secret. In fact, the connection between the two universes existed long ago. Remember those missing or dead masters? Several of them have come to this world. And some powerful individuals here have broken through obstacles to the material universe."

"So, did any of these pioneers who broke barriers and tried to surpass their own limits finally succeed? Or did any of them survive?" Zhang Cheng was undoubtedly very interested in this topic, with strong and crazy desire in his eyes.

"Sorry, I don\'t know. Because the fragments of those memories are too short and vague. What\'s more, although the world looks white, it is actually very large. At least in Moloch\'s memory, he has been in and out of hundreds of such cities."

After that, the initiator turned and caught the spy hiding in the corner, tore it into pieces and swallowed it.

"Hundreds of seats?"

Hearing this figure, even if Zhang Cheng had been prepared, he couldn\'t help opening his mouth slightly.

We should know that this is not a city simply composed of dense population in the material world, but a stronghold that can ensure stability and survival only after a strong order is established by force.

First of all, you must be able to ensure that the city can avoid the attack of terrorist creatures such as overlord.

It\'s not easy to know, because overlords are powerful individuals at the end of the evolution of the spiritual world. For them, wisdom is not necessary at all. Therefore, many overlords, like beasts, have no so-called wisdom at all and still follow the naked jungle laws such as the law of the jungle.

Without wisdom means that there is no communication and negotiation, and only a series of methods can be used to expel, or even force.

In other words, the founder of every city must have a way to compete with the overlord, and even the city builder itself is a overlord.

Secondly, we should also ensure that those crazy people who try to strengthen themselves through plunder will not lose control of the internal order of the city.

The city itself and the vast field of the spiritual world basically belong to a state of complete opposition.

Especially the latter, there are no rules at all. Every encounter in the wild is basically the enemy, so the only thing to do is to kill the other party and seize the spiritual power of the other party.

But the city is a symbol of order. A set of rules must be established. The life who comes here must learn to replace the most primitive plunder through trade.

Finally, and most importantly, there must be enough intelligent life as support.

After all, in this world, life like a beast occupies an overwhelming advantage. If there is enough intelligent life to fill hundreds of cities, it means there are thousands of times of intelligent life like a beast.

Zhang Cheng is very curious. Where were these creatures born?

The blending between spirit and spirit?

Or is it similar to sexual and asexual reproduction in the material world?

Or is there a secret place similar to the birthplace, where all kinds of larvae are produced every day, and then they devour each other and evolve. They will not leave until they grow to a certain extent?